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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Model Session Script, Revised (Cancelled) - B611221 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 611221 - HCO Bulletin - Model Session Script, Revised [B001-106]
- 611221 - HCO Bulletin - Model Session Script, Revised [B037-078]
CONTENTS MODEL SESSION SCRIPT, REVISED MODEL SESSION SCRIPT “R” FACTOR START OF SESSION BEGINNING RUDIMENTS 1. Goals 2. Environment 3. Auditor Clearance 4. Withholds 5. Present Time Problem START OF PROCESS END OF PROCESS 1. Cyclical 2. Non-Cyclical REPEATED COMMANDS COGNITION END RUDIMENTS 1. Untruths 2. Meter Influence 3.Missed Answers 4. Missed Withholds 5. ARC Break 6. Havingness 7. Goals and Gains END OF SESSION Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex



(This cancels earlier versions of Model Session and is for use on all cases except CCHs)(This cancels earlier versions of Model Session and is for use on all cases except CCHs)

The exactness required of Modern Processing Checks (Sec Checks), Problems Intensives and 3D assessments and runs have made new demands on rudiments and their processes.

The exactness required of Modern Processing Checks (Sec Checks), Problems Intensives and 3D assessments and runs have made new demands on rudiments and their processes.

As described in HCO B of Dec 14, 1961, the rudiments questions, beginning and end, are changed in the Model Session Script. The body of the session patter is unaltered.

As described in HCO B of Dec 14, 1961, the rudiments questions, beginning and end, are changed in the Model Session Script. The body of the session patter is unaltered.

Model Session is memorized, is used exactly, and is delivered with the TRs in. Model Session is a requisite of an effective session. All auditing and assessing are done in Model Session form and no other. Excellent accurate Model Sessioning is the hallmark of the good auditor.

Model Session is memorized, is used exactly, and is delivered with the TRs in. Model Session is a requisite of an effective session. All auditing and assessing are done in Model Session form and no other. Excellent accurate Model Sessioning is the hallmark of the good auditor.



Auditor sets up E-Meter and adjusts pc’s chair. Any agreement concerning length of time of session is made if there is to be any such agreement.

Auditor sets up E-Meter and adjusts pc’s chair. Any agreement concerning length of time of session is made if there is to be any such agreement.



A session must have “R” or Reality. If the auditor feels ill or weary, or out of sorts or under other strain, the auditor should tell the pc, before session starts, the facts of the situation, giving the pc a chance to accept auditing under those conditions without feeling it is an overt. The time to put the pc’s attention on the auditor is before the session starts, not after it starts. The pc is always quick to scent an upset and if such an upset is evident in session a mystery is created for the pc that will throw rudiments out. Once the “R” factor is handled it is not again referred to in the session by the auditor. This should not be used to upset the pc or make the pc guilty of “the overt of receiving auditing”.

A session must have “R” or Reality. If the auditor feels ill or weary, or out of sorts or under other strain, the auditor should tell the pc, before session starts, the facts of the situation, giving the pc a chance to accept auditing under those conditions without feeling it is an overt. The time to put the pc’s attention on the auditor is before the session starts, not after it starts. The pc is always quick to scent an upset and if such an upset is evident in session a mystery is created for the pc that will throw rudiments out. Once the “R” factor is handled it is not again referred to in the session by the auditor. This should not be used to upset the pc or make the pc guilty of “the overt of receiving auditing”.



Auditor: “Is it all right with you if I begin this session now?” Pc: “Yes.”

Auditor: “Is it all right with you if I begin this session now?” Pc: “Yes.”

Auditor: Acknowledges. “START OF SESSION.” (Tone 40) Auditor: “Has this session started for you?”

Auditor: Acknowledges. “START OF SESSION.” (Tone 40) Auditor: “Has this session started for you?”

Note 1. If pc says “No,” Auditor: Acknowledges. “START OF SESSION.” (Tone 40) Then, “NOW has this session started for you?” If pc still says “No,” the auditor acknowledges and says, “We will cover it in the rudiments,” and continues the session.

