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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Interiorization Handling Simplified (INTRD-01) - B781004 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Упрощенная Обработка Интеризации (ИНТРД-1) - Б781004 | Сравнить

CONTENTS INTERIORIZATION HANDLING SIMPLIFIED Exteriorization More on Recalls Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo Auditors C/Ses Class IV Grad Tech/Qual Interiorization Rundown Series 1


(Ref: HCOB 4 Jan 71R Int RD Series 2, Exteriorization and High TA, The Interiorization Rundown Revised HCOB 24 Sep 781 Int RD Series 4, Urgent – Important, The End of Endless Int Repair Rundown.)


Exteriorization is defined as the act of moving out of the body with or with-out full perception.

It is the fact of this act which proves that the individual is not a body but an individual. This discovery in 1952 proved beyond any question the existence of a thetan, that the individual was a thetan, not a body, and disproved that Man was an animal, and proved that he was a spiritual being, timeless and deathless.


The issues on exteriorization and interiorization and the handling of out-Int have now been collected into the Interiorization Rundown Series.

We have had the remedy for out-Int, the Interiorization Rundown, for some years now, but we have also had pcs who ran into the need for excessive repair of the remedy itself. Much of this need for repair has stemmed from auditor errors in running or repairing Int, and these have been enumerated on other bulletins.

Whatever the reasons for repair, a simple, effective method of repairing Int was needed. This need has now been filled with the release of the new End of Endless Int Repair Rundown.

With the research that was done to develop this repair rundown which uses Re-calls, I have also had the opportunity to reevaluate the original Int Rundown itself. The result is a newly revised Int Rundown.

So we have two very effective new tools for handling Int:

1. A simplified Interiorization Rundown

2. The End of Endless Int Repair Rundown, which handles Int repair smoothly and terminatedly by a special method of assessment and running it on Recall flows.

The full steps of both of these rundowns are included in issues in the Interiorization Rundown Series.

NOTE: Per HCOB 12 Sep 78, Urgent Important, Dianetics Forbidden on Clears and OTs, Dianetic Clears, Scn Clears and OTs are not to be audited on the Int Rundown as it uses Dianetics. They may be run on The End of Endless Int Repair RD (HCOB 24 Sep 78 I, Int RD Series 4), as it runs Int on Recalls.

Additionally, the basics on exteriorization and interiorization are covered quite fully in the Int RD Series, particularly in HCOB 4 Jan 71R, Exteriorization and High TA, The Interiorization Rundown Revised.

Any auditor who is going to go near an Int Rundown or an Int repair action must know those fundamentals cold.

He must understand that it is the first of a chain or the first part of an experience or a first experience (basic on the chain of incidents) that has to be run for the chain or incident to erase. In other words, he must understand the principle of getting the earlier beginning to an incident or an earlier incident in order to erase a chain, as in R3RA.

He must understand that if one is IN something, he must have gotten into it. And that, therefore, the beginning of an exteriorization is an interiorization.

The full theory on this also is covered in the above HCOB 4 Jan 71R, which the auditor should be fully familiar with.

There is some further data which you should have, on the subject of Int and flows.

Basically, Int is a compound of stuck flows and prior incidents. There is a stuck flow of obsessively going in. In most of the pc’s Int engrams you’ve got an operating trigger that puts him into them. The earlier beginning is always „in. “ These must be audited out, blown, before you’re through with Int.

The way this trigger works is, for example: A pc may blow out of his head with F/N, VGIs on Tuesday. But he has not erased the basic on Int. He went out on a „reaction flow“ on Tuesday. On Friday he comes in with his TA at 5. What has happened is the flow has retriggered. He’s now blown back in on a „re-reaction flow. “ Any regular auditing and he will plow in deeper. So you’ve got to handle his Int terminatedly.

Prior to now, an Int Rundown has been done by clearing and then assessing the Int buttons „went in“ and „go in. “ If one of them read the Int button was first run on Recall Triple or Quad Flows, next on Secondaries Triple or Quad Flows, and then on Engrams Triple or Quad Flows. This handled Int for many, many pcs. But it is probable that one reason we also got so many Int repairs was that in many of these repair cases the pc never ran any basic. Beginning the Int Rundown with Recalls with the stuck flow of „going in“ still in operation you could get a key-out, key-in, key-out, key-in repeatedly and not get to the basic.

We had an exteriorization command in the early years which was „Try not to be three feet back of your head,“ and it exteriorized people. But all that did was unstick the flow and trigger the person out of his head. You’re likely to get the same result if you run Int by Recall first crack. You give the command „Recall a time.... “ and boom, he’s out. But he hasn’t run the basic on Int.

So if you entered an Int Rundown on a Recall basis you could get some of that mechanism cutting in. And you could get repetitive Int, with the engrams he didn’t run out keying in.

There is another phenomenon that can occur. Time itself can be a stuck flow.

You get a certain number of pcs who can’t move back on the time track more than minutes. They get stuck on the stuck flow of time. On Recall commands such a pc may F/N very quickly. (Or even on an R3RA command, „Locate a time when you went in,“ he may run shallow, he may run only locks and F/N quickly.) Then suddenly he hits the skids and goes hurtling backtrack. The flow is reversed and he doesn’t fire out of his head, he fires backwards on the time track, on a restim. And you’ll have out-Int repeating itself all over again. That’s the rest of the mechanism.

Addressed in R3RA engram auditing properly done, always getting the earlier beginning and/or the earlier incident, these chains of incidents on the stuck flow of going in can be audited out in an orderly fashion on the majority of pcs. You erase the engrams and you dissolve the obsessive stuck flow of going in, and you have the EP of Int.

Or, at some point in the engram auditing the flow gets unstuck enough to heave into reverse, it heaves in the opposite direction and it erases itself and the whole package blows. That, too, is an EP for Int which must not be ignored by the auditor. (See HCOB 4 Jan 71R.)

Thereafter, the pc will usually have no more trouble or concern with Int.

So we are safer entering the Int Rundown by running engrams to begin with, and running only engrams on that rundown, and that is how the revised Int Rundown has now been set up. We had better run the engram chains and their basics out first and then, if repair is needed, repair them with Recalls, using the End of Endless Int Repair Rundown.

More on Recalls

Entering Int with Recalls has its liabilities, as described above. But there are also definite advantages in having Recalls as a tool to use, as necessary, in running Int on some cases.

You are going to encounter some few isolated instances where the pc can’t run engrams for one reason or another. Such pcs can then be audited by the Recall method as given in the End of Endless Int Repair Rundown, using the rundown not as a repair but as a process. Dianetic Clears, Scn Clears and OTs can be handled on out-Int with this method. It can also be used to relieve out-Int on weak or ill pcs until they are up to running engrams.

It is not a fast method. Using the Recall system (per End of Endless Int Repair RD) to run out-Int, can go on and on. In time though, by taking the pc up on a gradient, you can eventually get him to a point where he is actually as-ising engrams, blowing them by inspection. The revised Int Rundown is by far the swifter route for handling a pc initially on out-Int.

However, the use of Recalls is ideal in the handling of repair of Int, when it is necessary after an Int Rundown has been done. The End of Endless Int Repair Rundown gives the exact method for assessment of the Int buttons and flows and running these on Recalls as a repair action. And here we get a smooth run on the Recall flows and the resolving of any Int troubles.

Thus, from this research we get a new, simplified version of the Int Rundown and an invaluable process for any Int repair.

Further issues in the Int Rundown Series cover these and other technical data relating to Int.
