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SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 630819 - HCO Bulletin - How to Do an ARC Break Assessment [B003-055]
- 630819 - HCO Bulletin - How to Do an ARC Break Assessment [B039-043]
- 630819 - HCO Bulletin - How to Do an ARC Break Assessment [B153-043]
CONTENTS How To Do An ARC Break Assessment ARC BREAK ASSESSMENT BY STEPS Step One: Step Two: Step Three: Step Four: Step Five: Step Six: End of Steps PURPOSE OF ASSESSMENT SUMMARY Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Central OrgsCentral Orgs

How To Do An ARC Break Assessment

How To Do An ARC Break Assessment

(HCO Secs: Check out on all technical Executives and Personnel.
Tech Dir: Check out on HCO Secs and Assn Org Secs.)
(HCO Secs: Check out on all technical Executives and Personnel.
Tech Dir: Check out on HCO Secs and Assn Org Secs.)

The successful handling of an ARC Break Assessment is a skilled activity which requires:

The successful handling of an ARC Break Assessment is a skilled activity which requires:

1. Skill in handling a Meter.

1. Skill in handling a Meter.

2. Skill in handling the Itsa Line of the Auditing Cycle.

2. Skill in handling the Itsa Line of the Auditing Cycle.

3. Skill in Assessment.

3. Skill in Assessment.

The lists given in HCO Bulletin of July 5, AD13 "ARC Break Assessments", are used, either from that HCO Bulletin or amended.

The lists given in HCO Bulletin of July 5, AD13 "ARC Break Assessments", are used, either from that HCO Bulletin or amended.

There are several uses for ARC Break Assessments.

There are several uses for ARC Break Assessments.

1. Cleaning up a session ARC Break.

1. Cleaning up a session ARC Break.

2. Cleaning up auditing in general.

2. Cleaning up auditing in general.

3. Cleaning up a pc's or student's possible ARC Breaks.

3. Cleaning up a pc's or student's possible ARC Breaks.

4. Cleaning up a member of the public's possible or actual ARC Breaks.

4. Cleaning up a member of the public's possible or actual ARC Breaks.

5. Regular use on a weekly basis on staff or organization members.

5. Regular use on a weekly basis on staff or organization members.

There are others. Those above are the chief uses.

There are others. Those above are the chief uses.

For long time periods the standard 18 button prepcheck is faster, but an ARC Break Assessment is still useful in conjunction with it.

For long time periods the standard 18 button prepcheck is faster, but an ARC Break Assessment is still useful in conjunction with it.

The drill is simple. If complicated by adding in R2H material, dating, and other additives, the ARC Break Assessment ceases to work well and may even create more ARC Breaks.

The drill is simple. If complicated by adding in R2H material, dating, and other additives, the ARC Break Assessment ceases to work well and may even create more ARC Breaks.

If used every time a pc gets in a little trouble in R3N or R3R the ARC Break Assessment is being used improperly. In R2H, R3N, R3R sessions it is used only when the pc shows definite signs of an ARC Break. To use it oftener constitutes no auditing.

If used every time a pc gets in a little trouble in R3N or R3R the ARC Break Assessment is being used improperly. In R2H, R3N, R3R sessions it is used only when the pc shows definite signs of an ARC Break. To use it oftener constitutes no auditing.

Unnecessary use of an ARC Break Assessment may ARC Break the pc with the Assessment.

Unnecessary use of an ARC Break Assessment may ARC Break the pc with the Assessment.

The ARC Break Assessment may be repaired by an 18 Button Prepcheck "On ARC Break Assessments _____".

The ARC Break Assessment may be repaired by an 18 Button Prepcheck "On ARC Break Assessments _____".



Step One:
Step One:

Select the proper list. This is done by establishing what the pc has been audited on. If more than one type of by-passed charge is suspected, do more than one list. If the ARC Break is not completely cured by one list, do another kind of list. (All lists have been in HCOBs as "L".)