Note 1. If pc says “No,” Auditor: Acknowledges. “START OF SESSION.” (Tone 40) Then, “NOW has this session started for you?” If pc still says “No,” the auditor acknowledges and says, “We will cover it in the rudiments,” and continues the session.



1. Goals
1. Goals

Auditor: “What goals would you like to set for this session?” Pc: Sets goals or doesn’t.

Auditor: “What goals would you like to set for this session?” Pc: Sets goals or doesn’t.

Auditor: Acknowledges. “Are there any goals you would like to set for life or livingness?” Pc: Sets goals or doesn’t.Auditor: Acknowledges. “Are there any goals you would like to set for life or livingness?” Pc: Sets goals or doesn’t.
Auditor: Acknowledges. (Goals are usually written down by auditor. If list goes beyond ten or twelve auditor gently stops writing and acknowledges.)

Auditor: Acknowledges. (Goals are usually written down by auditor. If list goes beyond ten or twelve auditor gently stops writing and acknowledges.)

2. Environment
2. Environment

Auditor: “Look around here and tell me if it’s all right to audit in this room.”

Auditor: “Look around here and tell me if it’s all right to audit in this room.”

Note 2. If auditor gets a reaction that is not a body motion on the E-Meter, auditor says: “All right. Thank you. I am going to run some (TR 10 or pc’s havingness process).” And does so. Repeats rudiment question soon. If now

Note 2. If auditor gets a reaction that is not a body motion on the E-Meter, auditor says: “All right. Thank you. I am going to run some (TR 10 or pc’s havingness process).” And does so. Repeats rudiment question soon. If now

nul on meter auditor goes on to 3 below. If not nul, runs more havingness. Etc. The rule is pc should be able to have or observe large objects before havingness is ended. (This is hard to apply on some havingness processes.)

nul on meter auditor goes on to 3 below. If not nul, runs more havingness. Etc. The rule is pc should be able to have or observe large objects before havingness is ended. (This is hard to apply on some havingness processes.)

3. Auditor Clearance
3. Auditor Clearance

Auditor: “Are you willing to talk to me about your difficulties?”

Auditor: “Are you willing to talk to me about your difficulties?”

Note 3. If not, run a current process for this rudiment. Test again with rudiment question.

Note 3. If not, run a current process for this rudiment. Test again with rudiment question.

This is not an E-Meter response rudiment but is done by observation of pc. This and 5 in end rudiments are the only rudiments so handled.

This is not an E-Meter response rudiment but is done by observation of pc. This and 5 in end rudiments are the only rudiments so handled.

4. Withholds
4. Withholds

Auditor: “Are you withholding anything?”

Auditor: “Are you withholding anything?”

Note 4. If meter gets instant reaction (only read meters by instant reaction in any case for anything), clear it by getting withholds off. Do not leave any withhold that registers on this rudiment question. If pc will not give withhold, vary the question. If pc still will not, run current rudiments withhold process. Leave this rudiment by asking the rudiment question again and leave it only if nul. An ARC break can also nul meter. If in doubt repeat rudiment 3, straighten up 3 and then repeat 4. A pc who is being vicious to auditor at this stage has one or more withholds.

Note 4. If meter gets instant reaction (only read meters by instant reaction in any case for anything), clear it by getting withholds off. Do not leave any withhold that registers on this rudiment question. If pc will not give withhold, vary the question. If pc still will not, run current rudiments withhold process. Leave this rudiment by asking the rudiment question again and leave it only if nul. An ARC break can also nul meter. If in doubt repeat rudiment 3, straighten up 3 and then repeat 4. A pc who is being vicious to auditor at this stage has one or more withholds.

5. Present Time Problem
5. Present Time Problem

Auditor: “Do you have a present time problem?”

Auditor: “Do you have a present time problem?”

