Do not try to Word Clear a person Method 1, 2 or 4 whose TA is high at session start. Use standard auditing procedures by an Auditor of the required class to get the TA down to normal range. (Usually a C/S Series 53RG and handling.)
If the TA is high at start of session one of course cannot F/N a TA on Word Clearing when it is high for some other reason.
Always F/N a word being cleared on the meter. It may happen there is a chain and the word has to be earlier similared. But even then, when the chain is F/Ned, the words on the chain that didn’t F/N must F/N.
Example: A chemical type word reading. Doesn’t F/N. E/S it on E/S words, comes down to a lecture in school. The Mis-U word there F/Ns. Now check the words touched while going E/S. Usually they just F/N.
Do not do a lot of words to “Clean” and say the person has been “Word Cleared”. Cases are messed up because the Word Clearing may be over out rudiments or even out lists or out Int.
A Word Clearing worksheet must show truthfully all words F/Ned.
Where a pc has been Word Cleared on the meter without F/Ning or with or to a high or low TA, the whole folder must be red tabbed.
W/Cing worksheets must go into the pc’s folder, just as why finding and touch assists and other auditing actions must be put in the folder.
A pc red tabbed because of Word Clearing must be repaired within 24 hours, as in the case of any other red tab.
Stalled cases have been traced to Word Clearing errors. Repair of these will get them going again.