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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- HC Out-Point Plus-Point Lists RB - B700828RB81 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Списки Плюсов и Минусов для Консультанта Хаббарда, ПБ (ц) - Б700828RB81 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 700828 - HCO Bulletin - HC Outpoint-Pluspoint Lists [B010-104]
- 700828 - HCO Bulletin - HC Outpoint-Pluspoint Lists R [B076-036]
- 700828R - HCO Bulletin - HC Outpoint-Pluspoint Lists R [B051-040]
- 700828R - HCO Bulletin - HC Outpoint-Pluspoint Lists R [B094-030]
- 700828RA - HCO Bulletin - HC Outpoint-Pluspoint Lists RA [B052-047]
- 700828RA - HCO Bulletin - HC Outpoint-Pluspoint Lists RA [B094-031]
- 700828RA - HCO Bulletin - HC Outpoint-Pluspoint Lists RA [B094-032]
- 700828RB - HCO Bulletin - HC Outpoint-Pluspoint Lists RB [B055-015]
- 700828RB - HCO Bulletin - HC Outpoint-Pluspoint Lists RB [B079-020]
- 700828RB - HCO Bulletin - HC Outpoint-Pluspoint Lists RB [B082-023]
- 700828RB - HCO Bulletin - HC Outpoint-Pluspoint Lists RB [B094-033]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Revised and reinstated 27 January 1981
Cancels HCOB 6 Jan 79
Remimeo Tech Qual C/Ses HGCs Cramming Officers (Revisions in Arial)
(Ellipsis indicate deletions)


(Reference Data Series HCO PLs)
(Revised to include additional out-points issued since original HCOB)

Because of the fantastic workability of the HC Out-Point / Plus-Point Lists I am happy to announce their reinstitution for general use.

The Out-Point Plus-Point Lists were originally issued in August of 1970 and since then, Data Series which contain additional out-points and plus-points have been released. So I am taking this opportunity to expand and update the Out-Point / Plus-Point Lists.

These lists will not be restricted to any one particular Rundown. Such is their power that auditors, C/Ses and Qual terminals should put them to use wherever applicable.

The HC Lists are capable of straightening out someone’s thinking as many will attest – and in a drugged, illiterate culture such as ours this makes these lists a valuable tool indeed!


The... lists are used:

(a) To assess for a read.

(b) Clear up with 2-way comm.


One assesses the Out-Point List and goes as far as a good read. One clears that up to F/N VGIs (very good indicators). He then leaves off that list for now.

One then takes up the Plus-Point List. One assesses it as far as one needs to go to get a good read. One then takes that up with the preclear with 2-way comm until there is an F/N and VGIs.

One now resumes where he left off on the Out-Point List and assesses until he gets a new good read. He takes that up with 2-way comm until he gets an F/N VGIs.

One now takes up the Plus-Point List where he left off until he gets a good read. He takes that up with 2-way comm until he gets an F/N VGIs.

In this way the lists are alternated.

They can be done over and over.


These are the elements of illogic and insanity on the Out-Point List. They are the elements of logic and sanity on the Plus-Point List.


The lists may be done on Clears and OTs.


A meter must be used.


It is done exactly by the Auditor's Code. Never tell the person what he thinks. Never invalidate what he has said. Just acknowledge and let him/her tell you about it.


The reads of course disclose things which have charge on them.


Take a good read.

2-way comm on: "Any example of _____________ in your life?" to F/N.

Assess again.

Same process.

Continue as long as you have TA on it.

Stop with any win.

Can be done to full F/Ning assessment on both lists.


The list items can be used in 2 ways.

A. They can be called off straight.

B. They can be given a prior statement.

In A one would say: "Knowing something is right _______" noting read or lack of it. "Knowing a datum is correct ________" noting read.

In B one would be directing the person's attention to some sphere of action like "In your work knowing something is right" noting read, etc. One would go on using this same prior statement on all the assessment until the whole subject, "work," was cleaned up. That would be a work consultation.

Or one could say, for marriage problems: "In marriage knowing something is right," "In marriage knowing a datum is correct ________. "

One uses the same subject for both Out-Point and Plus-Point Lists until that one subject is cleaned up.

Always finish off with the Plus-Point List.