Select the proper list. This is done by establishing what the pc has been audited on. If more than one type of by-passed charge is suspected, do more than one list. If the ARC Break is not completely cured by one list, do another kind of list. (All lists have been in HCOBs as "L".)

Step Two:
Step Two:

Inform the pc that you are about to assess for any charge that might have been restimulated or by-passed on his or her case. Do not heavily stress the ARC Break aspect. Right: "I am going to assess a list to see if any charge has been by-passed on your case. " Wrong: "I'm going to try to cure (or assess) your ARC Break. "

Inform the pc that you are about to assess for any charge that might have been restimulated or by-passed on his or her case. Do not heavily stress the ARC Break aspect. Right: "I am going to assess a list to see if any charge has been by-passed on your case. " Wrong: "I'm going to try to cure (or assess) your ARC Break. "

Step Three:
Step Three:

Without regard to pc's natter, but with quick attention for any cognition the pc may have during assessment as to by-passed charge, assess the list.

Without regard to pc's natter, but with quick attention for any cognition the pc may have during assessment as to by-passed charge, assess the list.

Phrase the question in regard to the reason for the Assessment – "In this session _____" "During this week _____" "In Scientology _____" etc. Call each line once to see if it gives an instant read.

Phrase the question in regard to the reason for the Assessment – "In this session _____" "During this week _____" "In Scientology _____" etc. Call each line once to see if it gives an instant read.

The moment a line gives a reaction, stop, and do Step Four.

The moment a line gives a reaction, stop, and do Step Four.

Step Four:
Step Four:

When a line reacts on the needle, say to the pc, "The line _____ reacts. What can you tell me about this?"

When a line reacts on the needle, say to the pc, "The line _____ reacts. What can you tell me about this?"

Step Five:
Step Five:

Keep Itsa Line in. Do not cut the pc's line. Do not ask for more than pc has. Let pc flounder around until pc finds the charge asked for in Step Four or says there's no such charge. (If a line reacted because the pc did not understand it, or by protest or decide, make it right with the pc and continue assessing.)

Keep Itsa Line in. Do not cut the pc's line. Do not ask for more than pc has. Let pc flounder around until pc finds the charge asked for in Step Four or says there's no such charge. (If a line reacted because the pc did not understand it, or by protest or decide, make it right with the pc and continue assessing.)

Step Six:
Step Six:

In a session: If pc found the by-passed charge, ask pc "How do you feel now?" If pc says he or she feels OK, cease assessing for ARC Breaks and go back to session actions. If pc says there's no such charge or gets misemotional at Auditor, keep on assessing on down the list for another active line, or even on to another list until the charge is found which makes pc relax.

In a session: If pc found the by-passed charge, ask pc "How do you feel now?" If pc says he or she feels OK, cease assessing for ARC Breaks and go back to session actions. If pc says there's no such charge or gets misemotional at Auditor, keep on assessing on down the list for another active line, or even on to another list until the charge is found which makes pc relax.

In a routine ARC Break check (not a session but for a longer period), don't stop assessing but keep on going as in Step Five, unless pc's cognition is huge.

In a routine ARC Break check (not a session but for a longer period), don't stop assessing but keep on going as in Step Five, unless pc's cognition is huge.

End of Steps
End of Steps

Please notice: This is not R2H. There is no dating. The auditor does not further assist the pc with the meter in any way.

Please notice: This is not R2H. There is no dating. The auditor does not further assist the pc with the meter in any way.

If the pc blows up in your face on being given a type of charge, keep going, as you have not yet found the charge. Typical response to wrong charge found: Pc: "Well of course it's a cut communication! You've been cutting my communication the whole session. You ought to be retreaded… etc. " Note here that pc's attention is still on auditor. Therefore the correct charge has not been found. If the by-passed charge has been found the pc will relax and look for it, attention on own case.

