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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- False Purpose Rundown Auditor Errors (FPRD-8) - B840612 | Сравнить

Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Limited Distribution: Remimeo FPRD Auditors and C/Ses Cramming Officers False Purpose Rundown Series 8



The following are common errors that were made by some of the first auditors learning to audit the False Purpose Rundown. These errors can lessen or nullify results on the rundown and must be watched for closely by the C/S and thoroughly handled if they occur – by both cramming the erring auditor and repairing the pc:

1. Failing to vigorously pull the overts gotten while following down the overt chain. Effective, no-Q&A overt pulling which nails down the overt in its entirety is a must. Patty-cake, sweaty-palmed auditors who did not master the tech of Sec Checking will not succeed with the False Purpose Rundown.

2. Not taking the overt chain earlier-similar to earlier overts. Quite often the E/S O/W chain will go backtrack. The evil purpose will be found to be underneath the earliest overt on that chain. This error often shows up in the auditor attempting to get off an evil purpose after having pulled only a light PT overt.

3. Failure to direct proper ethics handling when needed. Ethics must be in before tech will go in. Some persons will need ethics handlings before the False Purpose RD will even begin to bite at all. Trying to “handle” someone’s PT out-ethics situation with False Purpose RD auditing alone will result in loses.

4. Attempting to “do the False Purpose RD” over the top of pc natter or out-of-sessionness or other symptoms of missed withholds. This of course comes under the heading of “auditing a pc over out ruds.”

5. Quickying. Example: Auditor calling a persistent F/N when there obviously is no persistent F/N present. Example: Auditor saying something was an EP which wasn’t.

6. Failing to pull off the pc’s justifications for each overt as the chain is followed down. Includes asking for justifications just once (brush off), when the pc may need to be asked the question several times before all the justifications are gotten.

7. Not getting all of the overt first before asking for the pc’s justifications of that overt.

8. Q&A off the O/W chain, onto some other O/W chain or onto something else.

9. Basic overt pulling errors such as missing reads, not raising the sensitivity on questions, Q&A, not varying the question or pulling strings when needed, etc.

10. Not using “left-hand buttons” (e.g. , “suppress” and “invalidate”) when a False Purpose RD Form question doesn’t read, or when the Step B question of the False Purpose RD procedure does not read.

11. Failure to recognize when basic on the overt chain has been reached and the chain flattened.

12. Overrunning a session or chain by trying to carry on past a spectacular release or persistent F/N.

13. Auditor not knowing what an evil purpose or destructive intention is and taking up good intentions, random statements, computations, etc., as “evil purposes.” Includes failing to clear these terms thoroughly with the pc before beginning him on the rundown.

14. Not taking the evil purpose earlier (to the earlier time the pc had that same evil purpose), when needed as per Step D of False Purpose RD procedure.

15. Commands not fully cleared, and/or pc not grooved in to the procedure so that he understands what is to be done and what is expected of him.

16. Picking up and attempting to run random evil purposes that the pc originates while being run down a specific chain.

17. Turning Step B of the False Purpose RD procedure (pulling the evil purpose) into an L&N action.

18. Not using the False Purpose Rundown Correction List when needed on a case.