1. Omitted Fact _____________________
2. Omitted Terminal _____________________
3. Omitted Data _____________________
4. Omitted Location _____________________
5. Omitted Matter _____________________
6. Omitted Energy _____________________
7. Omitted Space _____________________
8. Omitted Form _____________________
9. Missing Scene _____________________
10. Missing Person _____________________
11. Changed Sequence of Facts _____________________
12. Changed Sequence of Data _____________________
13. Changed Sequence of Particles _____________________
14. Changed Sequence of Locations _____________________
15. Changed Sequence of Objects _____________________
16. Changed Sequence of Spaces _____________________
17. Changed Sequence of Forms _____________________
18. Twisted Ideas _____________________
19. Dropped Out Time _____________________
20. Incorrect Time _____________________
21. False Time _____________________
22. Invented Time _____________________
23. Condensed Time _____________________
24. Rushed Time _____________________
25. Endless Time _____________________
26. Waiting Time _____________________
26a. Added Time _____________________
26b. Unexpected Time _____________________
27. Delusion _____________________
28. Hallucination _____________________
29. False Fact _____________________
30. False Terminal _____________________
31. False Being _____________________
32. False Datum _____________________
33. False Location _____________________
34. False Matter _____________________
35. False Energy _____________________
36. False Space _____________________
37. Fixed Idea _____________________
38. Altered Importance _____________________
39. Altered Value _____________________
40. Decreased Importance _____________________
41. Decreased Value _____________________
42. Over Valued _____________________
43. Too Important _____________________
44. Too Insignificant _____________________
45. Things all the same _____________________
46. Not Associated _____________________
47. Everything Different _____________________
48. Wrong Terminal _____________________
49. Wrong Location _____________________
50. Wrong Time _____________________
51. Wrong Event _____________________
52. Wrong Target _____________________
53. Wrong Objective _____________________
54. Wrong Goal _____________________
55. Wrong Space _____________________
56. Wrong Form _____________________
57. Impossible Occurrence _____________________
58. Impossible Terminal _____________________
59. Impossible Time _____________________
60. Impossible Event _____________________
61. Unbelievable Idea _____________________
62. Unbelievable Action _____________________
63. Unbelievable Event _____________________
64. Unbelievable Circumstance _____________________
65. Unbelievable Being _____________________
66. Wrong Source _____________________
67. Incorrect Origin _____________________
68. From Wrong Place _____________________
69. From Wrong Person _____________________
70. Wrong Authority _____________________
71. False Source _____________________
72. Conflicting Data _____________________
73. Contrary Facts _____________________
74. Impossible Situation _____________________
75. Not Matching Reality _____________________
76. Added In-Applicable Data _____________________
77. Added In-Applicable Facts _____________________
78. Added In-Applicable Terminals _____________________
79. Added In-Applicable Matter _____________________
80. Added In-Applicable Energy _____________________
81. Added In-Applicable Space _____________________
82. Added Io-Applicable Form _____________________
83. Added In-Applicable Event _____________________
84. Assumed Identities Not Identical _____________________
85. Facts Assumed To Be Identical Not Identical _____________________
86. Data Assumed To Be Identical Not Identical _____________________
87. Things Assumed To Be Identical Not Identical _____________________
88. Actions Assumed To Be Identical Not Identical _____________________
89. Events Assumed To Be Identical Not Identical _____________________
90. Circumstances Assumed To Be Identical Not Identical _____________________
91. Assumed Similarities Not Similar _____________________
92. Facts Assumed To Be Similar Are Similar _____________________
93. Data Assumed To Be Similar Not Similar _____________________
94. Things Assumed To Be Similar Not Similar _____________________
95. Things Grouped Into The Same Classes Not Similar _____________________
96. Actions Assumed To Be Similar Not Similar _____________________
97. Events Assumed To Be Similar Not Similar _____________________
98. Circumstances Assumed To Be Similar Not Similar _____________________
99. Assumed Differences Not Different _____________________
100. Facts Assumed To Be Different Not Different _____________________
101. Data Assumed To Be Different Not Different _____________________
102. Things Assumed To Be Different Not Different _____________________
103. Actions Assumed To Be Different Not Different _____________________
104. Events Assumed To Be Different Not Different _____________________
105. Circumstances Assumed To Be Different Not Different _____________________


