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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Clay Table Data - B641017 | Сравнить
- Clearing - Why It Works - How It Is Necessary - B641017-3 | Сравнить
- Getting the PC Sessionable - B641017-2 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Как Сделать ПК Способним Быть в Сессии (2) - Б641017-2 | Сравнить
- Клирование - Почему оно работает, Насколько оно необходимо - Б641017-3 | Сравнить
- Сведения о Пластилиновом Столе (2) - Б641017 | Сравнить
- Сведения о Пластилиновом Столе - Б641017 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 641017 - HCO Bulletin - Clay Table Data [B040-037]
- 641017 - HCO Bulletin - Clay Table Data [B066-013]
- 641017 - HCO Bulletin - Clay Table Data [B081-014]
- 641017 - HCO Bulletin - Clay Table Data [B081-015]
- 641017 - HCO Bulletin - Clay Table Data [B088-007]
- 641017 Issue 3 - HCO Bulletin - Clearing - Why It Works - How It Is Necessary [B004-036]
- 641017 Issue 3 - HCO Bulletin - Clearing - Why It Works - How It Is Necessary [B030-021]
- 641017 Issue 3 - HCO Bulletin - Clearing - Why It Works - How It Is Necessary [B040-036]
- 641017 Issue 3 - HCO Bulletin - Clearing - Why It Works - How It Is Necessary [B066-015]
- 641017 Issue 3 - HCO Bulletin - Clearing - Why It Works - How It Is Necessary [B081-016]
- 641017 Issue 3 - HCO Bulletin - Getting the PC Sessionable [B030-020]
- 641017 Issue 3 - HCO Bulletin - Getting the PC Sessionable [B040-035]
- 641017 Issue 3 - HCO Bulletin - Getting the PC Sessionable [B066-014]
- 641017 Issue 3 - HCO Bulletin - Getting the PC Sessionable [B073-002]
- 641017 Issue 3 - HCO Bulletin - Getting the PC Sessionable [B088-008]
- 641017 Issue 3 - HCO Bulletin - Getting the PC Sessionable [B088-009]
- 641017 Issue 3 - HCO Bulletin - Getting the PC Sessionable [B088-010]
CONTENTS CLAY TABLE DATA Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo Sthil Students


The only real error auditors are making on Clay Table work is not getting their auditing question answered at times.

When a pc answers, in reply to the question asking for what he wants to improve, “To be clear” and this is then pursued in the session, serious trouble occurs. Why?

“What do you want to improve?” is not answered by “To be clear.” It would be answered by “My sanity.” It would not be answered by “My aberrations” (since nobody wants his aberrations to improve).

If your pc is not trained into being in session you of course don’t get answers to your questions.

What auditor has recently (as you should to all new pcs particularly) explained what was expected in the session? “I am going to ask you something, then you are going to answer it, then I will acknowledge, then I will ask again” etc. In other words what auditor has recently explained to a new pc the auditing cycle?

Well, if he hasn’t on a new pc an auditor can’t control anything that goes wrong in the session as there’s no session.

Clay Table, like all other auditing, has to have an auditing cycle of asking or telling the pc, getting that exact question answered or command complied with, acknowledging it and so forth.

When this is omitted particularly on Clay Table work, disaster follows faster than in other types of processes as Clay Table bites deep.


1. Get your pc trained into what the auditing cycle is and

2. Get the question or command that was asked or given answered.

Pcs can say whatever else they please. But they must answer the auditing question or no auditing occurs.

More than any other sin, this one is bedeviling Clay Table work and slowing results and every upset on Clay Table so far has been traced to this.