If the pc blows up in your face on being given a type of charge, keep going, as you have not yet found the charge. Typical response to wrong charge found: Pc: "Well of course it's a cut communication! You've been cutting my communication the whole session. You ought to be retreaded… etc. " Note here that pc's attention is still on auditor. Therefore the correct charge has not been found. If the by-passed charge has been found the pc will relax and look for it, attention on own case.

Several by-passed charges can exist and be found on one list. Therefore in cleaning up a week or an intensive or a career (any long period) treat a list like rudiments, cleaning everything that reacts.

Several by-passed charges can exist and be found on one list. Therefore in cleaning up a week or an intensive or a career (any long period) treat a list like rudiments, cleaning everything that reacts.

Blow down of the Tone Arm is the meter reaction of having found the correct by-passed charge. Keep doing Steps One to Six until you get a blow down of the Tone Arm. The pc feeling better and being happy about the ARC Break will coincide almost always with a Tone Arm Blow Down.

Blow down of the Tone Arm is the meter reaction of having found the correct by-passed charge. Keep doing Steps One to Six until you get a blow down of the Tone Arm. The pc feeling better and being happy about the ARC Break will coincide almost always with a Tone Arm Blow Down.

You can, however, undo a session ARC Break Assessment by continuing beyond the pc's cognition of what it is. Continuing an assessment after the pc has cognited, invalidates the pc's cognition and cuts the Itsa Line and may cause a new ARC Break.

You can, however, undo a session ARC Break Assessment by continuing beyond the pc's cognition of what it is. Continuing an assessment after the pc has cognited, invalidates the pc's cognition and cuts the Itsa Line and may cause a new ARC Break.

Rarely, but sometimes, the ARC Break is handled with no TA blow down.

Rarely, but sometimes, the ARC Break is handled with no TA blow down.




The purpose of an ARC Break Assessment is to return the pc into session or into Scientology or into an Org or course. By-passed charge can cause the person to blow out of session, or out of an Org or a course or Scientology.

The purpose of an ARC Break Assessment is to return the pc into session or into Scientology or into an Org or course. By-passed charge can cause the person to blow out of session, or out of an Org or a course or Scientology.

With a session (formerly "in"): Is defined as "interested in own case and willing to talk to the auditor". Against session: Against session is defined as "attention off own case and talking at the auditor in protest of auditor, PT auditing, environment or Scientology".

With a session (formerly "in"): Is defined as "interested in own case and willing to talk to the auditor". Against session: Against session is defined as "attention off own case and talking at the auditor in protest of auditor, PT auditing, environment or Scientology".

With Scientology: With Scientology is defined as "interested in subject and getting it used". Against Scientology: Against Scientology is defined as "Attention off Scientology and protesting Scientology behaviour or connections".

With Scientology: With Scientology is defined as "interested in subject and getting it used". Against Scientology: Against Scientology is defined as "Attention off Scientology and protesting Scientology behaviour or connections".

With Organization: With organization can be defined as "interested in org or post and willing to communicate with or about org". Against organization: Against organizationness is defined as "against organization or posts and protesting at org behaviour or existence".

With Organization: With organization can be defined as "interested in org or post and willing to communicate with or about org". Against organization: Against organizationness is defined as "against organization or posts and protesting at org behaviour or existence".

The data about ARC Breaks can be expanded to marriage, companies, jobs, etc. Indeed to all dynamics – With Dynamic, Against Dynamic.

The data about ARC Breaks can be expanded to marriage, companies, jobs, etc. Indeed to all dynamics – With Dynamic, Against Dynamic.

What it boils down to is this: There are only two conditions of living, but many shades of grey to each one.

What it boils down to is this: There are only two conditions of living, but many shades of grey to each one.

These conditions are:

These conditions are:

1. Life: Not ARC Broken: Capable of some affinity for, some reality about and some communication with the environment; and

1. Life: Not ARC Broken: Capable of some affinity for, some reality about and some communication with the environment; and

2. Death: ARC Broken: Incapable of affinity for, reality about and communication with the environment.

2. Death: ARC Broken: Incapable of affinity for, reality about and communication with the environment.

Under One we have those who can disenturbulate themselves and make some progress in life.