Note 5. Only if PTP registers on the meter should the PTP be handled. Question can cause an ARC break in a pc anxious to get on and needle can register the ARC break rather than a PTP. In this case clear with two-way comm and repeat PTP rudiment question. If it is obviously a PTP and not an ARC break, do not ask if it is an ARC break. Handle PTP with current rudiment process. When handled, repeat rudiment question. Do not leave unless nul on needle.

Note 5. Only if PTP registers on the meter should the PTP be handled. Question can cause an ARC break in a pc anxious to get on and needle can register the ARC break rather than a PTP. In this case clear with two-way comm and repeat PTP rudiment question. If it is obviously a PTP and not an ARC break, do not ask if it is an ARC break. Handle PTP with current rudiment process. When handled, repeat rudiment question. Do not leave unless nul on needle.



Auditor: “Now I would like to run this process on you (name it). What would you say to that?” Pc: Answers.

Auditor: “Now I would like to run this process on you (name it). What would you say to that?” Pc: Answers.

Note 6. If pc is unwilling to run the process, two-way comm objections away or relieve earlier invalidations of process. Never run a process dictated by pc as this is self-auditing, throws pc out of auditor control and throws out all rudiments. Pcs quite routinely object to certain processes, even though they must be run.

Note 6. If pc is unwilling to run the process, two-way comm objections away or relieve earlier invalidations of process. Never run a process dictated by pc as this is self-auditing, throws pc out of auditor control and throws out all rudiments. Pcs quite routinely object to certain processes, even though they must be run.

Auditor: Acknowledges. Clears the command for pc only for the first time the command is used.

Auditor: Acknowledges. Clears the command for pc only for the first time the command is used.

Note 7. If, during clearing of the command or failure of needle to react, it seems that the pc will not be able to handle or do the announced process profitably, auditor says: “According to what we have been talking about, it would seem better if I ran (name another process).”

Note 7. If, during clearing of the command or failure of needle to react, it seems that the pc will not be able to handle or do the announced process profitably, auditor says: “According to what we have been talking about, it would seem better if I ran (name another process).”



1. Cyclical
1. Cyclical

Auditor: (Wishing to end process) “Where are you now on the time-track?” Pc: Answers.

Auditor: (Wishing to end process) “Where are you now on the time-track?” Pc: Answers.

Auditor: Acknowledges. “If it is all right with you, I will continue this process until you are close to present time and then end this process.”Auditor: Acknowledges. “If it is all right with you, I will continue this process until you are close to present time and then end this process.”
Pc: Answers.Pc: Answers.
Auditor: Acknowledges. Auditor continues the process, asking after each pc answer, “When?” until the pc is close to present time.Auditor: Acknowledges. Auditor continues the process, asking after each pc answer, “When?” until the pc is close to present time.
Pc: Answers close to present time.Pc: Answers close to present time.
Auditor: Acknowledges. “That was the last command. Is there anything you would care to say before I end this process?”Auditor: Acknowledges. “That was the last command. Is there anything you would care to say before I end this process?”
Pc: Answers.Pc: Answers.
Auditor: Acknowledges. “End of process.”

Auditor: Acknowledges. “End of process.”

2. Non-Cyclical
2. Non-Cyclical

Auditor: “If it is all right with you I will give this command two more times and then end this process.”

Auditor: “If it is all right with you I will give this command two more times and then end this process.”

Pc: Answers.

Pc: Answers.

Auditor: Acknowledges and gives the command two more times. Pc: Answers.

Auditor: Acknowledges and gives the command two more times. Pc: Answers.

Auditor: Acknowledges. “Is there anything you would care to say before I end this process?” Pc: Answers.

Auditor: Acknowledges. “Is there anything you would care to say before I end this process?” Pc: Answers.

Auditor: Acknowledges. “End of process.”

Auditor: Acknowledges. “End of process.”

Note 8. The cyclical ending is only used on terminals that exist also in present time, and when pc is going into the past in his answers. It is not used after pc says he is in present time. Non-cyclical is used when the pc is running terminals which do not exist in present time or when the cyclic aspect can be neglected. 3D level runs and Processing Check answers are never given cyclical endings.

