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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Clearing Course Security - B660816-2 | Сравнить
- List L4 S and D (cancelled) - B660816 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 660816 - HCO Bulletin - List L4 S & D [B006-017]
- 660816 - HCO Bulletin - List L4 S & D [B068-009]
CONTENTS LIST L-4 S & D Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo Academies, Level III & above HGC Auditors, III & above Franchise, Level III & above

LIST L-4 S & D

The following list may be used to assess an ARC Break on Search and Discovery:

1. An incorrect item been found?

2. A withhold been missed?

3. An item been by-passed?

4. An item been abandoned?

5. An item been suppressed?

6. An item been invalidated?

7. An item been protested?

8. An item been asserted?

9. An item been decided about?

10. You not given items you thought of?

11. The item on another list?

12. The item already been given?

13. The item been refused?

14. The list not been completed?

15. The item been found?

16. You already volunteered the item?

17. You thought of an item and not put it on the list?

18. An item been misworded?

19. An item been mispronounced?

20. An item not been understood?

21. Is there another name for any person on the list?

22. An item been forced on you?

23. An item been evaluated?

24. An item been suggested?

25. Earlier listing been restimulated?

26. Earlier wrong items been restimulated?

27. Earlier listing ARC Breaks been restimulated?

28. An ARC Break on having an S and D?

29. Some other kind of by-passed charge?

30. Nothing wrong in the first place?

31. The upset been handled?

32. An overt been committed by listing someone?