Under One we have those who can disenturbulate themselves and make some progress in life.

Under Two we have those who are in such protest that they are stopped and can make little or no progress in life.

Under Two we have those who are in such protest that they are stopped and can make little or no progress in life.

One, we consider to be in some ARC with existence.

One, we consider to be in some ARC with existence.

Two, we consider to be broken in ARC with existence.

Two, we consider to be broken in ARC with existence.

In a session or handling the living lightning we handle, people can be hit by a forceful charge of which they are only minutely aware but which swamps them. Their affinity, reality and communication (life force) is retarded or cut by this hidden charge and they react with what we call an ARC Break or have an ARC Broken aspect.

In a session or handling the living lightning we handle, people can be hit by a forceful charge of which they are only minutely aware but which swamps them. Their affinity, reality and communication (life force) is retarded or cut by this hidden charge and they react with what we call an ARC Break or have an ARC Broken aspect.

If they know what charge it is they do not ARC Break or they cease to be ARC Broken.

If they know what charge it is they do not ARC Break or they cease to be ARC Broken.

It is the unknown character of the charge that causes it to have such a violent effect on the person.

It is the unknown character of the charge that causes it to have such a violent effect on the person.

People do not ARC Break on known charge. It is always the hidden or the earlier charge that causes the ARC Break.

People do not ARC Break on known charge. It is always the hidden or the earlier charge that causes the ARC Break.

This makes life look different (and more understandable). People continuously explain so glibly why they are acting as badly as they are. Whereas, if they really knew, they would not act that way. When the true character of the charge (or many charges as in a full case) is known to the person the ARC Break ceases.

This makes life look different (and more understandable). People continuously explain so glibly why they are acting as badly as they are. Whereas, if they really knew, they would not act that way. When the true character of the charge (or many charges as in a full case) is known to the person the ARC Break ceases.

How much by-passed charge does it take to make a case? The whole sum of past by-passed charge.

How much by-passed charge does it take to make a case? The whole sum of past by-passed charge.

This fortunately for the pc is not all of it in constant restimulation. Therefore the person stays somewhat in one piece but prey to any restimulation.

This fortunately for the pc is not all of it in constant restimulation. Therefore the person stays somewhat in one piece but prey to any restimulation.

Auditing selectively restimulates, locates the charge and discharges it (as seen on the action of a moving Tone Arm).

Auditing selectively restimulates, locates the charge and discharges it (as seen on the action of a moving Tone Arm).

However, accidental rekindlings of past charge unseen by pc or auditor occur and the pc "mysteriously" ARC Breaks.

However, accidental rekindlings of past charge unseen by pc or auditor occur and the pc "mysteriously" ARC Breaks.

Similarly people in life get restimulated also, but with nobody to locate the charge. Thus Scientologists are lucky.

Similarly people in life get restimulated also, but with nobody to locate the charge. Thus Scientologists are lucky.

In heavily restimulated circumstances the person goes out of. In such a condition people want to stop things, cease to act, halt life, and failing this they try to run away.

In heavily restimulated circumstances the person goes out of. In such a condition people want to stop things, cease to act, halt life, and failing this they try to run away.

As soon as the actual by-passed charge is found and recognized as the charge by the person, up goes Affinity and Reality and Communication and life can be lived.

As soon as the actual by-passed charge is found and recognized as the charge by the person, up goes Affinity and Reality and Communication and life can be lived.

Therefore ARC Breaks are definite, their symptoms are known, their cure is very easy with this understanding and technology.

Therefore ARC Breaks are definite, their symptoms are known, their cure is very easy with this understanding and technology.

An ARC Break Assessment seeks to locate the charge that served, being hidden, as a whip-hand force on the person. When it is located life returns. Locating the actual by-passed charge is returning life to the person.

