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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Assessment by Elimination - S.O.P. Goals - B610511 | Сравнить
- E-Meter Horror - B610511 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 610511 - HCO Bulletin - Assessment by Elimination - SOP Goals [B001-038]
- 610511 - HCO Bulletin - Assessment by Elimination - SOP Goals [B028-024]
- 610511 - HCO Bulletin - Assessment by Elimination - SOP Goals [B037-032]
- 610511 - HCO Bulletin - E-Meter Horror [B001-039]
- 610511 - HCO Bulletin - E-Meter Horror [B028-025]
- 610511 - HCO Bulletin - E-Meter Horror [B037-031]
CONTENTS E-METER HORROR Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Central OrgsFranchise
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Dick Halpern reports from the 22nd American ACC that out of 48 students, many trained on earlier ACCs, 48 did not know what FALLS, RISES or THETA BOPS were or meant on the E-Meter.


The moment one starts on SOP Goals it becomes painfully apparent when he or she cannot do TRs, Model Session or read an E-Meter. SOP Goals works when one knows it and these items.

Enough errors are being made by auditors in assessing to prevent clearing.

I have just written a book, E-Meter Essentials, which details these things. You better study it.

A correct assessment could require ten hours of time. It could not be done in less than three hours. I myself take now about five hours.

I am opening up Unit One of Academies for retread on TRs, METER and Model Session.

A correct assessment means a chance to clear. An incorrect assessment means an infinity of auditing without clearing.

Special Briefing courses will be taught.

All failures to clear are:

A very special clearing course is being taught at Saint Hill.

  1. Incorrect assessment or

Every effort is being made to enable you to release and clear pcs fast. You have to make the effort too to avail yourself of this data.

  • (At this time) An incomplete Pre-Hav Scale (which I am completing in a workable form and which includes all common verbs in the English language properly arranged in a primary and secondary scale).
  • IF you know TRs, MODEL SESSION, METER, CHANGE PROCESSES and SOP Goals you can Release and Clear Anyone. We’re proving it daily.


    Auditors who can’t run or read a meter (100% of the 22nd American, remember, that had old-timers in the majority, did not know how to read a meter) can’t release or clear anyone.

    The right way to do an assessment is:

    Auditors who can’t do TR 0 Revised 1961 aren’t enough there to read a meter. (An actual fact.)

    1. Know and pass and be able to do TR 0 and TRs 1 to 4 perfectly;

    Auditors who make technical flubs on SOP Goals wind up wasting 66 2/3 of the auditing time. (We just proved that, too.)

  • Know an E-Meter perfectly;
  • We’ve got the tools. They’re easily available. Let’s go.

  • Know Model Session perfectly;
  • LRH:jl.cden
  • Know how to set up a case for a Goals Assessment;
  • Know Assessment by Elimination.
  • Given these, you can assess. Failing these you confront not a pc but an infinity of hours on one pc.

    These can be gotten at Saint Hill in Special Briefing Courses and in HPA Retread, one or another of them.


    Do Assessment in Model Session Form.

    1. Do a full list of goals on the pc.

    He can write out his goals before coming to session or the auditor can write them all, a rather lengthy business.

    Number each goal, leaving a short space in the left-hand margin.
    Add goals until the question “Have you had another goal?” no longer produces a reaction on the needle of the meter. Add goals until you have a nul needle on the questions of Secret goals, Childhood goals, Anti-Social goals, Embarrassing goals, “Goals you haven’t told me” and “What would have to happen to make you know Scientology works?” Get, finally, a nul needle for every category mentioned here.
    Only now do you have a Goals List.

    If you for any reason feel you do not have a complete Goals List, don’t go any further. Complete the list.

    2. Select the Goal.

    This is entirely a matter of E-Metering. Assessment by Elimination is used.

    There will remain, when you finish, just one goal that reacts on the needle of the meter. Don’t bother why only one remains active. But if you have two remain or none, go back to Step 1 above and complete your Goals List again and start Step 2 all over again. Be thorough.

    You tell the pc he doesn’t have to answer unless he wants to. You look at your meter needle. You ignore the Tone Arm. You don’t have to look at the pc all the time but don’t fail to glance at him now and then.

    Read the Goals List you compiled to the pc. Take one level at a time. By repeating the goal over and over (Repeater Technique, Book One) try to make any reaction of the needle elicited by this repeating go nul. This only applies if the needle changes characteristic because you are saying the goal. If the reading of the goal does not produce a Rock Slam, a Fall or a Theta Bop after several repetitions of the goal, put an X in front of the goal on the Goals List, designating it as nul. That ends that goal. The X eliminates it for now from the list.

    If, after eight or a dozen repetitions, the goal still falls, rock slams or theta bops constantly or sporadically, mark a slant / in front of it. This means it is still on the list and is not nul. To the right of the written goal you may note “Rock Slam” or “Theta Bop” if they occurred. No need to mark fall or divisions of fall in Assessment by Elimination.

    IGNORE ALL RISES OF THE NEEDLE. This is meaningless on a Goals Assessment.

    Cover the whole Goals List in this way.
    Add any changed goals or new goals the pc may give you to the Goals List. Do end Rudiments.
    Give the pc a short break. Restart the session.
    Do beginning Rudiments (and in the body of the session, clean up any occurring ARC breaks as in Rudiments).

    Read, as before, the goals now marked slant / on the Goals List. Try to nul each one of these by repeating it eight or a dozen times.

    When a goal goes nul, add the other bar to the slant, making an X. That eliminates it as a goal.

    General Rule: On any goal, if in doubt about the needle reaction, leave the goal on the list. Don’t strike a goal off with an X unless you’re sure it’s nul.

