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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- CCHs 5, 6, 7 - B710930-6 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Процессы КОО 5, 6 и 7 - Б710930-6 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 710930 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - TRs in Auditor Training and Cramming [B011-175]
- 710930 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - TRs in Auditor Training and Cramming [B045-058]
- 710930 Issue 4 - HCO Bulletin - Auditing [B011-176]
- 710930 Issue 4 - HCO Bulletin - Auditing [B045-059]
- 710930 Issue 5 - HCO Bulletin - Co-Auditing Drill - Model Session for CCHs 1 to 4 [B011-177]
- 710930 Issue 5 - HCO Bulletin - Co-Auditing Drill - Model Session for CCHs 1 to 4 [B045-060]
- 710930 Issue 6 - HCO Bulletin - CCHs 5, 6 & 7 [B011-178]
- 710930 Issue 6 - HCO Bulletin - CCHs 5, 6 & 7 [B045-061]
- 710930 Issue 6 - HCO Bulletin - CCHs 5, 6 & 7 [B052-015]
- 710930 Issue 7 - HCO Bulletin - Drills - Model Session for CCHs 5, 6, & 7 [B011-179]
- 710930 Issue 7 - HCO Bulletin - Drills - Model Session for CCHs 5, 6, & 7 [B045-062]
- 710930 Issue 8 - HCO Bulletin - Drill - Model Session for OP Pro by Dup [B011-180]
- 710930 Issue 8 - HCO Bulletin - Drill - Model Session for OP Pro by Dup [B045-063]
- 710930 Issue 9 - HCO Bulletin - Drill - Recall Lists Model Session [B011-181]
- 710930 Issue 9 - HCO Bulletin - Drill - Recall Lists Model Session [B045-064]
CONTENTS CCHs 5, 6 & 7 NUMBER: CCH 5 NUMBER: CCH 6 NUMBER: CCH 7 Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor. East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue VI
Amended & reissued 19 April 1974
(Only change is in signature & commands of CCH 7.)
Remimeo HQS Course HQS Course Supers

CCHs 5, 6 & 7

(Taken verbatim from HCOB 11 June l957 for use on the HQS Course)


NAME: Location by Contact.

COMMANDS: "Touch that (indicated object). " "Thank you. "

POSITION: Auditor and preclear may be seated where the preclear is very unable, in which case they are seated at a table which has a number of objects scattered on its surface. Or auditor and preclear may be ambulant, with the auditor in manual contact with the preclear as is necessary to face him toward and guide him to the indicated object.

PURPOSE: The purpose of the process is to give the preclear orientation and havingness and to improve his perception.

TRAINING STRESS: Training stress is upon gentleness, ARC and the raising of the preclear's certainty that he has touched the indicated object. It should be noticed that this can be run on blind people.

HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard from Locational Processing in 1957.



NAME: Body-Room Contact.

COMMANDS: "Touch your (body part). " "Thank you. " "Touch that (indicated room object). " "Thank you. "

POSITION: Auditor and preclear move about together as needed, the auditor enforcing the commands by manual contact using the preclear's hands to touch objects and touch body parts.

PURPOSE: To establish the orientation and increase the havingness of the preclear and to give him in particular a reality on his own body.

TRAINING STRESS: Training stress is upon using only those body parts which are not embarrassing to the preclear as it will be found that preclear ordinarily has very little reality on various parts of his body. Impossible commands should not be given to the preclear in any case.

HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in 1957 in Washington, D.C. , as a lower step than Body-Room Show Me.



NAME: Contact by Duplication.

COMMANDS: "Touch that table. " "Thank you. " "Touch your (body part). " "'Thank you. " "Touch that table. " "Thank you. " "Touch your (same body part). " "Thank you. " "Touch that table. " "Thank you. " "Touch your (same body part). " "Thank you," etc, in that order.

POSITION: Auditor may be seated. Preclear should be walking. Usually auditor standing by to manually enforce the commands.

PURPOSE: Process is used to heighten perception, orient the preclear and raise the preclear's havingness. Control of attention as in all these "contact" processes naturally takes the attention units out of the bank which itself has been controlling the preclear's attention.

TRAINING STRESS: Training stress is on precision of command and motion, with each command in its unit of time, all commands perfectly duplicated. Preclear to continue to run process even though he dopes off. Good ARC with the preclear, not picking one body part which is aberrated at first but flattening some non-aberrated body part before aberrated body part is tackled.

HISTORY: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in 1957 in Washington, D.C. , as a lower level process than Opening Procedure by Duplication, or Show Me by Duplication. All contact processes have been developed out of the Pre-Logics.