Note 8. The cyclical ending is only used on terminals that exist also in present time, and when pc is going into the past in his answers. It is not used after pc says he is in present time. Non-cyclical is used when the pc is running terminals which do not exist in present time or when the cyclic aspect can be neglected. 3D level runs and Processing Check answers are never given cyclical endings.



Auditor: Gives command.

Auditor: Gives command.

Pc: “I don’t know. I can’t find any answer.”

Pc: “I don’t know. I can’t find any answer.”

Auditor: Acknowledges. “I will repeat the auditing command.” Repeats the command.

Auditor: Acknowledges. “I will repeat the auditing command.” Repeats the command.

Note 9. If pc still cannot answer, two-way comm to discover why. Then get the command answered. Never leave an unanswered command.

Note 9. If pc still cannot answer, two-way comm to discover why. Then get the command answered. Never leave an unanswered command.



Auditor: Gives command.

Auditor: Gives command.

Pc: (Not having answered command yet.) “Say, that mass in front of my face just moved off.” Auditor: Acknowledges. Repeats command without announcing that it is a repeat.

Pc: (Not having answered command yet.) “Say, that mass in front of my face just moved off.” Auditor: Acknowledges. Repeats command without announcing that it is a repeat.



1. Untruths
1. Untruths

Auditor: “Have you told me any half-truth, untruth, or said something only to impress me or tried to damage anyone, in this session?”

Auditor: “Have you told me any half-truth, untruth, or said something only to impress me or tried to damage anyone, in this session?”

Note 10. If meter reacts, clear the reaction fully. In a difficulty, compartment the command, clear the reacting part. Do not leave until meter is nul on repeating this rudiment question.

Note 10. If meter reacts, clear the reaction fully. In a difficulty, compartment the command, clear the reacting part. Do not leave until meter is nul on repeating this rudiment question.

2. Meter Influence
2. Meter Influence

Auditor: “Have you deliberately tried to influence the E-Meter?”

Auditor: “Have you deliberately tried to influence the E-Meter?”

Note 11. If meter reacts, clear it thoroughly, getting, if necessary, the first time the pc tried it. Invalidations of meter will also be present if pc has tried to influence it. These must also be removed with, “Have you ever invalidated the E-Meter?” Also, “Have you ever tried to prevent an E-Meter from reading?” Clear these on needle. Clear rudiment question before leaving. (As in all such checking only vary the command if the pc answers “No” while meter reacts, otherwise ask same question.) Leave when exact rudiment question is nul.

Note 11. If meter reacts, clear it thoroughly, getting, if necessary, the first time the pc tried it. Invalidations of meter will also be present if pc has tried to influence it. These must also be removed with, “Have you ever invalidated the E-Meter?” Also, “Have you ever tried to prevent an E-Meter from reading?” Clear these on needle. Clear rudiment question before leaving. (As in all such checking only vary the command if the pc answers “No” while meter reacts, otherwise ask same question.) Leave when exact rudiment question is nul.

3.Missed Answers
3.Missed Answers

Auditor: “Have you failed to answer any question or command I have given you in this session?”

Auditor: “Have you failed to answer any question or command I have given you in this session?”

Note 12. If meter reacts, find the question or command and get it answered. Leave rudiment with same question and only if nul.

Note 12. If meter reacts, find the question or command and get it answered. Leave rudiment with same question and only if nul.

4. Missed Withholds
4. Missed Withholds

Auditor: “Have you withheld anything from me?”

Auditor: “Have you withheld anything from me?”

Note 13. If meter reacts, find and clear the withhold or withholds. Vary question only

Note 13. If meter reacts, find and clear the withhold or withholds. Vary question only

if pc refuses to give up withholds. If pc still refuses, run current rudiments process for this. Do not leave until meter clear on this exact rudiments question.

if pc refuses to give up withholds. If pc still refuses, run current rudiments process for this. Do not leave until meter clear on this exact rudiments question.

