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Current Processes (E260656)
LRH Research Release to HGC of June 26th, 1956 via HCO


The following processes are released to Staff, HGC for their use and comments. Please be very specific concerning the action of the process reported upon.

We are codifying processes for general release. Be very sure you add into your reports any other process you found necessary in running a case.

Report on usual forms.

L R H * * * * * * * * * *

1. Establish Rudiments by control of pc — Have him start-change-stop small objects, then body like 8c.

Emphasize starting, then stopping, then changing until rudiments are established.

2. Run “Look around this room and tell me what your body (theta body in black case) can’t have.”

Etc on Trio.

3. If pc cannot make anything happen with thought run Axiom 10 processes “Look around room and tell me what is having no effect on that (object).” Then “What could you cause?” “Lie about an effect that wall (object) is having on you.”

Run also “What effect could you have” on valences. Also continuing effects, locate some.

Also “What could you expect from (valence)” you are having trouble with in pc.

4. Run can’t have, have, on body parts Vs Mest Universe “Look around and tell me what your (leg) can’t (can) have.”

Separate valences with “Look around and tell me what your (valence) can’t (can) have. “

5. If confusion or boil-off sets in, pc has stripped out too many stable data. Have him mock up confusions.

“What confusion could you cause?” Also minus randomity.

6. If he is stuck in pictures have him make portions, then all of them, solid. Stress injured parts — make solid.

Don’t leave in restimulation.

7. If antipathetic to people, or secretive, have pc spot people or parts of people outside that he, his body, theta body, can’t (can) have.

8. Run Waterloo Station on “What can you not-know about that person?” Intersperse with “Look around and tell me what you could have.”

9. On special phobias, fixed ideas, run “Look around and tell me what that idea could have.” “Mock up a confusion for which that idea could be a stable datum.” “Tell me an idea of incomparable magnitude.”

10. Problems — run out with problems of comparable magnitude.

11. Have him decide to get a mock-up (unmock something) and then stop it because it would spoil the game.

12. Lie about, invent games he could really play.

13. Invent problems he could really have.

14. Exteriorize by havingness on body or theta body, thinking placed thought, Route One.

15. Attempt to run engrams on willing pcs using standard old time return to the moment, and new “Make it more solid”.

Example: Straight wire question — “What part of your past wouldn’t you mind re-experiencing with total solidity?” He says one. Return him to it. Have him make it solid on a gradient scale. Return him to pt. Ask question again. Return him to new moment, etc. Be careful not to tangle track. Make note of your variations of process. Stress making solid any parts of body injured in any incident. Don’t leave pc bounced off walls etc.

16. Invent an identity. “Invent a father (valence).” “Invent a (reverse relationship such as son).”

* * * * * * * * * *


Don’t run significances — they’re stable data. Use two-way comm sparingly. If a compulsive outflow case must talk, shut him up.

Don’t run too many processes. Flatten them, then use a comm bridge. Don’t fail to handle pt problem adequately.

Don’t tolerate dopiness or anaten. Have him mock up confusions or reverse flow.