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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- How to Really Split a Valence - 560720 | Сравнить

CONTENTS How to really split a valence (after much testing): Cохранить документ себе Скачать
From LRH to HGC Staff - July 20, 1956.

How to really split a valence (after much testing):

  1. Get pc under control with Start-Change-Stop — lots of it.
  2. Unjam track with Solids. “What do you see? Make it solid.” (Anything jamming track can be run as a valence below.)
  3. Choose valence or valences, weakest universe preferred.
  4. “What would interest?”
  5. “What would get the attention of?”
  6. “Whatcan’t have.” (objectively on room)
  7. “What could you protectfrom?”
  8. “What communication could you preventfrom originating?”
  9. Problems of Comparable Magnitude to(not necessarily to be run at this point but anywhere in formula).
  10. “Invent a game you could play with.”

Then 4 to 10 again to check.

Run Havingness as needed.

Keep pc under control with S-C-S on body.

The above formula is a killer on valences. I took 100 hours of testing to check it out.
