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CONTENTS The Bright Think Rundown THE C/S Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Reissued 11 October 1978
C/Ses Tech/Qual Class V Grad Auditors

The Bright Think Rundown

A Process to Handle Disassociation

Apparently, during the last decade, a new factor has entered into the culture that was previously only rare, possibly due to lowered educational standards or the declining nature of the culture itself, but most probably due to one of the common drugs or medicines or even food deficiencies. A percentage which was only one or two has jumped up to eighty or ninety.

This factor is visible in a decline in the ability to tell differences, similarities and identities.

In trying to train a person or get him to live a more survival type life, the establishment officer is encountering this factor.

There is a similar instance of this when drugs first moved into the scene. Before the mid-60's drugs were never much of a factor in processing and such cases were considered rare and then only as a result of medical treatments.

Suddenly I had on my hands a case that did not behave like a case. The TA went out the roof unexpectedly, with no apparent cause and the case wouldn't EP. I went into a sort out on what was different on this case from other cases. It was marijuana. Once we had run out the marijuana the case behaved like a normal case. I was suddenly looking at a rising percentage of such cases, which to date, through the kindness of psychology and psychiatry, had risen to a majority of cases in society.

So here we go again. Some new factor apparently has entered into the society and has risen in a percent which is so high that it will get in the road of anyone trying to get the show on the road.

The factor can be called "Disassociation".

We have here a marvellous new process – The Bright Think Rundown. Powerfully simple, it requires an auditor who is well-steeled against the temptation to Q and A and who is able to run a process through whatever it turns on.

It was originally designed as a remedy for Theetie Weetie cases, but has proven enormously successful as well with cases who disassociate.

This is the person who associates not A and B, but A and O. Not apples and bananas but apples and typewriters. You make a statement and he bends it over to something that has nothing to do with the price of fish.

He is very hard to direct because alter-is enters into it. In fact, an alter-is could be a manifestation of being disassociated.

Things which are different, he conceives to be identical. Things which are similar he conceives to be widely different. Things which are identical he conceives to be only similar.

This case will mess up or complicate just about any order or communication by bringing in carloads of data which have absolutely nothing to do with it. This is because he mis-identifies and cannot evaluate differences in time, location, form, composition, or importance. He is lost in his own figure-figure and facsimiles, sometimes universes away.

The new discovery is that he is back on the time track in locations very remote from where he is. It is not that he is stuck on the track where he is, but is stuck on the track elsewhere, often eons ago.

This is the reason Date/Locate works. It has to be in that order. You have to date it and then locate it because the location is never in now.

The auditor who runs it and the C/S who C/S's it have to have a full command of the subject of "revivication".

Revivication is the bringing back to life of a engram in which a preclear is stuck. The engram or some portion thereof is being acted out in present time by the preclear. It is called revivication because the engram is suddenly more real to the preclear than present time has ever been. He re-live that moment briefly. He does not merely recall or remember it.

This means that the person moves into a back point of time totally. He gives certain manifestations when he does this, these can be various. They always are visible to the auditor. The trick in processing is to keep running the process until the pc comes out of it just as though nothing had happened.

As the process is run expect the pc to answer from points down the track where he has been stuck. These are the points he operates from while apparently in PT. Expect engrams to appear, with revivication occuring as they are contacted and blown. As the pc re-lives these incidents, he will come out of them, newly, and this time truly in present time. And with a new viewpoint.

Anaten, somatics, abrupt shifts of tone level, heat, agitated physical motion are all quite likely to occur as these points are run off, as the pc is actually revivifying at each heavy point. You just keep running the process with good TRs and metering. The auditor must ensure the pc is fully sessionable before starting the Rundown, and once started, must get the pc through the phenomena which occur as the pc revivifies and blows through the stuck points on his track. The pc's answers will signify to the auditor precisely what is occurring.

It is vital not to Q and A with these "symptoms" as they come up.


Here is your C/S for the Bright Think Rundown.


"Where would you be safe?"

Repetitively to F/N, Cog, VGIs (and pc in PT of course).

The end phenomena of the process is a realisation by the pc that he's really in present time. This EP is normally expressed with some variation of the statement "I'm Here!" This EP must not be coaxed by the auditor asking "Are you here yet?" and the pc must not be fed the cognition.

As the process is run the pc will spot places that are nearby and then places that are far away. The spots he'd spot are near, then far, then near, then far, sometimes a few near and then a few far and then a few near. If the pc does not do this then you know he is not doing the process.

You will find up to 20% of your pc's give simply glib answers and experience no change. This pc is answering the question in some particular and outrageous way. If you give him a DofP Interview on exactly how he was answering the question, you will find he was using some oddball system disassociated from the process. (The Fourth American ACC tapes discuss this.) The way to handle this pc is objectives as he is too far out of it to handle a concept and is basically operating off a system.

Before you can spot places in the universe you have to have a universe, right?

The main errors an auditor can make are a failure to carry on the process when something peculiar happens and failure to notice a true EP has been reached.

On the failed case (the 20% noted above), when objectives have honestly been completed, you can then run the process with great benefits, but be sure the pc is up to answering the question.

You will get some remarkable changes. Some major wins.
