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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- CS Q and A - B700619 | Сравнить
- Chart of Human Evaluation (CSS-008) - B700619 | Сравнить

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SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 700619 - HCO Bulletin - CS Q and A [B010-062]
- 700619 - HCO Bulletin - CS Q and A [B043-056]
- 700619 - HCO Bulletin - CS Q and A [B078-007]
- 700619 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Chart of Human Evaluation [B010-063]
- 700619 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Chart of Human Evaluation [B010-079]
- 700619 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Chart of Human Evaluation [B043-057]
- 700619 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Chart of Human Evaluation [B078-008]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue II
C/S Series 7CS Series 8


Chart Of Human Evaluation

Just as an auditor can Q and A so can a C/S.

Science of Survival's Chart of Human Evaluation is a study for C/Ses and is of great use.

As you know Q and A is the incorrect 2-way comm action of wandering off the question by feeding the pc what the pc said as a Question, the Answer is taken as the next auditor's Question. Many various outlines of what Q and A is already exist and this is just to refresh the subject. Example: Student Auditor is ordered "2-way comm on cities," by the C/S which is okay. But it can be Q and Aed like this: Student: "Tell me what you think about cities. " Pc: "They're cold. " Student: "What about cold?" Pc: "I don't like it. " Student: "What else don't you like?" Pc: "Well…… old men. " Student: "What about old men?" Pc: "They're obnoxious. " Student: "What else is obnoxious?" Pc: "……" Well you remember all about that. It's maddening and shows no auditor control and certainly doesn't handle the original C/S subject of "cities".

When you find the pc on one of its columns you can see if the pc stays there or falls back there.

There are three main ways in which a C/S can Q and A in C/Sing.

Standard Dianetics opened this chart to full use for C/Ses. 18 years of Scientology processes and know-how are to a large degree evolved from this chart.


If a pc is staying at a level of the chart or falls on it you know he is running above his level.

Pc goes to Examiner on own volition and says, "I am ill. I need my ruds flown. "

Processing Changes Conditions.

A C/S Q and A would be "Fly ruds. "

If it doesn't improve them (or the pc's behavior) then the pc's Reality is not being reached. It can be plus or minus, above or below. It is seldom that the pc's reality is higher than the processes used and really only occurs when a grade honestly run is rerun. Then you get pc protest as he's made that.

Pc on his own goes to Examiner and says, "I am upset about my job. "

Pcs who get sick suddenly are being run far too high on the Class Chart. Pcs who don't change are also being run too high.

C/S writes "L1B on job. "

Behavior, mannerisms are the index. Do these change? If they do the pc is improving. If they drop lower on the Human Evaluation Chart the pc is in overwhelm.

You get the idea. The first one is therefore Q and Aing with Exam statement of pc.

Picking thoughts out of forces in the bank brings a no change.

This is varied by taking a pc's note or letter or report and accepting what the pc says is wrong. Like "I'm PTS to my husband. " And then C/Sing "2-way comm on husband. "

In other words you can park a pc by continuing nothing but think processes which address only significance.

Naturally the ancient law applies here. If the pc knew what it was it would not be wrong and would as-is. Pc coming up to Exam saying, "It's my husband!" with F/N Cog VGIs would be what would happen if it was the husband. And that would be great but of no real value to C/S except pc has had a win and not to now use "husband".


Give you an actual example: Pc in Solo ruds found she hated George. It F/Ned. Next audited session pc was saying she hated George. Wrote a note about George. C/S did not notice the outness. Ordered LIB on George and in a 2-way comm got little or no TA, continued to be ill. The fact is it wasn't George at all and not even a terminal. Pc had gone up one grade too many, hit an overwhelm, the earlier 6 grades were out! Correct action was to have done a general repair the moment a pc suddenly and mysteriously caved in and got ill on a new level! The pc never should have been going on up grades for the last 6 grades!

Self auditing is the manifestation of being overwhelmed by masses etc. and pulling only think out of the bank. Pulling out think then pulls in more force which gives more self audit.

