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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- High and Low TA Breakthrough (CSS-037R) (2) - B710603 | Сравнить
- High and Low TA Breakthrough (CSS-037R) - B710603 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Прорыв Касательно Высокой и Низкой РТ (КС-37R) - Б710603R | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 710603 - HCO Bulletin - High and Low TA Breakthrough [B011-072]
- 710603 - HCO Bulletin - High and Low TA Breakthrough [B044-071]
- 710603 - HCO Bulletin - High and Low TA Breakthrough [B078-039]
- 710603 - HCO Bulletin - High and Low TA Breakthrough [B142-039]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
(C/S Series 37, HCOB 19 May 71 and C/S Series 37
Addition, HCOB 21 May 71, have been cancelled
and are not for use. They are replaced by this
HCOB, C/S Series 37R.)
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
(C/S Series 37, HCOB 19 May 71 and C/S Series 37
Addition, HCOB 21 May 71, have been cancelled
and are not for use. They are replaced by this
HCOB, C/S Series 37R.)
All C/SesVIII Checksheet
Class XIAll VIIIs
C/S Series 37RClass IX
Dept 10s


All C/Ses
(The rundown described in this bulletin may only be delivered at the Flag Service Organization by auditors and C/Ses specially trained and qualified to audit and C/S it.)CS Series 37R

High and low TAs have been a long-time puzzle and stumbling block to auditors.


The usual definition of OVERRUN is "gone on too long" or "happened too often." This causes high TAs to occur.


In examining a few failures on using "overrun," I have found that underlying this there is a more basic principle.

High and Low TAs have been a longtime puzzle and stumbling block to Auditors.

When a thetan believes something is "overrun" or "has gone on too long" or “was done too often" he is expressing only a symptom of another mechanism.

The usual definition of Overrun is "gone on too long" or "happened too often". This causes high TAs to occur.


In examining a few failures on using "overrun", I have found that underlying this there is a more basic principle.

To audit "overruns" is auditing toward an untruth. Thus if carried on as process it is really an out-of-ARC process.

When a thetan believes something is "overrun" or "has gone on too long" or "was done too often" he is expressing only a symptom of another mechanism.

That which makes a thetan believe something can be overrun is the EFFORT TO STOP or THE EFFORT TO STOP HIM.

The truth is a thetan can do anything forever.

The effort to stop something, when generalized, becomes a "stop everything" and IS the entrance point of insanity. This has been known since 1967. But I did not earlier connect it with the OVERRUN phenomenon.

To Audit "overruns" is auditing toward an untruth. Thus if carried on as a process it is really an out of ARC Process.

When a thetan has a long chain of efforts to stop or a chain of efforts to stop him (mixed up with protest, of course, and shame, blame and regret human emotion and reaction) he accumulates ridges. These make mass.

That which makes a thetan believe something can be overrun is the effort to stop or the effort to stop him.

This mass makes the high TA.

The effort to stop something, when generalized, becomes a "stop everything" and is the entrance point of insanity. This has been known since 1967. But I did not earlier connect it with the overrun phenomenon.

In truth, it is not possible to kill a thetan, so therefore any effort to stop a thetan would only have partial success. So the chain is also full of INCOMPLETES.

When a thetan has a long chain of efforts to stop or a chain of efforts to stop him (mixed up with protest, of course, and shame, blame and regret and other human emotion and reaction) he accumulates ridges. These make mass.

An incomplete cycle of action causes ARC breaks.

This mass makes the high TA.

Thus an OVERRUN is full of MASS and ARC breaks!

In truth it is not possible to kill a thetan, so therefore any effort to stop a thetan would only have partial success. So the chain is also full of Incompletes.

As you possibly recall from the material of about 1955 the one process you must not run on a pc is "Look out of here and find something you can go out of ARC with." This sends him into a dwindling spiral.

An incomplete cycle of action causes ARC Breaks.

The common denominators of a bank are OUT OF ARC and STOP!

Thus an Overrun is full of Mass and ARC Breaks!

Thus if too long a list of "What has been overrun" is required to obtain the first BD F/N item, the listing action may very well restimulate much more bank than easily be handled on some pcs.

As you possibly recall from the material of about 1955 the one process you must not run on a pc is "Look out of here and find something you can go out of ARC with. " This sends him into a dwindling spiral.

As these are also the pcs with very high TA, if one lists for overrun and runs much too long, a list to get his first BD F/N item, the pc can be heavily restimulated.

The common denominators of a bank are Out of ARC and Stop!

Listing errors or upsets can make this, then, too uncomfortable a proceeding for a pc and should NOT now be done.

Thus if too long a list of "What has been Overrun" is required to obtain the first BD F/N item the listing action may very well restimulate much more bank than can easily be handled on some pcs.

And if it doesn't work on some pcs in the hands of some auditors, it must therefore be cancelled. Any recommendation on VIII Course to do it is cancelled.

As these are also the pcs with very high TA, if one lists for overrun and runs much too long a list to get his first BD F/N item, the pc can be heavily restimulated.

