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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- E-Meter Drill Coaching (Revised for HDG) - B651210 | Сравнить
- E-Meter Drill Coaching (TECH) - B651210 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Работа Тренера в Упражнениях с Е-метром - Б651210 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 651210 - HCO Bulletin - E-Meter Drill Coaching [B005-054]
- 651210 - HCO Bulletin - E-Meter Drill Coaching [B040-097]
CONTENTS E-METER DRILL COACHING Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo Academy Students Tech Division-


The following was submitted by Malcolm Cheminais, Supervisor on the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course.

Here are some observations I have made on the coaching of E-Meter drills, which I feel could be of use:

1. The coach’s needle is dirty. The student’s out comm cycle has cut his comm in some way, but PRIOR to that the coach failed to flunk the part of the comm cycle that went out. Correct flunking by coaches equals students with no dirty needles.

2. If a coach’s TA starts climbing on a drill and the needle gets sticky, it means that the student’s comm cycle has dispersed him and pushed him out of PT. The coach is either (1) not flunking at all (2) flunking the incorrect thing.

3. The correct flunking by the coach of an out comm cycle, which has dispersed him and pushed his TA up, will always result in a TA blowdown. If there is no blowdown, the coach has flunked the wrong thing.

4. Needle not responding well and sensitively on assessment drills, although the needle clean. Coach has failed to flunk TR 1 (or TR0) for lack of impingement and reach.

5. Coach reaching forward and leaning on the table, means TR 1 is out with the student.

6. Student asking coach for considerations to get TA down, but TA climbing on the considerations — the coach is cleaning a clean, instead of flunking the out comm cycle, which occurred earlier and pushed his TA up.

7. Student getting coach’s considerations off to clean the needle, but needle remaining dirty — student is cutting the coach’s comm while getting the considerations off and the coach is not picking this up.

8. Students shouting or talking very loudly on assessment drills to try and get the Meter to read by overwhelm. The reason for this is invariably — ”but I’m assessing the bank!” They haven’t realized that banks don’t read, only thetans impinged upon by the bank — therefore the TR1 must be addressed to the thetan. The meter responds proportionately to the amount of ARC in the Session.


[For use on the HDG, this HCO B has been revised by HCO B 27 January 1970, E-Meter Drill Coaching.]