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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Letter from Australia - B590414 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 590414 - HCO Bulletin - Letter from Australia [B023-057]
- 590414 - HCO Bulletin - Letter from Australia [B035-036]
CONTENTS LETTER FROM AUSTRALIA Cохранить документ себе Скачать
37 Fitzroy Street, London W.1
37 Fitzroy Street, London W.1
Magazine ArticleMagazine Article



“Attached you will see a letter from Jim and Wal Wilkinson — who are very good Scientologists operating in Adelaide, capital city of South Australia. They have just started up and already have 30-35 on their PE Courses. I have met them personally and believe me they are good sorts. Now I wrote to them on Rhona’s instructions asking them to apply for an HCO Franchise to regularize their setup and told them a few things about having an HCO.

“Attached you will see a letter from Jim and Wal Wilkinson — who are very good Scientologists operating in Adelaide, capital city of South Australia. They have just started up and already have 30-35 on their PE Courses. I have met them personally and believe me they are good sorts. Now I wrote to them on Rhona’s instructions asking them to apply for an HCO Franchise to regularize their setup and told them a few things about having an HCO.

“They are very keen to have an HCO and I presume that the franchise would be for the area of South Australia — quite a large state.

“They are very keen to have an HCO and I presume that the franchise would be for the area of South Australia — quite a large state.

“I am very pleased that they are doing so well because now Scientology in Aussie is really swinging in these cities: Perth, Adelaide, Melbourne and very soon we will get Sydney and Brisbane going and LO — WE WILL HAVE ENCIRCLED AUSTRALIA. Working it out mathematically on population basis of Aussie with 250 auditors putting 500 people thru courses or processing a year, in 2 years 5 percent of the people will have been thru the courses. Of course it is very likely we are going to have more than 250 auditors around — so watch it kiddo Aussie will be the first all Scientology country and should produce a terrific culture-about time too — it hasn’t really had its OWN culture. Anyway that’s the mockup — and we are already succeeding in it markedly. Talk in the coffee shops is all about Dianetics or Scientology. Our people are young and able. (Sounds like I’m really converted to Aussie, doesn’t it!) Well I guess I’m beating the drum slightly. Anyway if you’ll talk about this tremendous advance that’s getting going in Aussie (and around the world) the more people we get to agree with it-the more it gets solid and real. You know people are fantastically interested in Scientology really — angry young people everywhere — are interested. Perhaps the difference in Aussie is there is a lot of hope and many possibilities of succeeding in the game here than elsewhere — perhaps — and also no hidebound old culture bogging them down — tradition etc (not pooh-pooh tradition where they are useful and go ahead) but sitting on past glories (and failures) is no good. They don’t do that in Aussie.

“I am very pleased that they are doing so well because now Scientology in Aussie is really swinging in these cities: Perth, Adelaide, Melbourne and very soon we will get Sydney and Brisbane going and LO — WE WILL HAVE ENCIRCLED AUSTRALIA. Working it out mathematically on population basis of Aussie with 250 auditors putting 500 people thru courses or processing a year, in 2 years 5 percent of the people will have been thru the courses. Of course it is very likely we are going to have more than 250 auditors around — so watch it kiddo Aussie will be the first all Scientology country and should produce a terrific culture-about time too — it hasn’t really had its OWN culture. Anyway that’s the mockup — and we are already succeeding in it markedly. Talk in the coffee shops is all about Dianetics or Scientology. Our people are young and able. (Sounds like I’m really converted to Aussie, doesn’t it!) Well I guess I’m beating the drum slightly. Anyway if you’ll talk about this tremendous advance that’s getting going in Aussie (and around the world) the more people we get to agree with it-the more it gets solid and real. You know people are fantastically interested in Scientology really — angry young people everywhere — are interested. Perhaps the difference in Aussie is there is a lot of hope and many possibilities of succeeding in the game here than elsewhere — perhaps — and also no hidebound old culture bogging them down — tradition etc (not pooh-pooh tradition where they are useful and go ahead) but sitting on past glories (and failures) is no good. They don’t do that in Aussie.

“Sounds like I’m giving a lecture — so will close sending you a spark of enthusiasm. Best, Eliz.“

“Sounds like I’m giving a lecture — so will close sending you a spark of enthusiasm. Best, Eliz.“

LRH: mp. rdLRH: mp. rd