The theory is correct as given on the VIII Course. There, a few items were intended. But now some very long lists have come up on some pcs, which made the pc uncomfortable and were hard for the auditor to handle. Thus the BD F/N item overrun list must not be done.

Listing errors or upsets can make this, then, too uncomfortable a proceeding for a pc and should not now be done.

CONTINUE is then the reverse action to overrun. Continue equals survival.

And if it doesn't work on some pcs in the hands of some auditors, it must therefore be cancelled. Any recommendation on VIII Course to do it is cancelled.

The REVERSE to overrun therefore can be run as a process, to wit "What could you be permitted to continue?" or "What could be continued?"

The theory is correct as given on the VIII Course. There, a few items were intended. But now some very long lists have come up on some pcs which made the pc uncomfortable and were hard for the auditor to handle. Thus the BD F/N item overrun list must not be done.

This however would not be very successful. Thus the listing, action is recommended as the process to use.

Continue is then the Reverse Action to overrun. Continue equals Survival.


The Reverse to overrun therefore can be run as a process, to wit, "What would you be permitted to continue?" or "What could be Continued?"

SEVEN lists can be done on overrun itself by using the in-ARC approach.

This however would not be very successful. Thus the listing action is recommended as the process to use.



A. Self to another__________

Seven Lists can be done on Overrun itself by using the in-ARC Approach.

B. Another to self__________


C. Others to others__________

A. Self to another___________

D. Others to self__________

B. Another to self___________

E. Self to self__________

C. Others to others___________

F. Another to others__________

D. Others to self___________

G. Others to another__________

E. Self to self___________

Ordinarily the biggest read or any read has located a flow that will run and will be most real to the pc. But this is not true in handling overruns. The most stopped or rising read is where he's really hung. To get a TA down list the most stopped read or the rise of the read or the item that raised the TA when called. This is ONLY true of overruns.

F. Another to others___________

The list questions for the above are:

G. Others to another___________

If A stopped: "What could you continue to do to another?"

Ordinarily the biggest read or any read has located a flow that will run and will be most real to the pc. But this is not true in handling overruns. The most stopped or rising read is where he's really hung. To get a TA down list the most stopped read or the rise of the read or the item that raised the TA when called. This is only true of Overruns.

If B stopped: "What could another continue to do to you?"

The list questions for the above are:

If C stopped: "What could others continue to do to others?"

If A stopped: "What could you continue to do to another?"

If D stopped: "What could others continue to do to you?"

If B stopped: "What could another continue to do to you?"

If E stopped: " What could you continue to do to yourself?

If C stopped: "What could others continue to do to others?"

If F stopped, list "What could another continue to do to others?"

If D stopped: "What could others continue to do to you?"

If G stopped, list "What could others continue to do to another?"

If E stopped: "What could you continue to do to yourself?"

The "most stopped read" would be one that really froze the needle or caused it to rise or caused the TA to RISE such as 3.5 to 3.6.

If F stopped, list "What could another continue to do to others?"

The lists would be listed to a BD F/N item, cog, VGls. Actually the list could be listed forever. But the pc will get an item he likes and that F/Ns. He is then given his item. One does NOT null such lists unless one has really goofed

If G stopped, list "What could others continue to do to another?"

ALL the lists A, B, C, D, E, F and G can be listed. To get a TA DOWN you list the flow that sends the TA UP. Then reassess for the next that sends the TA up, etc.

The "Most stopped read" would be one that really froze the needle or caused it to rise or caused the TA to rise such as 3.5 to 3.6.


The lists would be listed to a BD F/N item, Cog, VGIs. Actually the list could be listed forever. But the pc will get an item he likes and that F/Ns. He is then given his item. One does not null such lists unless one has really goofed.

The same exact thing causes LOW TAs. The flow could be said to have overwhelmed the pc.

All the lists A, B, C, D, E, F and G can be listed. To get a TA down you list the flow that sends the TA up. Then reassess for the next that sends the TA up, etc.

Exact1y how you read the list for low TA will be given in another HCOB after further tests are made. In theory it would go lower on assessment.


Please note that OUT-TRs on the part of auditors is the most frequent cause of low TAs. TR 1 that drives the pc out through the back of his head can cause a low (below 2.0) TA on a lot of pcs.

The same exact thing causes low TAs. The flow could be said to have overwhelmed the pc.


Exactly how you read the list for Low TA will be given in another HCOB after further tests are made. In theory it would go lower on assessment.

The end phenomena, the "EP" of a TA HANDLING RUNDOWN would be all lists assessed or listed to F/N and the pc's needle doing a persistent, continual F/N for days. This means an F/N, wide, that nothing can kill.

Please note that out TRs on the part of auditors is the most frequent cause of low TAs. TR 1 that drives the pc out through the back of his head can cause a low (below 2.0) TA on a lot of pcs.



The Department of Special Cases should have auditors who can do this rundown by the book and with perfect results. It is really a Dept 10 technique.

The End Phenomena, the "EP" of a TA Handling Rundown would be all lists assessed or listed to F/N and the pc's needle doing a persistent continual F/N for days. This means an F/N, wide, that nothing can kill.