1. Knowing Something is Right _____________________
2. Knowing a Datum is Correct _____________________
3. A Known Being _____________________
4. A Correct Location _____________________
5. A Known Form _____________________
6. Something About Which All Data is Known _____________________
7. Events in Correct Sequence _____________________
8. Things in Proper Order _____________________
9. Actions Done in the Right Way _____________________
10. Data in Proper Alignment _____________________
11. People in the Right Places _____________________
12. Things Correctly Counted _____________________
13. A Known Time _____________________
14. A Correct Time _____________________
15. An Exact Time _____________________
16. A Proper Time _____________________
17. Expected Time _____________________
18. Adequate Time _____________________
19. Known Times _____________________
20. Something Correctly Located in Time _____________________
21. A Past Time _____________________
22. A Well Timed Action _____________________
23. A Person at the Right Time _____________________
24. A Truth _____________________
25. Something That is True _____________________
26. A Factual Location _____________________
26a. Telling the Truth _____________________
26b. The True Facts _____________________
27. A True Object _____________________
28. A Truthful Being _____________________
29. Knowing the Truth _____________________
30. The Correct Importance _____________________
31. Something that was Really Important _____________________
32. Something that was Unimportant _____________________
33. Knowing What was and What wasn't Important _____________________
34. Things more Important than Others _____________________
35. Things Less Important than Others _____________________
36. Knowing the Relative Importance of Things _____________________
37. Things Alike _____________________
38. Things Similar _____________________
39. Things Different _____________________
40. The Right Answer _____________________
41. The Right Target _____________________
42. The Correct Goal _____________________
43. The Correct Person _____________________
44. The Right Direction _____________________
45. The Correct Objective _____________________
46. The Right Intention _____________________
47. Something Believable _____________________
48. A Credible Fact _____________________
49. Something You Knew was Plausible _____________________
50. Obviously Factual _____________________
51. Acceptable Datum _____________________
52. An Acceptable Person _____________________
53. A Believable Location _____________________
54. A Believable Form _____________________
55. Acceptable Energy _____________________
56. Acceptable Sensation _____________________
57. A Feeling of Rightness _____________________
58. Correct Source _____________________
59. Correct Origin _____________________
60. From Right Place _____________________
61. From Right Person _____________________
62. Correct Authority _____________________
63. True Source _____________________
64. Data in Agreement _____________________
65. Facts Align _____________________
66. Possible Situation _____________________
67. Matching Data _____________________
68. Matching Reality _____________________
69. Adequate Data _____________________
70. Adequate Terminals _____________________
71. Adequate Matter _____________________
72. Adequate Energy _____________________
73. Adequate Space _____________________
74. Adequate Form _____________________
75. Applicable Data _____________________
76. Applicable Facts _____________________
77. Applicable Terminals _____________________
78. Applicable Matter _____________________
79. Applicable Energy _____________________
80. Applicable Space _____________________
81. Applicable Form _____________________
82. Applicable Event _____________________
83. Assumed Identities Are Identical _____________________
84. Facts Assumed To Be Identical Are Identical _____________________
85. Data Assumed To Be Identical Is Identical _____________________
86. Things Assumed To Be Identical Axe Identical _____________________
87. Actions Assumed To Be Identical Are Identical _____________________
88. Events Assumed To Be Identical Are Identical _____________________
89. Circumstances Assumed To Be Identical Are Identical _____________________
90. Assumed Similarities Are Similar _____________________
91. Facts Assumed To Be Similar Are Similar _____________________
92. Data Assumed To Be Similar Is Similar _____________________
93. Things Assumed To Be Similar Are Similar _____________________
94. Things Grouped Into Proper Classes _____________________
95. Actions Assumed To Be Similar Arc Similar _____________________
96. Events Assumed To Be Similar Are Similar _____________________
97. Circumstances Assumed To Be Similar Are Similar _____________________
98. Assumed Differences Are Different _____________________
99. Facts Assumed To Be Different Are Different _____________________
100. Data Assumed To Be Different Is Different _____________________
101. Things Assumed To Be Different Are Different _____________________
102. Actions Assumed To Be Different Are Different _____________________
103. Events Assumed To Be Different Are Different _____________________
104. Circumstances Assumed To Be Different Are Different _____________________
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