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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Field Auditor Targets (S2-4) - B640630 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 640630 - HCO Bulletin - Field Auditor Targets [B004-018]
- 640630 - HCO Bulletin - Field Auditor Targets [B030-004]
- 640630 - HCO Bulletin - Field Auditor Targets [B040-016]
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Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex

Field Auditor Targets

It has been quite dicey keeping an organization or a practice running with all this talk of OTs at Saint Hill and nobody to make OTs in field.

I have been giving a lot of thought to this matter and have resolved it.

However, when all the publicity is “Go OT” and nobody in field at this writing has the data or classification to process to OT, the public loses its target and it becomes pretty hard to sell auditing or training at lower levels.

Part of the fault is that the public desires to “go all the way instantly” and cannot see gradient progress. They “go for broke” always. But part of the fault, if there is any, lies in the field activity that permits this to happen and even forwards it.

There’s an awful lot of technology south of Six. I could take almost any chunk of it and be entirely successful in running a field practice. Shucks, I had no shadow of what we have now below IV when I was running a howling success of a practice in Hollywood. I didn’t even have a name, was indeed anonymous. So I know it isn’t quantity of knowledge or even fame that makes success. It’s using and plugging what you’ve got. You sell what you can do. And as that’s more, in Dianetics and Scientology, than anyone else could ever do, you can’t help but succeed.

It isn’t using a lot of things indifferently that counts. It’s using something you know well very well indeed.

And it isn’t putting people’s attention on 40 dozen targets that gets them to be trained or processed, it’s getting their attention on one thing that can become real to them soon.

So any reason beyond pure admin goofs that anybody in the field would do poorly lies in just two things:

1. Not doing one technical thing well and

2. Not keeping people’s attention directed at it and nothing else.

When an auditor knows seventy processes indifferently he knows none.

When one directs people’s attention at 40 dozen targets one disperses them and they don’t want training or processing as they don’t know what to have, since they can’t tell what’s there.

You have to be skilled on one process at least and know all about it before you can do two. If anyone were to make a good study of 8C and do it well, and do nothing else for any case, a high percentage of pc wins would occur.

If one told his pcs or public that “the reason they were unable to cope was that they were flinching from their environment” and then did only 8C one would get a heavy flow of traffic. By pounding the same drum and doing the same thing one is finally heard. There’s an old rule “What I tell you three times is true.” If people don’t hear the same thing being said at least three times, they believe it is impermanent.

One can easily become possessed of an urge for “newness”. That way one need not finish any action cycles or go through the same motions twice. But this is actually a deadly disease, the disease of “the latest”. It is non-duplication extremis. When one does only the latest one never gets a chance to understand or become skilled in anything.

So we suffer, where we do, in field by a failure to master one action and centre people’s attention upon it as a desirable result.

So if we can get this one point well agreed upon and utilized we will be able to:

1. Master a beneficial skill in Scientology and

2. Centre people’s attention on one definite result.

Now, of course, I am talking from strength since Level VI is as wrapped up as a Christmas present. All the patterns and ways to run and the discipline of auditing it are all there. Pcs here change before your very eyes. Man G, Man K. Girl G on Monday becomes super girl K on Friday. The drawbacks of this Level are:

1. The ardours of training even a skilled auditor up to it

2. The vast quantity of material to be run

3. The dazzling aspect of it, often too great for belief until one experiences it, and

4. The impatience of people to attain it before they’re ready for it.

It will take 2 or 3 years before field can deliver it routinely. Meanwhile their public is all distracted by it. And in the very grasp of success the hamburger vanishes from view for the field auditor, “Beside the fountain’s brink they die of thirst.”

Two things must be done:

1. Close the delivery gap fast. Get to Saint Hill and get trained.

2. Brighten up a skill that you can do with your current training and centre the public’s interest on a target that you can deliver now on the lower levels. This is the proposed programme, then, just 1 and 2 above.

It would be an error to pound “OT the only target” into people’s skulls. Announce it with a hurrah, yes. But pound in another shorter target they already have and can attain reality on.

Now fortunately for the field auditor there is a vital preparation necessary for Level VI. It is a real, true technical preparation.

Even when you are delivering R6 to the public routinely you will be running pcs on this first for hundreds and hundreds of hours.

You had better learn to profit by it.

The preparation is this:

Those preclears who are insufficiently Cause in their daily lives cannot as-is the bank. You could throw them in to GPMs but nothing would happen to the GPMs – only to the pc.

We have a true tiger by the tail. Take Man X off Times Square, pitch him into GPMs and he wouldn’t go OT, he’d go rheumatic. Why? He can’t as-is the significances and masses.

This will be found exclamatorily true of some 99 percent of the pcs.

