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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- CCHs Purpose - B620412 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Предназначение УОО - Б620412 | Сравнить
- УОО - Предназначение - Б620412 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 620412 - HCO Bulletin - CCHs - Purpose [B002-021]
- 620412 - HCO Bulletin - CCHs - Purpose [B029-011]
- 620412 - HCO Bulletin - CCHs - Purpose [B038-017]
- 620412 - HCO Bulletin - CCHs - Purpose [B160-007]
CONTENTS CCHs PURPOSE Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex


A long time ago – in 1949 – while doing research in Dianetics, I experienced considerable trouble in getting some pcs “up to present time”.

As you know, a pc can get “stuck in the past”, and if you can get a pc out of his engrams and reactive mind (his perpetuated past) he becomes aware of the present. He or she is unaware of the present to the degree that shock or injury has caused an arrest in time.

After running an engram, we used to tell the pc to “Come to present time” and the pc would, ordinarily, but sometimes no.

By telling the pc to examine the room, the return to present time could be accomplished on many.

I observed that a common denominator of all aberration was interiorization into the past and unawareness of the present time environment.

Over the years, I developed what became the CCHs.

Control, In-Communication-With, and Havingness of Present Time became feasible through certain drills of Control, Communication and Havingness, using the present time environment.

This is the purpose of the CCH drills – getting the pc out of the past and into present time. Any drill which did this would be a CCH drill, even “Come Up to Present Time!” as a single command.

The pc is stuck not just in engrams but in past identities. In fact the pc out of present time is being the past.

The pc can be made to see he is being the past and that there is a present.

Thus when the pc “has a somatic” and you ask the pc what it was, you get him or her to differentiate between self and past by looking. A being who is something, cannot observe it. A being who looks at something, ceases to be it. A pc can even be a somatic!

Hence the CCHs must be run with a non-forbidding present time, with queries about somatics and changes.

It’s all as simple as that, basically. That’s why they work – they get the pc to Present Time. But only if they are run right. Only if they invite the pc to progress.

Run wrong, the CCHs can actually drive a pc out of present time or park him or her in the session.

Do you see, now?