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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Course Translation to Tape (TCS-01) - B711120-2 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 711120 - HCO Bulletin - HAS Specialist Auditing Program (Revised) [B011-229]
- 711120 - HCO Bulletin - HAS Specialist Auditing Program (Revised) [B047-005]
- 711120 - HCO Bulletin - HAS Specialist and Establishment Officer Auditing Program (Revised) [B012-051]
- 711120 - HCO Bulletin - HAS Specialist and Establishment Officer Auditing Program (Revised) [B048-044]
- 711120 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Course Translation to Tape [B011-230]
- 711120 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Course Translation to Tape [B052-054]
- 711120 Issue 2R - HCO Bulletin - Course Translation to Tape [B052-002]
CONTENTS Course Translation to Tape PRIMARY TARGETS: OPERATING TARGETS: Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue II
Reissued 23 October 1974
(Only change is signature)
CenOCon Tape Course Series 1

Course Translation to Tape

(HCO Policy Letter of 16 November 1970 Revised and Reissued as an HCO Bulletin.
(Changes in this type style.)

Translating Dianetic, Scientology study materials into foreign languages is inexpensively and effectively done by using “sight” (instantaneous) translation of bulletins, policy letters and tapes onto tapes.

The tape original is made, a copy master is made and thereafter copies can be run off for courses which can be attended by students, using only excellent tape copies and excellent reproduction equipment, and listened to with high fidelity earphones. Word Clearing Technology is used to prevent the student losing interest because of misunderstood words.

The tape players used must be equipped with a foot pedal start-stop control.

The voice of the “sight” translator should be clear and the diction should be sharp and the tone should not be monotonous.

A “sight” translator is one equally good in 2 languages who can hear one language and speak the translation into the other language without hesitation. (They are employed in the UN.)

The material copied onto tapes can also be broken down into smaller reels for independent study.

By taking exact notes of the „auditing commands” and important rules the student will have the texts he needs for later reference.

The exact rundown of this is given:

In translating the materials of a course from a textbook or materials in one language to another, the following steps are taken.


1. A person fully competent in both the languages and their cultures is found and retained.

2. The materials to be translated are made available.

3. A tape recorder which can be started and stopped easily without leaving clicks on the tape is procured. (Not a dictation machine.)

4. An adequate supply of regular recording tape is made available.

5. Other materials such as paper and ball-points are made available.

6. A quiet place where interruptions and outside noises will not ruin the tapes is found and the person is set up there.

7. A person knowledgeable in the subject and the language in which the original is written is retained and assists the translator.


1. The translator (using Word Clearing Technology and a dictionary to clear up any misunderstoods) rapidly reads or goes through the materials to get a general grasp of the subject.

2. The technical assistant who knows the subject and the original language now goes through the materials with the translator. Every technical word or phrase or cultural idiom is underlined.

3. While underlining, the two persons decide on the correct translation of the technical word or phrase.

4. As these are decided, they are written down on note paper with a complete definition.

5. Each word, phrase and definition is translated into the language and written down on a separate sheet of paper.

6. The translated words, phrases and definitions will become a mimeographed glossary for the eventual student.

7. Each section and paragraph in the material is numbered.

8. With this glossary to hand, the translator now begins direct translation of the text onto tape. The number of the tape and its materials is given at the beginning of each tape used or new chapter begun.

9. The translator must be sure to read the materials in an interested voice and not let any hesitation or note of mystery creep in. The translator is actually lecturing and must sound so.

10. When the materials are complete, good production masters are copied off of the master tape. The master tape is set aside and not used further.

11. The production master is now cut into chapter lengths which are numbered the same as the book chapters.

12. Several sets of the Chapter Copies are now made and put in their boxes. Both tracks can be used. Even 4 tracks (not stereo) can be used.

13. The glossary in both the original language and the translated language is printed up along with course directions (which are described in another technical paper). The checksheet and course rules are also translated and printed in the local language.

14. The course is boxed in sets with the glossary and course directions.

Following this system one can rapidly produce sets of materials without the delays always experienced in printing as well as with cost reduction.

The tapes are listened to on individual tape players equipped with earphones and a foot pedal start-stop control so the student’s hands are free for taking notes and looking up words in the dictionary, etc).

Learning rate in an aural society is much higher than in a society accustomed to print.

Even an illiterate person or a slow reader can be taught such a means.

A dictionary in the translated language must also be available in a classroom.

The quality of the translator’s voice and clear diction are highly desirable.