Auditors are different. They can confront more. But nine out of twenty-five auditors break a leg over commas in GPMs when they are pc-ing. One sneeze and the meter locks up. One error in sequence and it’s a ten auditing hour battle to find and get the charge off that error.

In carefully studying this I found there were pcs Type A and Type B. Type A runs easily even across errors. Type B packs up the meter on a cough. Ninety-nine percent of your preclears are or were originally Type B.

There are special differences in these two types.

Type A: Has few personal problems. Even when they occur isn’t upset by them. Handles life easily. Is energetic generally and able to work efficiently at things. Takes setbacks optimistically. Feels good most of the time.

Type B: Is deluged with personal problems. Can’t see any way out. Gets upset easily or is just in plain apathy and is never upset because things aren’t real anyway (like a boulder wouldn’t get upset). Has a hard time in life. Is generally tired and can’t work very long at anything. Takes setbacks emotionally or just collapses. Feels ill most of the time.

Those are two types of people. There are of course shades of grey in between.

If you were to take a Type B and throw him or her to the GPMs you’d not get anything as-ised.

What is the basic difference, then, between these two types of condition? It isn’t native or inherent. It can change.

If you tire a Type A out you can make him or her behave on GPMs like a Type B. If you audit a Type A with the Auditor’s Code clauses of food and rest wildly disobeyed, you would be auditing, suddenly, a Type B pc. The Type A will spring back faster of course but still he or she during that period will have a packed up meter.

You could also inexpertly audit a Type A on wrong goals or sequences and get a Type B pc reaction.

A difference between these two types of people is that one is more rested (Type A) and one is tired (Type B). You can see this at any level of processing. It registers in the amount of TA you get or don’t get. A chronically tired pc who is not eating won’t get TA for there’s no as-is of locks. That’s why the Auditor’s Code has those clauses in it. Make your pc rest and eat and keep him or her out of a tiring environment and you’ll get a lot more TA. If a pc gets no TA, just make him or her eat and sleep and leave the world alone for a bit and bang – TA!

But it isn’t only physical weariness. The other, main factor we’re interested in is why they’re also tired.

A Type B can’t be Cause!

Life flows in, in, in. The pc can’t flow out. Here is the pc who can only receive auditing. Never give any. Here is the pc who has to be helped but never really helps. Here is the pc who has motivators but never any overts.

Now, you see?

It takes those lower grades to raise the pc’s Cause Level so that the pc, on reaching Grade VI can as-is the bank. Only careful lower level auditing can make a Type B pc into a Type A!

We are running into this problem at Saint Hill now. Even an occasional auditor, arriving here, is found to be below Cause. They can’t as-is. Also they can’t put an examination answer back on the sheet. So they are here for quite a while and all that time we now work on raising their Cause Level so they can:

1. Use what they learn (that takes outflow)

2. As-is their PTPs (that takes the ability to be Cause)

3. Get up to Level VI materials without fainting at the sight of them and

4. As-is GPMs.

That’s the fight of the Supervisors at Saint Hill. Well, it’s also our fight all over the world.

The state of high Cause is also Keyed Out Clear.

So your programme is to:

1. Become very skilled with and successfully use processes which lead toward Keyed Out Clear and

2. Centre the attention of your public on “A Keyed Out can be Cause”. Get trained. Be Cause. And in small type “You have to attain a high Cause Level before you can even begin to think about OT processing.”

That puts their feet on the bottom rung of OT. And so help me how true, it’s the only way they’ll ever make that bottom rung!

From time to time I will give you more concise data on old materials which bring this beneficial condition about. This one we have done well, can do and will do – to increase Cause in a person.

Suffice to say that 8C, and O/W in particular run alternately:

“In this lifetime, what have you done?”

“In this lifetime, what haven’t you said?”

or just Itsa on any action (not just bad actions) will start your pc up toward that bottom rung.

Only realization of actions done will key out a GPM. That’s worth a million words. Suffice it in that sentence. Not evil actions. Not confessions. Not just social unwillingness to let one’s deeds be known. Any action. Any not speaking.

And a person’s Cause Level will rise. Their psychosomatics key out (for what is a psychosomatic but an inability to hold life off?). They feel better. They begin to live. Their needles get floppy.

This is destimulative auditing.

If you learn it well and do it well, your pc will thrive.

If you centre your public’s attention on becoming cause you will have bodies in the shop.

And that’s the approach to the bridge. Without that approach they don’t make it at all.

So you’re in business. And it isn’t a business you’ll cease to be in just because you can “do R6 on a pc”. You’ll only make the mistake once and take the pc back to exactly what I’m describing in this HCO Bulletin. So learn to do this well. We’ll be doing it for a long time. And doing it right now can save your practice or org.