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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- CSing the False Purpose Rundown (FPRD-7) - B840611 | Сравнить

Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo FPRD Auditors FPRD C/Ses Cramming Officers False Purpose Rundown Series 7



This rundown is a very powerful C/S tool for case advancement. Utilizing technical breakthroughs made in whole track research, it is unique in its direct approach to the handling of evil purposes and destructive intentions. It is actually a brand-new look at the subject: Guiding the pc down to basic on overt chains with thorough Sec Checking of each overt itself, then carrying through with special steps designed to blow the factors that originally prompted the overt.


In order to C/S the False Purpose Rundown one must have successfully completed the Hubbard False Purpose Rundown Auditor Course and internship and must have graduated the Hubbard False Purpose RD C/S Course.


Case prerequisites for the rundown are Purification Rundown and Objectives. The only exception would be a pc who is in Case Category 4 per HCOB 12 Nov. 81RD, GRADE CHART STREAMLINED FOR LOWER GRADES: OCA all in the upper half of graph, no heavy drug history. Such a pc could be put straight onto the rundown provided he had been fully educated as a pc with a Scientology C/S-1. But the False Purpose RD is not an introductory-type action and would not ordinarily be programed on a “raw meat” case.

It would also be a mistake to program someone for the False Purpose RD whose track was heavily blocked off with drugs, as the pc needs to be able to go E/S. If the C/S has such a case on his hands, despite the person having completed a standard Purif and battery of Objectives, then a Drug RD must be done.

The False Purpose Rundown is primarily used to unstick a stalled case and get it moving up the Grade Chart again. It is not a grade or level in itself.

Where a Dianetic Clear or any pre-OT has stalled in his progress up the Bridge, the False Purpose Rundown can give him a tremendous boost in blasting through the barriers he is faced with and make it possible for him to make it on up the line to full OT.

As an example, a pc receiving HRD auditing might plow into an inability to free up on something, and not come around with handlings specific to the HRD. If through folder study and assessment of prepared lists the C/S discovers that the primary factor holding the pc back lies in the area of evil purposes in conflict with one or more of the precepts of The Way to Happiness, such a pc would need to be shifted over to the False Purpose RD – and completed on a specific False Purpose RD form – and then returned to the HRD and the HRD carried through to completion.

Another example would be a pc receiving PTS handling. Should it become evident that the pc is actually a pretended PTS (per HCOB 28 Feb. 84, C/S Series 118, PRETENDED PTS) he can be smoothly moved over onto the False Purpose RD.

The False Purpose RD is not a panacea to be used in place of other standard case debug and repair tools such as drug handlings or the Expanded GF 40. It is used when the C/S has determined that what is stalling a case is evil purposes. It is programed so as to locate and handle the evil purposes and false purposes and nonsurvival considerations, after which the pc is returned to and moved on up the Grade Chart. Some repair lists, such as the GF 40X, contain questions which can detect evil purposes on a case. Such questions reading would alert the C/S to the need to ensure that the False Purpose RD was included in the pc’s future programing.


Though the False Purpose Rundown reaches more deeply into the heart of a pc’s case than Sec Checking, and incorporates brand-new tech discoveries from whole track research, its C/Sing and programing follow the same basic C/Sing and programing rules applicable to Sec Checking.

One could for example have a case that is in the middle of a grade or level, not in any sort of ethics trouble, and running fine in session, who simply originates to a Reg that he would like to receive the False Purpose RD. The Reg and C/S would handle this as they would any pc request for a particular rundown, as per HCOB 12 Nov. 81RD, Grade Chart Streamlined For Lower Grades, section “Programing.” The C/S would not interrupt the grade the pc was in the middle of and interject the False Purpose RD.

On the other hand, one could have a pc who is very evidently in need of this RD right now – not later.

In all such cases the C/S follows HCOB 28 Sept. 82, C/S Series 115, Mixing Rundowns And Repairs, and HCOB 13 Oct. 82, C/S Series 116, Ethics And The C/S, which give the rules.


Before a pc is begun on the False Purpose Rundown he must be properly set up, with an F/N and VGIs.


The preclear must have a full understanding of the words and commands of the False Purpose Rundown. The pc has to have a very clear understanding of what is an overt, a withhold, an evil purpose, a confusion and so on.


A pc or pre-OT beginning the rundown is first put onto the False Purpose Rundown Basic Form (HCOB 14 June 84, False Purpose Rundown Series 10-A).

Other forms may be used in addition to the basic form. For example, a pc might be a field auditor in for some case cleanup and tech update; he could be programed for the False Purpose Rundown using an “auditor form.” If additional forms are used, the questions are handled per the A-G steps of the False Purpose Rundown procedure. In any case, questions are not deleted from the form.

Any form may have questions added to it by the C/S that pertain to the individual person’s background and occupation(s) and current scene (Ref: HCOB 1 Mar. 77 II, CONFESSIONAL FORMS).


