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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- HAS Co-Audit and Comm Course - B590325 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 590325 - HCO Bulletin - HAS Co-Audit and Comm Course [B023-052]
- 590325 - HCO Bulletin - HAS Co-Audit and Comm Course [B035-033]
- 590325 - HCO Bulletin - HAS Co-Audit and Comm Course [B133-024]
37 Fitzroy Street, London, W.1
37 Fitzroy Street, London, W.1



The new HAS course starts with two weeks' comm course followed by an unlimited time on the HAS co-audit course. Almost any student can co-audit, even if he has no reality on coaching. If a student is unreal on the comm course, then put him on to the HAS co-audit – at least he will get some processing and some gains.

The new HAS course starts with two weeks' comm course followed by an unlimited time on the HAS co-audit course. Almost any student can co-audit, even if he has no reality on coaching. If a student is unreal on the comm course, then put him on to the HAS co-audit – at least he will get some processing and some gains.



The comm course consists of TRs 0, 1, 2, 3. The emphasis on TR 3 is not on comm bridges so much, but on the duplicative question.

The comm course consists of TRs 0, 1, 2, 3. The emphasis on TR 3 is not on comm bridges so much, but on the duplicative question.

Method: The coach sits opposite the student auditor with his back to the centre of the room. He never flunks the student auditor. His only originations are "start", "fine" and "that's it". He may make an occasional short, complimentary remark.

Method: The coach sits opposite the student auditor with his back to the centre of the room. He never flunks the student auditor. His only originations are "start", "fine" and "that's it". He may make an occasional short, complimentary remark.

If the student auditor is doing something wrong, the coach puts his hand out behind him and waits for the instructor to come and handle the difficulty. The instructor never corrects the student auditor. He just gets him to carry on with the session.

If the student auditor is doing something wrong, the coach puts his hand out behind him and waits for the instructor to come and handle the difficulty. The instructor never corrects the student auditor. He just gets him to carry on with the session.

The idea here is: 1. To get the student auditor to do the drill and not spend all evening discussing it. 2. To prevent the coach from coaching with unreality and invalidating the student auditor.

The idea here is: 1. To get the student auditor to do the drill and not spend all evening discussing it. 2. To prevent the coach from coaching with unreality and invalidating the student auditor.



1. The students are briefed and told that if they blow session the instructor will not stop them. The course exists to help people who can help themselves. They will not be pursued.

1. The students are briefed and told that if they blow session the instructor will not stop them. The course exists to help people who can help themselves. They will not be pursued.

2. The students are divided into co-auditing teams. The auditor sits with his back to the centre of the room and the pc faces the room.

2. The students are divided into co-auditing teams. The auditor sits with his back to the centre of the room and the pc faces the room.

Assignment: The instructor goes to each team, puts the pc on the E-Meter and finds a terminal for the auditor to run. He does this by asking the question, "Who would you blame for the condition you are in?" If no terminal bites, run "Himself". If this still doesn't bite, run Dynamic Straightwire. The question asked on Dynamic Straightwire is "Tell me what would represent yourself" (on Dynamic one, etc). After asking this question about each dynamic, run the following commands on the wackiest answers.

Assignment: The instructor goes to each team, puts the pc on the E-Meter and finds a terminal for the auditor to run. He does this by asking the question, "Who would you blame for the condition you are in?" If no terminal bites, run "Himself". If this still doesn't bite, run Dynamic Straightwire. The question asked on Dynamic Straightwire is "Tell me what would represent yourself" (on Dynamic one, etc). After asking this question about each dynamic, run the following commands on the wackiest answers.

Processes are Selected Persons Overt Straightwire. "Recall something you have done to (terminal)," "Recall something you have withheld from (terminal). " General Persons Overt Straightwire, "Recall something you have done to somebody" and "Recall something you have withheld from somebody. " Each command in these two straightwire processes is repeated alternately.

Processes are Selected Persons Overt Straightwire. "Recall something you have done to (terminal)," "Recall something you have withheld from (terminal). " General Persons Overt Straightwire, "Recall something you have done to somebody" and "Recall something you have withheld from somebody. " Each command in these two straightwire processes is repeated alternately.

The auditor does muzzled auditing. Muzzled auditing means that the auditor says only two things. He gives the command and acknowledges the answer to that command. If the pc says anything that is not an answer to the command, the auditor nods his head and awaits an answer before giving acknowledgement.

The auditor does muzzled auditing. Muzzled auditing means that the auditor says only two things. He gives the command and acknowledges the answer to that command. If the pc says anything that is not an answer to the command, the auditor nods his head and awaits an answer before giving acknowledgement.

If the auditor gives the wrong command or gets confused, or if the pc forgets the command, the auditor says nothing to the pc. What he does do is place his hand behind him and wait for the instructor to handle the situation.

If the auditor gives the wrong command or gets confused, or if the pc forgets the command, the auditor says nothing to the pc. What he does do is place his hand behind him and wait for the instructor to handle the situation.

The auditor never leaves his chair to ask the instructor anything. The instructor never talks to an auditor who leaves his chair.

The auditor never leaves his chair to ask the instructor anything. The instructor never talks to an auditor who leaves his chair.

The auditor keeps on running a terminal until the pc starts repeating answers. When he judges the process is flat he puts out his hand and the instructor comes around to check.

The auditor keeps on running a terminal until the pc starts repeating answers. When he judges the process is flat he puts out his hand and the instructor comes around to check.

At the end of the first session students change teams simply by moving one seat round. They keep the same auditors and preclears for as long as possible on course. Seats may be numbered to ensure consistency.

At the end of the first session students change teams simply by moving one seat round. They keep the same auditors and preclears for as long as possible on course. Seats may be numbered to ensure consistency.

At the end of the evening the auditor writes out an auditor's report. This places his attention on his pc, keeping him more in session, and has him feel responsible for doing something to help his pc.

At the end of the evening the auditor writes out an auditor's report. This places his attention on his pc, keeping him more in session, and has him feel responsible for doing something to help his pc.

If the auditors remain strictly muzzled nothing can go wrong. It is up to the instructor to see that they remain muzzled. He is processing the pcs via the auditors, and to do this, rigid control must be maintained at all times.

If the auditors remain strictly muzzled nothing can go wrong. It is up to the instructor to see that they remain muzzled. He is processing the pcs via the auditors, and to do this, rigid control must be maintained at all times.


[This HCO B is added to by HCO B 3 April 1959, HAS Co-Audit and Comm Course, page 456.]

[This HCO B is added to by HCO B 3 April 1959, HAS Co-Audit and Comm Course, page 456.]