The tendency to toss it all off with a Q and A not only didn't handle but obscured the real situation.

Not all self audit is bad. The pc eventually realizes it's forces! After a few tens of thousands of hours! If he knows all the answers.

C/Sing A WIN

A good push against a wall is worth a hundred hours of self auditing. And it's force.

The second Q and A is to C/S a pc win.


Pc in 2-way comm mentions cats and more cats and cats and finally at the end of session has a big F/N Cog VGIs on cats.

This famous chart (in use by the way by an airline and several other areas, and which had to be printed as desk blotters for personnel people at one time) could easily be expanded in numbers of vertical columns to include all behavior.

The C/S sees all this "cat" mention and orders "Prepcheck cats. "

The C/S is at a disadvantage as he doesn't see pcs. But he can have a mannerism item filled in on a Summary Report. "Mannerisms______" "Mannerism changes __________ _____"

That is a very cruel sort of Q and A.

This serves.

Another version of it of course is to see a pc reach a full End Phenomena on a series of processes like an unmistakable pc-volunteered valence shift and keep on going into an inval. Correction is to rehab of course.

It also serves to look at the psychosomatic column of the chart and a pc's Health Form.

Yet another version is to pull a w/h and then keep pulling it so the pc doesn't think it's gone. Correction is to rehab of course.


The TA often goes high or low on these Q and A actions and Inval-Eval actions are ordered and the release point rehabbed.

The pc will change in ideas when he changes his relationship to forces.


Tons of processes do this.

The third Q and A a C/S can pull is to agree to the pc's demands for the next grade despite all contrary indicators.

Objective Processes have to be run in on a pc now and then.

"I'm ready for Clear now!" says the pc full of somatics whose R6EW wasn't really done and who can't talk.

Somatics passing through in a session are a definite clue to force change. The no-somatic pc is either high as an angel or being run too high.

The Registrar, execs and others push on this also.

You don't have to run directly at force for forces to change in the pc.

The D of P and C/S have total authority on this. They should be diplomatic. "He can have the grade of course but I will have to prepare him for it," is the best answer. "Please make arrangements for Clear preparation – 25 hours. "

One 2 way comm I did with a pc released his hold on a huge bundle of forces!

If the C/S doesn't hold the fort on this the pc put into the next grade who isn't ready will fall on his head.

The body responds badly to forces.

If this pressure from the pc (in any version) continues, have him sign a waiver "I will not hold the org or any principals responsible and waive any refund if I am put on next grade. " That either gets home or he says okay and signs. So put him on the grade and hope he doesn't fall on his head – and if he does, now demand he get the hours needed to get fixed up so he can really make it.

The conflict between protecting or using a body and being as a thetan able to withstand large forces gets so mixed up in a pc he can wind up as a force-shy thetan!

A D of P or C/S often have other pressures exerted on them that are not technical in nature such as economics, ambition, status symbols (of having a high grade regardless of a headache) and have to cope with these diplomatically. But any but tech considerations are dangerous to entertain.



Standard processes such as those in use for 18 years handle this when fitted into their levels.

Of these 3, 2 are concerned with letting someone else C/S. Like an engineer letting someone else plan the railroad.

What the C/S has to realize is that he is (a) producing an optimum rate of change in the pc if he is C/Sing well and (b) changing the pc's position upward on the Chart of Human Evaluation.

And the third is also slightly in that nature, consisting of not noticing the pc's wins and using them with which to C/S.




This doesn't mean the pc is always wrong. He is generally right when he says he's overwhelmed or upset. He's almost always wrong when he says what overwhelmed him or what BPC was out when simply saying it does not correct the case or produce F/N VGIs.

You always use the pc's data one way or another in that you are paralleling what the Mind does. That's reads. Not what the pc says.

Remember that what's really wrong lies in the field of mass, energy, space, time, form and location. As these are eased up (by Standard Dianetics and 18 years of Scientology actions and processes) thoughts come to view. So if you Q and A with thoughts already in full view, you never really ease up the bank. That's why Q and A with significance is not done.
