I have done a review of several failed cases which blew or went bad after auditing.
The common factor in every one was case by-passed due to “no interest”.
The auditor finds a reading drug item or an evil purpose and proposes to run R3R on it. The auditor asks if the pc is interested in running it. The pc says, “No.” The auditor does not run it. Bang, we have a By-Passed Case.
The pc will blow or go sour or not recover.
One of these cases was unchanged after “a drug rundown”. He had a pair of eyes that looked like blank discs. Check of folder showed all major drug items “not run due to no interest”. The solution was to recover the lists, run the items that had read R3R triple and complete the case.
Another one blew. His folder was examined. Every evil purpose had been left unrun! Of the items from the “Wants Handled Rundown” the intentions were mislisted. The drug rundown failed due to “no interest”.
Each flubbed case I am finding has had his drug items and evil purposes left unrun on R3R due to “no interest”.
So don’t ask for interest on intentions, evil purposes and drug items.
If they read, run them!
1. On any stumbling case that has had a “drug rundown” or Expanded Dianetics get the Folder FESed to see if reading items were left unrun on R3R Triple. List them chronologically, early to late.
2. Get the case back, with an R factor of “Incomplete”.
3. Run every one of those unrun drug items, intentions and Evil Purposes.
4. If the items don’t now read, then get in Suppress and Invalidate on them.
5. If the case bogs do L3RD Method 5 and Handle on that chain only.
6. Go on with the action and complete it.