There are about seven flow directions that can be used or listed:

The Department of Special Cases should have auditors who can do this rundown by the book and with perfect results. It is really a Dept 10 technique.

1. Self to another


2. Another to self

There are about seven flow directions that can be used or listed. (1) Self to another, (2) Another to self, (3) Others to others, (4) Self to others, (5) Others to self, (6) Another to others, (7) Others to another.

3. Others to others

"Flow" is an electronic flow in a direction. In Phoenix, Arizona, in 1952 an "Oscilloscope" (has a face like a radar, shows wave patterns and directions) was once hooked up to an E-Meter movement and showed that a mental flow will flow just so long in one direction. By reversing the repetitive commands when the left-right directional flow slowed, the flow turned around and flowed right-left then slowed, etc. So actual electrical flow occurs in response to the directional command (like "self to another"). Also it jams up when run too long on an average human because his mind has "overruns" in it already.

4. Self to others

"Ridges" and masses come about from a conflict of flows opposing or being pulled back as in withholds.

5. Others to self

High TAs are caused by two or more flows opposing thus making a mass or ridge.

6. Another to others

Low TAs are caused by overwhelm by flows.

7. Others to another.

The thetan thinks of them as overruns and so quits on a subject or wishes he could.

"Flow" is an electronic flow in a direction. In Phoenix, Arizona, in 1952 an "oscilloscope" (has a face like a radar, shows wave patterns and directions) was once hooked up to an E-Meter movement and showed that a mental flow will flow just so long in one direction. By reversing the repetitive commands when the left-right directional flow slowed, the flow turned around and flowed right-left then slowed, etc.

This is why the TA behaves as it does on life and certain subjects.

So actual electrical flow occurs in response to the directional command (like "self to another"). Also it jams up when run too long on an average human because his mind has "overruns" in it already.

There is no real reason why a flow can't go on forever in one direction unless a thetan tries to stop it. Then it ridges and makes mass which then reads on a TA.

"Ridges" and masses come about from a conflict of flows opposing or being pulled back as in withholds.


High TAs are caused by two or more flows opposing thus making a mass or ridge. Low TAs are caused by overwhelm by flows.

An Auditor must be a master at Listing and Nulling in order to touch such Actions as these lists. To foul up on listing on an already fouled-up pc is quite out-tech!

The thetan thinks of them as overruns and so quits on a subject or wishes he could.

An auditor's TRs should have been passed the Hard Way.

This is why the TA behaves as it does on life and certain subjects.

His metering must be excellent and flawless.

There is no real reason why a flow can't go on forever in one direction unless a thetan tries to stop it. Then it ridges and makes mass which then reads on a TA.

His command and use of the Auditor's Code must be complete.


He should himself have had case gain.

An auditor must be a master at Listing and Nulling in order to touch such actions as these lists. To foul up on listing on an already fouled-up pc is quite out-tech!An auditor's TRs should have been passed the hard way­

He must have a full checkout on this HCOB and be able to do it in clay.

His metering must be excellent and flawless.

And as I say, he must know the subject of Listing and Nulling so well, he can always list smoothly to a BD F/N item with never a quiver.

His command and use of the Auditor's Code must be complete.


He should himself have had case gain.

This HCOB does not change the Interiorization Rundown in theory or in practice.

He must have a full checkout on this HCOB and be able to do it in clay.

It does however give this procedure.

And as I say, he must know the subject of Listing and Nulling so well, he can always list smoothly to a BD F/N item with never a quiver.

1. On a high or low TA pc check for Exteriorization in auditing.


2. If pc has gone Ext in Auditing make sure he has not had an Ext-Int RD earlier before giving him another.

This HCOB does not change the Interiorization Rundown in theory or in practice.

3. If an earlier Int RD exists repair, complete or rehab it. Often an Int RD is itself overrun. An L3B on it will show what is wrong with the earlier one. Some poor High TA pcs have had 2 or 3 Ext-Int RDs! All run past the EP.

It does however give this procedure:

Some Ext-Int RDs went totally flat on the secondaries! Or on the recalls. All else was overrun.

1. On a high or low TA pc check for exteriorization in auditing

4. If no earlier Ext-Int RD was done, then do one.

2. If pc has gone ext in auditing, make sure he has not had an Ext-Int RD earlier before giving him another

5. If the check of the Ext-Int RD situation shows it not to be the reason, or was the reason but the TA goes high or low days later, then do this TA Handling RD.

3. If an earlier Int RD exists, repair, complete or rehab it.


Often an Int RD is itself overrun. An L3B on it will show what is wrong with the earlier one. Some poor high TA pcs have had 2 or 3 Ext-Int RDs! All run past the EP.

As pc high and low TAs have been blocking auditing for a lot of auditors this discovery and its remedy is Delightful news!

Some Ext-Int RDs went totally flat on the secondaries! Or on the recalls. All else was overrun


4. If no earlier Ext-Int RD was done, then do one


5. If the check of the Ext-Int RD situation shows it not to be the reason or was the reason but the TA goes high or low days later, then DO THIS TA HANDLING RD

As pc high and low TAs have been blocking auditing for a lot of auditors, this discovery and its remedy is delightful news!