An ARC Break Assessment seeks to locate the charge that served, being hidden, as a whip-hand force on the person. When it is located life returns. Locating the actual by-passed charge is returning life to the person.

Therefore, properly handling ARC Breaks can be called, with no exaggeration "Returning Life to the person".

Therefore, properly handling ARC Breaks can be called, with no exaggeration "Returning Life to the person".

One further word of caution: As experience will quickly tell you, seeking to do anything at all with an earlier by-passed charge incident which led to the ARC Break immediately the earlier incident is found will lead to a vast mess.

One further word of caution: As experience will quickly tell you, seeking to do anything at all with an earlier by-passed charge incident which led to the ARC Break immediately the earlier incident is found will lead to a vast mess.

Let the pc talk about it all the pc pleases. But don't otherwise try to run it, date it or seek to find what by-passed charge caused the earlier incident. In assessing for ARC Breaks, keep the Itsa Line in very well and keep the What's It out in every respect except as contained in the above Six Steps.

Let the pc talk about it all the pc pleases. But don't otherwise try to run it, date it or seek to find what by-passed charge caused the earlier incident. In assessing for ARC Breaks, keep the Itsa Line in very well and keep the What's It out in every respect except as contained in the above Six Steps.




An ARC Break Assessment is simple stuff, so simple people are almost certain to complicate it. It only works when kept simple.

An ARC Break Assessment is simple stuff, so simple people are almost certain to complicate it. It only works when kept simple.

Old auditors will see a similarity in an ARC Break Assessment List and old end rudiments. They can be handled much the same but only when one is covering a long time period. Otherwise assess only to cognition and drop it.

Old auditors will see a similarity in an ARC Break Assessment List and old end rudiments. They can be handled much the same but only when one is covering a long time period. Otherwise assess only to cognition and drop it.

The trouble in ARC Break Assessments comes from additives by the auditor, failure to keep on with additional lists if the type of charge causing the ARC Break isn't found on the first list chosen, failure to read the meter, and failure to keep the Itsa Line in.

The trouble in ARC Break Assessments comes from additives by the auditor, failure to keep on with additional lists if the type of charge causing the ARC Break isn't found on the first list chosen, failure to read the meter, and failure to keep the Itsa Line in.

Doing ARC Break Assessments to cure ARC Breaks is not the same drill as R2H and confusing the two leads to trouble.

Doing ARC Break Assessments to cure ARC Breaks is not the same drill as R2H and confusing the two leads to trouble.

Handled skillfully as above, ARC Break Assessing cures the great majority of woes of auditing, registraring, training and handling organization. If you find you aren't making ARC Break Assessments work for you check yourself out on this HCO Bulletin carefully, review your meter reading and examine your handling of the Itsa Line. If you want live people around you, learn to handle ARC Break Assessments.

Handled skillfully as above, ARC Break Assessing cures the great majority of woes of auditing, registraring, training and handling organization. If you find you aren't making ARC Break Assessments work for you check yourself out on this HCO Bulletin carefully, review your meter reading and examine your handling of the Itsa Line. If you want live people around you, learn to handle ARC Break Assessments.

Don't worry about pcs getting ARC Breaks. Worry about being able to cure them with assessment until you have confidence you can. There's nothing so uplifting as that confidence, except perhaps the ability to make any case get TA motion.

Don't worry about pcs getting ARC Breaks. Worry about being able to cure them with assessment until you have confidence you can. There's nothing so uplifting as that confidence, except perhaps the ability to make any case get TA motion.

Don't ever be "reasonable" about an ARC Break and think the pc is perfectly right to be having one "because _____". If that ARC Break exists, the pc doesn't know what's causing it and neither do you until you and the pc find it! If you and the pc knew what was causing it, there would be no further ARC Break.

Don't ever be "reasonable" about an ARC Break and think the pc is perfectly right to be having one "because _____". If that ARC Break exists, the pc doesn't know what's causing it and neither do you until you and the pc find it! If you and the pc knew what was causing it, there would be no further ARC Break.