    When the remaining goals on the Goals List have been covered, return to the top again and try to nul those that now remain, one by one, still using Repeater Technique.

    Go over the list again and again until you have left only one goal that changes the characteristic of the needle.

    3. Prove up the Goal.

    Take several goals already nulled on the needle and read them, occasionally, amongst this read, also reading out the one goal. Be sure it continues to fall.

    If it goes nul,

    4. Check for ARC breaks.
    5. Ask for any new goals and list them.
    6. Cover the whole Goals List again, making sure they are all nul.

    See if the pc’s whole list compares nicely, here and there, to the goal you have found. Does this goal, in other words, exist also, faintly, in other goals.

    See if the pc is deeply interested in the goal found. If not, re-do your assessment from the beginning.

    7. Do a Terminals List.

    Taking the pc’s one goal, now found and proved, compile a Terminals List for it. “What beingness would fulfill this goal?” “What terminal would this be?”

    Write at least thirty terminals down. Use a Hartrampff’s Vocabularies and help the pc if he wants you to. Put down every terminal he thinks of or agrees to. Don’t put down or push what he says wouldn’t be it.

    Run this sort of question to nul on the meter: “Would any other person, beingness, terminal fit with this goal?” Only when the needle goes nul do you end the Terminals List. Don’t end it until you have exhausted every possible terminal for this goal.

    It is not enough that a terminal is included in the goal. If the goal is “I want to be a jockey” it is highly improbable that “jockey” is the exact terminal. You get two or three dozen beingnesses that add up to jockey. A rider. A horseman. A steeplechaser. A racer. A man. A human being. A horse pilot. Etc, etc. Take anything the pc says it might be. Write them down. Now dig for more. And more. Look it up. Suggest things but only put them down if pc buys.

    Remember, a pc is most stupid on the point of goal and even more stupid trying to think of its terminal. So help the pc. And get a very complete list.

    8. Assess for the Terminal by Elimination.

    Using Repeater Technique, repeat the terminal enough times to make it go nul or not on the needle (eight or twelve repetitions eliminates most of them from the meter).

    Put an X in front of the terminal if it goes nul. Put a slant / in front of the terminal if it continues to react. Mark Rock Slam or Theta Bop after the terminal if it won’t go nul and gets these reactions.

    You will have several terminals left. Ask the pc for any new ones and write them down.

    Cover the list items marked slant / again. Try to nul each one as before, including any new ones.
    Those that cease to react, eliminate with an X as before. Finish the list reading. Add any new terminals the pc may now have.
    Eliminate more terminals with a new reading and Repeater Technique as before. Add any new terminals.
    Continue this action as above until the pc is left with just one terminal that reacts on the meter.

    If in doubt, do the whole Terminals Assessment List again, putting in new Xs, /s and Xs, according to whether they vanish off the needle or stay active as you go by, repeating each one several times.

    End up with only one terminal active on the needle, all others nul. This is the terminal.

    9. Prove the Terminal. Clean up rudiments.

    Say the pc’s one goal as found from the Goals List to the pc several times and note its reaction on the needle.

    Say a nul goal to the pc to quiet the needle until it does quiet down. Say the pc’s one terminal for that goal several times. Note its reaction. The terminal must react as much as the goal.
    The terminal needle action must be the same as the goal’s needle action.

    Example: Goal got 5 divisions of fall on the needle dial. Then the terminal must get at least 5 divisions of fall on the needle dial.

    If this is true, you are right.

    If this is not true go back to I and do a whole Goals Assessment again. It will save time in auditing if you do.

    Example: If the goal rock slams, the terminal must rock slam just as much as the goal to be right.

    Note: Theta bops turn into falls. A theta bopping goal, in assessment, usually becomes a falling goal. In short the goal wouldn’t be expected to continue to theta bop. But if it does now, the terminal must also theta bop. But both could turn into falls instead.

    10. Assess for Pre-Hav Level.

    Take the terminal. Start from the bottom of the original Pre-Hav Scale. Take the first heavy fall you find as you go up and run it.

    For the new Pre-Hav Scale when issued:

    Take the terminal and go up the levels of the Primary Scale until you find the best fall on one climb. Move over into the Secondary Scale and go from bottom to top once. Take the best fall or reaction found.

    Mark down the Pre-Hav Level for the terminal.

    WARNING: Do not use Repeater Technique on the Pre-Hav Scale. Say the level only once. Go up only once.

    If you go up once and, wherever the needle starts to rise, go down the scale again once (no repeater either way) all but one level usually eliminates. You may not find it safe to do this. Biggest needle reaction is good enough.

    You can run a wrong Pre-Hav Level without damage and still clear. You can’t run a wrong goal and a wrong terminal and still clear a pc.

    A perfect Pre-Hav assessment finds the level that reacts as much as goal and terminal. But Repeater Technique on many levels can upset a case!

    11. Choose a Command.

    Assess for these: Think, Get the Idea, How, What, Have done, Could do. Take those that fall most and make up a 5 or 10 way bracket command.

    12. Audit the pc’s terminal and level.

    WARNING: Audit on the Tone Arm not the needle.

    WARNING: Run as a complete process as long as the Tone Arm shows motion. Don’t run a still Tone Arm less than or more than twenty minutes. If it’s still, change, reassess the same terminal on the Pre-Hav Scale, get new commands for the new level and continue the auditing.

    13. Nul all Pre-Hav Levels that react on assessment on the first terminal.
    14. Find new terminals if any for same goal and run as above.
    15. Find new goals when old goal and all terminals that react for it are nul on the Pre-Hav Scale (old or new Pre-Hav).

    Proceed to assess as before just as though case was being started all over again.
