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SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 560920 - HCO Processing Sheet - HCO Processing Sheet [B020-017]
- 560920 - HCO Processing Sheet - HCO Processing Sheet [B033-018]
CONTENTS HCO PROCESSING SHEET OF 20 SEPTEMBER 1956 Cохранить документ себе Скачать
20 Buckingham Street, London W.C. 2


The following are useful and advantageous processes.

Comment: In running motionlessness on a preclear it will be discovered that the preclear must have an intention to have the thing still and must have some cognition that it got still and must have been able to have put the idea that it be still in the object. Unless the auditor is sufficiently inquisitive to have this occur you're not going to get any upgrading results on your profile. The old saw “find out what the preclear is doing and how he is doing it” never worked more advantageously than when running holding things, keeping them still, or letting them be totally uncontrolled.

Comment: Self-determinism in the field of motion consists of by own power of choice permitting a thing to be still or not to be still, permitting a thing to be changed or not to be changed, permitting a thing to be started or not to be started, must be rehabilitated in the preclear. In other words, self-determinism consists here of returning his power of choice over controlling or not controlling at will. The preclear who is obsessively controlling will sooner or later fail to control and then will be controlled by something. The obsession to control, to start, to change, to stop, will be found to enter into the ARC triangle and is what depresses the preclear down scale on the tone scale.

Comment: The entirety of Games processing from an auditing standpoint summates into the necessity that all auditing be done with the preclear at cause; that is to say the preclear must do it to something else. Do not run things which are done to the preclear. In other words, have the preclear do things to the walls, do things to people, do things to his own body and do not run his own body, people, or the walls doing things to the preclear; that works out in the general activity.

Havingness: The Trio run “Look around the room and find something you wouldn't mind having” or “Look around the room and find something you could have” “could permit to remain” or “dispense with”, is completely legitimate as a process and will be found to be as advantageous as ever and should be run whenever the preclear becomes unduly agitated. Games processes demand that all can't haves be run on something else than the preclear. In any situation where another terminal than the preclear is involved can't have is run on that terminal. Have is not ever run on any terminal other than the preclear. Have is only run on the preclear himself. Can't have is run on all other subjects, objects, valences and activities. In addition to this be very certain that you use terminals, not conditions; in other words, to run can't have on “your asthma” is extremely foolish and will reduce the preclear's havingness. Asthma is a condition of the respiratory organs — the proper auditing command is “Look around the room and find something that your respiratory organs cannot have” or “Look around the room and find something you would not permit your respiratory organs to have”.

Solids: It will be discovered that holding things still, keeping things there and making things solid are all a gradient scale and if the auditing command is run on a book “Look at that book. Keep it there” or “Look at that book. Keep it from going away” that stillness and solids will follow as a condition. The fundamental command then is “Keep it there” from which stills, or stillness, or motionlessness and then solids ensue. However running motionlessness directly or solids directly is permissible.

Observation of objects: Objective processes can be run by having the preclear locate objects and “Keep it from going away” followed by the alternate command “Permit it to be totally uncontrolled”.

Alternate commands: The idea of alternate commands has not been properly understood by auditors. We have A and B commands. One is A: Look at it, two is B: Look away from it. The way an alternate command is run is to run: Look at it, Look away from it, Look at it, Look away from it, Look at it, Look away from it; not to run Look at it fifty times and then Look away from it fifty times. This is an alternate command basis. The Change-Unchange commands are extremely valuable when run on an alternate basis. One does not, however, flatten Change and then turn around and flatten Unchange. One runs Change, Unchange; Change, Unchange; one command for each. This has become important in our methods of running stillness.

Stop processes: Stop processes can be run either of two ways. One can simply run Stop as itself and continue to run Stop, on various things such as the body, or he can run Stop, totally uncontrol, Stop, totally uncontrol, Stop, totally uncontrol; or Stop, in total motion, Stop, in total motion, on an alternate basis. It has not been tested or ascertained which of these methods, flattening Stop itself or running Stop and then “totally uncontrolled”, produces the highest gain; however it is known that Stop processes produce gain particularly on low-toned preclears.

Connectedness: Have the preclear look around and find what he could be connected with. This is run in this fashion: “What in this room would you connect with yourself?” It is not run in this fashion: “What could you connect with in this room?” since the latter is a No-Games condition.

Stop-C-S: After a preclear has been run on Start-C-S (one would simply and calmly flatten to some degree each one of the points of control, start, change and stop, in order to get a session going) there is a process known as Stop-C-S. This is a distinctly different process. Once one has plain S-C-S in operation then one has the commands of Stop-C-S. These are the same, but one specialises in Stopping the body. One has the preclear stop the body over and over and as the preclear becomes more accustomed to doing this one then changes the process on him to this extent — the auditor asks the preclear in running Stop-C-S, to “stop the body absolutely still”. This imposes a new discipline on the preclear and makes the process extremely difficult for him. It is only done when S-C-S and ordinary Stop-C-S have been to some slight degree flattened. Following up this “stop the body absolutely still” one can introduce Change into the process for a few commands in order to unflatten the Stop-C-S that has flattened. In other words when the Stop of Stop-C-S on an object or the body seems to be flat, one can run a few Change the body or Change the object and unflatten the Stop once more with a resultant alteration in the preclear's ability to perform. When Stop-C-S seems flat then it should be unflattened at first by running Change-S-S with emphasis on Change and then when Change no longer upsets his ability to stop it, Starting it should be run as an alternate to Stop-C-S in order to unflatten it again.