The False Purpose RD does not take the place of standard ethics. If a person is currently involved in an out-ethics situation and is thereby harming the org or those around him in some fashion, or has gross downtrending statistics as a group member, that person should be hauled into Ethics and sorted out. Such handling might even include a rapid HCO Sec Check as a means of getting to the root of some PT situation, so that ethics can be gotten in.

Example (correct): A sum of money has been reported missing from the Treasury cash box. At the same time, staff member Pete begins insisting he must leave staff for one “reason” or another. Well, here is an obvious candidate for some pointed investigatory questioning by a skilled Sec Checker. The C/S in this case needs to get a certain set of Sec Check questions answered, fast. In this illustration it would be incorrect to embark on the False Purpose RD, as the auditor would be bound by the HCOBs to take the first question all the way through the rundown steps to persistent F/N, end session, start another session later and take up question number two, and so on. It is simply a matter for a straight HCO Confessional, get the questions answered and the overts pulled, each to F/N, and that’s it.

The False Purpose Rundown is a Tech handling. Handling tech before ethics is incorrect sequence.

Once the person has been interviewed or sec checked by an MAA, (or been before a court or committee) and physical universe handlings for any PT out-ethics have been done, or are at least in progress with the person’s ethics going in, the False Purpose RD can be used as a tool to assist him to handle the situation terminatedly. As long as ethics has gone in on the person, one can safely start him on the False Purpose RD.

Example (incorrect): Course Supervisor Elliot is found to be crashing the Academy stats, giving out verbal tech and caving in students with invalidation. Exec asks the C/S to “please get Elliot audited on the False Purpose RD right away as we must handle his destructiveness.” The C/S goes along with this. Elliot isn’t comm-eved or put through lower ethics conditions or otherwise given any ethics handling. He gets several sessions but doesn’t make any real case change. The Academy empties out. Reason: They are trying to get tech in when he is still in the ethics band. The handling is not “double the number of sessions per day he’s getting.” That would be out-sequence.

Example (correct): Betsy damaged org property and falsified an FSM commission. Turns herself in to the Ethics Officer who has her write up her O/Ws and do ethics condition formulas starting at Confusion. She works up through the conditions to Liability and writes up overts and confronts the fact that she has been out-ethics. She is, at this point, started on the False Purpose RD. Between sessions she carries on with the rest of the condition formulas, amends work, studying an ethics course, etc. The rundown is very successful. And it was successful because the sequence applied was ethics and then tech.


The False Purpose Rundown, similar to Sec Checking, is an unlimited process (Ref: HCOB 2 Nov. 68R, CASE SUPERVISOR CLASS VIII, THE BASIC PROCESSES). In other words, a person could receive False Purpose RD auditing any number of times, with an EP achieved for each False Purpose RD form done.

Example: Pc has had some auditing, some grades, then is inactive for a while (“falls off the Bridge”). He is involved in out-ethics, etc. He is recovered, and given False Purpose Rundown Series 10-A, the Basic Form. On completion of his auditing on this form he is doing extremely well and is ready to continue up the Bridge. He is sent to attest to completion of “False Purpose RD Basic Form.”

Example: A pc is having trouble with her marriage. She is audited on the False Purpose RD Basic Form, attests to it, and is then run on a False Purpose RD 2D Form. On completion of the 2D Form she is doing very well and her 2D situation is fully and happily resolved. She is sent to attest to completion of “False Purpose RD, Second Dynamic Form.”

When the person being audited on the False Purpose Rundown has been successfully completed on the last question of a particular form, the following indicators should be present:

1. The tone arm action has flattened off.

2. A marked shift of viewpoint accompanied by a cognition about the subject that was being sec checked, such as now being free from having to restrain oneself from committing harmful acts, etc. This would be a very big, embracive cognition, or number of them.

With these phenomena present, the pc may be sent to declare completion of that form. If they are not present, have the auditor assess a False Purpose Rundown Correction List and handle it M3 to an F/Ning list. If the EP as above is still not present, the case needs to be FES­ed and, taking care to use the data obtained from the correction list assessment, programed for any needed repair and then to complete that False Purpose Rundown form.


Completing a whole program is a different matter than completing one form.

A stalled Dianetic Clear might, for example, have a case program that consists of several False Purpose Rundown forms (each carried to EP), followed by False Data Stripping and then Method One Word Clearing.

The overall program would be ended, and the pc sent to declare to the program, when the end phenomena of that program had been attained. This would mean achieving the end product that program was intended to achieve, as per the C/S Series HCOBs, and would include a marked rise in the person’s OCA from the range it was in before the program was begun.


The C/S must ensure that his False Purpose Rundown auditors are well trained and interned to begin with and effectively crammed on any goofs of the procedure.

A point which must be particularly watched for is the auditor’s handling of F/Ns that occur before the full EP of a chain is reached. Some auditors, accustomed to ending off an action at the first F/N, cog, VGIs will tend to end off at an F/N rather than carrying through to the full EP (persistent F/N, cog, VVGIs, evil purpose blown).


With this new rundown and its direct address to factors that underlie nonsurvival conduct, the C/S is equipped to dramatically boost a pc or pre-OT on his way up the Bridge to full restoration of his power as a being.
