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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- HGC Processes - B590805 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 590805 - HCO Bulletin - HGC Processes [B023-126]
- 590805 - HCO Bulletin - PE Promotion [B023-128]
- 590805 - HCO Bulletin - PE Promotion [B035-091]
- 590805 - HCO Bulletin - Processing Gains by a Mentally Retarded Child [B023-127]
- 590805 - HCO Bulletin - Processing Gains by a Mentally Retarded Child [B035-090]
CONTENTS HGC PROCESSES Cохранить документ себе Скачать
37 Fitzroy Street, London W.1
37 Fitzroy Street, London W.1



The lack of results in HGC is probably due to the restimulative nature of Communication Processes, a phenomenon we have noted on ACCs.

The lack of results in HGC is probably due to the restimulative nature of Communication Processes, a phenomenon we have noted on ACCs.

Therefore, I am giving you this regimen which I want you to very thoroughly enforce so that we can regain the results and therefore income and dissemination on the HGC.

Therefore, I am giving you this regimen which I want you to very thoroughly enforce so that we can regain the results and therefore income and dissemination on the HGC.

These processes were first evolved by me in 1956 to process the personnel of a large London company so that they would get uniform results and would not be telling one another different processes during work. It is therefore amongst the first packages to be “used on anybody”. You have all the data on this, I am sure. It is in the paperback on Control. Switch all pcs to this and we’ll have a happier set of auditors and better results.

These processes were first evolved by me in 1956 to process the personnel of a large London company so that they would get uniform results and would not be telling one another different processes during work. It is therefore amongst the first packages to be “used on anybody”. You have all the data on this, I am sure. It is in the paperback on Control. Switch all pcs to this and we’ll have a happier set of auditors and better results.

Run Psychos on CCH 1, 2, 3, 4.

Run Psychos on CCH 1, 2, 3, 4.

Switch all other cases except the acutely ill (on which you should run Communication Process to the ill body part) to S-C-S and Connectedness.

Switch all other cases except the acutely ill (on which you should run Communication Process to the ill body part) to S-C-S and Connectedness.

When these are flat run the pc for a while on the following Comm Process: “From where could you communicate to a person with difficulties?”

When these are flat run the pc for a while on the following Comm Process: “From where could you communicate to a person with difficulties?”

When pc seems to be flattish on this, return to S-C-S and Connectedness. Let’s increase those results.

When pc seems to be flattish on this, return to S-C-S and Connectedness. Let’s increase those results.

LRH: mc.rdLRH: mc.rd

[This HCO B was converted from a telex sent by L. Ron Hubbard on 27 July 1959 to the D of P, London, info HCO Secretary. HCO Washington, D.C., converted the telex also, and issued it under the title, HGC Regimen, on 26 July 1959.]

[This HCO B was converted from a telex sent by L. Ron Hubbard on 27 July 1959 to the D of P, London, info HCO Secretary. HCO Washington, D.C., converted the telex also, and issued it under the title, HGC Regimen, on 26 July 1959.]