It will be noted that higher toned preclears do not make very rapid gains on Stop- C-S, S-C-S, and “Hold it still” or “Keep it there” or “Keep it from going away”. It will be found that on preclears that have profiles already above the make-break line, middle line, of a profile sheet, that it is usually necessary to run subjective processes so as to separate valences to run over and under on the bank and in general to sort things out faster than on the more blunt processes. In other words, we have found the processes now which operate on relatively low scale cases and in order to improve a case above the level of solids when he has things fairly well under control it is necessary to do other things. This does not however excuse the running of figure-figure processes on preclears who can't do anything with them. If you think that Stop-C-S and associated processes are flat then you should run subjective processes on valences or solids on the bank in order to recover the entirety of life span for the preclear. In other words, we go about the business of digging up unknowns. We flatten his reactions to such things as light, sound and other material. We separate out valences by having him mock them up and “Keep them there”, by making them still, by making them solid. We go in for the higher level of changes.

When a preclear seems to be all the way up to the top on all these processes it is then only necessary to run him on the re-establishment of abilities. One re-establishes his ability to speak Arabic, for instance, by having him mock up a mosque and keep it there (gradient scale from largest down to more significant objects in terms of the Arab world) and other things until these can be admitted by him to be totally solid. One then has him Stop an Arab from speaking Arabic by having him mock up an Arab and keep him from speaking Arabic and then eventually run Change and Start on this Arab.

One also must run Arabs of different ages and run groups of Arabs and Arabs of different professions whose ability to speak Arabic is being controlled by the preclear. Any other skill can be sorted out and rehabilitated in the preclear from his back track in this fashion.

Remember that the key-note of all processing is to recover unknowns, therefore Not-know processes should be run on higher level preclears so as to get them into a command of the idea of Not-know.

In order to establish exactly where your preclear is you only need to ascertain his reaction to various solids and speeds of impact. Once you have done this you have established exactly where the preclear is on the tone scale. This reaction to solids is far more reliable than profile tests from the auditor's standpoint. Preclears who cannot tolerate solids will have to be worked for a very, very long time on Keeping things from going away and Holding them still and finally Making things solid, no matter where the preclear registered on the profile sheets.

We have apparently undercut cases now to the point where we are getting fairly rapid gains on very low scale cases. It is time for us now to think of what we are going to do with cases who are upstairs, but you must always be sure that your case isn't one of these cases that is simply dubbing in a high tone. This is very easy to establish. The skill with which a person can run Stop-C-S in its most arduous forms, his ability to handle light by “Keeping it there” and motion in general is the establishing factor on where a case sits on the tone scale as far as an auditor is concerned. There are no other tests which are better than this so an auditor had better not take either the profile or the preclear's say-so concerning the state of case. The auditor has a far better test himself in either of these.

In order to rehabilitate a preclear it is necessary then to restore his ability to start, to change and to stop his body, objects, subjective mock-ups, engrams, the solid environment around him and to increase in the main his ability to control solids. This then goes up to his ability to control black objects and blackness, his ability to control invisible particles, his ability to control space. Working in this fashion it is then possible to raise the preclear consistently up the tone scale. It will be noted that solids are reality, whereas reality is basically agreement on a thought level, it actually happens that a preclear can mock up things which are solid. A preclear who is very, very far down scale is unable to do this and is unable to tolerate solids. So, if you want to raise a preclear's reality, you'd better raise his ability to tolerate solids. This is done first by “Keeping things from going away”, next by “Holding things still” and finally by “Making it solid”. In solids we have located the R of the A-R-C triangle and communication as-ises solids but solids must be creatable by the preclear. Thus we have an upward advance of A-R-C monitored by his ability to tolerate solids.

The current program of Scientology is to place its organizational staff personnel and auditors in such a condition that they are capable of reaching, handling and controlling people and groups. If we do this we will shortly be the most advanced organization on the face of Earth, whether we have propaganda, good word of mouth or anything else. This is the road which we're taking in advancing Scientology and its organizations. Thus you see the necessity of establishing objective and subjective Start, Change and Stop on individuals. You are reminded that S-C-S also runs on communication and runs as well on affinity (such as “conceive the wall to be embarrassed” “stop it from being embarrassed”).

More is being learned about these processes as I work with preclears and the science itself, but the first thing that I have learned is that an auditor in order to run Stop-C-S has to be himself capable of tolerating easily all up and down the band, otherwise he fails to understand the process and fails to make it work. It is as therapeutic today for an auditor to audit a preclear on S-C-S and Stop-C-S on the body, for the auditor, as it is for the preclear — if not more so.

L. RON HUBBARD LRH:re.rd Dict'd Sept 13.
Typed Sept 20 1956.