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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Basic Chart of Process Types - B571029 | Сравнить

CONTENTS A BASIC CHART OF PROCESS TYPES Cохранить документ себе Скачать


October 29, 1957

Prerequisite understanding to this chart: Definitions of body, bank and mind. Communication — Upper Indoc course. Text: Scientology: Fundamentals of Thought.

Type No.123

a) Name Starting — Ending session Control Processes Duplication
b) Characteristic 2-way Comm Control by Mimicry by
Action Action
c) Purpose To compose pc To place pc’s To establish
into and release body and actions communication
him from the under auditor’s
auditing session control to invite
control of them
by pc
d) Action on Bank To double To better control To go into comm
control of it of it with it on pc
Auditor + determinism not
Preclear bank
e) A Basic Example Is it all right with Sit in that chair Pc makes motion;
you to start an Thank you Auditor makes
auditing session? same motion.
Auditor makes
motion; pc makes
same motion.
f) Stable Datum Agreement Never let the Each command in
pc get out of its own unit of
doing what he time separate
is told from every other
g) Phenomena Auditing is a Pc is controlled Mis-duplication
knowing and by unknown (only once)
known activity source, which shows up and
must be turned runs out before
into known insistent
sources duplication

Type No.456


ProcessesProcessesProcesses (think)

b) Characteristic


& Forgetting


& Finding
c) Purpose To recontrol To orient pc in To recover auto
forgetting and present time, maticities of
remembering drop out past and thought and as-is
and relate past improve having- unwanted
to present ness thinkingness
d) Action on Bank To as-is locks and To drop out past To mass as-is
engrams and havingness by significance
bring them into substituting
knowingness level present
havingness and to

e)A Basic ExampleRecall a momentNotice that wallThink a thought

f) Stable Datum Specific things, not generalities Attention of pc must be under auditor’s control Body control comes before control of thinking
g) Phenomena Occlusions turn Old locations Thought has
from generalities (change of space) become
to specifics. Cycle drop out substitute for
aspect of recall in masses. Classes of
time (earlier, late, thought group
etc.) and source