5. ARC Break
5. ARC Break

Auditor: “Are you willing to talk to me about your difficulties?”

Auditor: “Are you willing to talk to me about your difficulties?”

Note 14. This is done by observation of pc, not by meter. If the answer is no, run current process for this rudiment. Leave it only when pc is willing to talk to auditor. If a process is run for this rudiment, repeat all end rudiments again.

Note 14. This is done by observation of pc, not by meter. If the answer is no, run current process for this rudiment. Leave it only when pc is willing to talk to auditor. If a process is run for this rudiment, repeat all end rudiments again.

6. Havingness
6. Havingness

Auditor: “Look around here and tell me if you can have anything.”

Auditor: “Look around here and tell me if you can have anything.”

Note 15. If meter shows other than body movement, run TR 10 or pc’s havingness process. Retest the question before leaving this rudiment.

Note 15. If meter shows other than body movement, run TR 10 or pc’s havingness process. Retest the question before leaving this rudiment.

7. Goals and Gains
7. Goals and Gains

Auditor: “Have you made any part of your goals for this session?”

Auditor: “Have you made any part of your goals for this session?”

Note 16. Auditor may remind pc of session goals if pc can’t remember them.

Note 16. Auditor may remind pc of session goals if pc can’t remember them.

Auditor: “Have you made any other gains in this session that you would care to mention?”

Auditor: “Have you made any other gains in this session that you would care to mention?”

Pc: Answers.

Pc: Answers.



Auditor: “Is there anything you would care to say or ask before I end this session?”

Auditor: “Is there anything you would care to say or ask before I end this session?”

Note 17. Auditor may show pc relative TA positions reached in session and tell pc what he cares to know about session.

Note 17. Auditor may show pc relative TA positions reached in session and tell pc what he cares to know about session.

Auditor: “Is it all right with you if I end this session now?”

Auditor: “Is it all right with you if I end this session now?”

Pc: Answers.

Pc: Answers.

Auditor: Acknowledges. “Here it is. End of Session !” (Tone 40) “Has the session ended for you?”

Auditor: Acknowledges. “Here it is. End of Session !” (Tone 40) “Has the session ended for you?”

Pc: Answers.

Pc: Answers.

Note 18. If session has not ended for pc, get pc’s full attention and repeat “End of Session.” (Tone 40) If session still has not ended for pc two way comm briefly to find what pc has been doing. If this doesn’t ease it, say reassuringly, “You will be getting more auditing. End of session.” And leave it at that.

Note 18. If session has not ended for pc, get pc’s full attention and repeat “End of Session.” (Tone 40) If session still has not ended for pc two way comm briefly to find what pc has been doing. If this doesn’t ease it, say reassuringly, “You will be getting more auditing. End of session.” And leave it at that.

Auditor: (Optional) “Tell me I am no longer auditing you.”

Auditor: (Optional) “Tell me I am no longer auditing you.”

Pc: “You are no longer auditing me.”

Pc: “You are no longer auditing me.”

Auditor: Acknowledges.

Auditor: Acknowledges.

Note 19. The auditor has no further obligation to act as auditor when session is ended. However, this should not be used to evaluate for the pc concerning the session. But the auditor need not shun questions the pc puts to him or her directly concerning the auditor’s own reactions in session if these excite curiosity of preclear. This is ‘R’ factor.

Note 19. The auditor has no further obligation to act as auditor when session is ended. However, this should not be used to evaluate for the pc concerning the session. But the auditor need not shun questions the pc puts to him or her directly concerning the auditor’s own reactions in session if these excite curiosity of preclear. This is ‘R’ factor.

Exact Rudiments processes for above will be given from time to time in future HCOBs. During early auditing short session a pc so as to handle fully end rudiments before session ends.

Exact Rudiments processes for above will be given from time to time in future HCOBs. During early auditing short session a pc so as to handle fully end rudiments before session ends.

Short sessioning means that two or more sessions can be run in one auditing period.

Short sessioning means that two or more sessions can be run in one auditing period.