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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- New Process - B590507 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Новый Процесс - Б590507 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 590507 - HCO Bulletin - New Process [B023-074]
- 590507 - HCO Bulletin - New Process [B035-047]
- 590507 - HCO Bulletin - New Process [B071-027]
- 590507 - HCO Bulletin - New Process [B133-028]
37 Fitzroy Street, London W.1
37 Fitzroy Street, London W.1



It never snows but it avalanches!

It never snows but it avalanches!



Possessing now tremendous processes at lowest levels, we need a new understanding of processing and assessment.

Possessing now tremendous processes at lowest levels, we need a new understanding of processing and assessment.

The broad tone scale is divided into three general parts. Highest is Pan Determinism. Mid-range is Self-Determinism. Low range is Other-Determinism.

The broad tone scale is divided into three general parts. Highest is Pan Determinism. Mid-range is Self-Determinism. Low range is Other-Determinism.

The fundamental difficulty is that something has so thoroughly overwhelmed the pc that he is it. This is Other-Determinism become the person. Mild locks use this route to further overwhelm him. A person doesn’t really find anything in this lifetime that would have overwhelmed him enough to aberrate him. It took great doing. Things like prenatals and operations and shocks just use the existing overwhelm channel.

The fundamental difficulty is that something has so thoroughly overwhelmed the pc that he is it. This is Other-Determinism become the person. Mild locks use this route to further overwhelm him. A person doesn’t really find anything in this lifetime that would have overwhelmed him enough to aberrate him. It took great doing. Things like prenatals and operations and shocks just use the existing overwhelm channel.

The picture of aberration is this. The person causes an effect, time and time again. Usually this is not aberrative. But one day he causes an unintended effect. He didn’t mean to. It was wrong. This is the true overt act — an unintended bad effect. It is not deserved by the recipient. It is a wrong, unintended, undeserved effect. The person now tends to limit his effects or withhold his effects. Having been wrong once, he now becomes cautious. Next thing he knows he has assisted himself to be overwhelmed. He now has an inflow channel over which other things, all locks, can now overwhelm him.

The picture of aberration is this. The person causes an effect, time and time again. Usually this is not aberrative. But one day he causes an unintended effect. He didn’t mean to. It was wrong. This is the true overt act — an unintended bad effect. It is not deserved by the recipient. It is a wrong, unintended, undeserved effect. The person now tends to limit his effects or withhold his effects. Having been wrong once, he now becomes cautious. Next thing he knows he has assisted himself to be overwhelmed. He now has an inflow channel over which other things, all locks, can now overwhelm him.

Eventually he becomes an “other-determinism”. This, of course, can get nothing done, doesn’t outflow, etc., etc., which adds up to all the faults we find in an aberrated person. For example, if the pc has been overwhelmed by money, he, in money matters, is now money. If you took some money and threw it on the bed it wouldn’t do a thing. It wouldn’t stack itself up or add up accounts. Money doesn’t do anything. Therefore, the pc, as an other-determinism, does nothing really about money — and this we find annoying in him. It is his aberration.

Eventually he becomes an “other-determinism”. This, of course, can get nothing done, doesn’t outflow, etc., etc., which adds up to all the faults we find in an aberrated person. For example, if the pc has been overwhelmed by money, he, in money matters, is now money. If you took some money and threw it on the bed it wouldn’t do a thing. It wouldn’t stack itself up or add up accounts. Money doesn’t do anything. Therefore, the pc, as an other-determinism, does nothing really about money — and this we find annoying in him. It is his aberration.

Clearly all one need do as an auditor is to reverse this flow and put the pc at cause over the button, money, to have the other-determinism (and the overwhelmingness) fade away. Using Problems of Comparable Magnitude or Overt-Withhold Straight Wire or simple reaching, the effect is turned to cause and the pc comes out of it.

Clearly all one need do as an auditor is to reverse this flow and put the pc at cause over the button, money, to have the other-determinism (and the overwhelmingness) fade away. Using Problems of Comparable Magnitude or Overt-Withhold Straight Wire or simple reaching, the effect is turned to cause and the pc comes out of it.

Assessment is only discovering what has overwhelmed the pc.

Assessment is only discovering what has overwhelmed the pc.

Auditing is the reversing of other-determined flows by gradient scales, putting the pc at cause again.

Auditing is the reversing of other-determined flows by gradient scales, putting the pc at cause again.



The question was asked me, and a fine question it was, “Why does a thetan make his postulate fail to stick in the first place? Why would he say, ‘I can get my postulates all messed up and so cause an overt act’?”

The question was asked me, and a fine question it was, “Why does a thetan make his postulate fail to stick in the first place? Why would he say, ‘I can get my postulates all messed up and so cause an overt act’?”

Obviously all aberration is third dynamic. The entrance into self-determinism requires that a thetan conceive the idea of other beings. Also he must then conceive that there are zones of privacy from which he must not communicate.

Obviously all aberration is third dynamic. The entrance into self-determinism requires that a thetan conceive the idea of other beings. Also he must then conceive that there are zones of privacy from which he must not communicate.

This error leads to obsessive or fixed channels on which one can be overwhelmed, since he “may not” take the position of cause on this channel.

This error leads to obsessive or fixed channels on which one can be overwhelmed, since he “may not” take the position of cause on this channel.

Avoidance of the places he must not communicate from leads into all manner of difficulties, since this is inhibited communication. A person, therefore, becomes as aberrated as he cannot communicate, as aberrated as he is overwhelmed by Other- Determinisms, as aberrated as he himself dare not assume cause points.

Avoidance of the places he must not communicate from leads into all manner of difficulties, since this is inhibited communication. A person, therefore, becomes as aberrated as he cannot communicate, as aberrated as he is overwhelmed by Other- Determinisms, as aberrated as he himself dare not assume cause points.



This leads to a new process, for use “in individual sessions”. The final phrasing is not established at this time.

This leads to a new process, for use “in individual sessions”. The final phrasing is not established at this time.

“From where could you communicate?” or

“From where could you communicate?” or

“Find a place from which you could communicate,” or “Recall a place from which you have communicated.”

“Find a place from which you could communicate,” or “Recall a place from which you have communicated.”

My first tests show this to be very strong but workable. I have not established the depth this reaches nor the complete effectiveness up scale. But it does reverse Other- Determinism heavily.

My first tests show this to be very strong but workable. I have not established the depth this reaches nor the complete effectiveness up scale. But it does reverse Other- Determinism heavily.

(This, of course, does not supplant Selected Person Overt-Withhold Straight Wire as fundamental and is not for use in HAS Co-auditing, where Selected Persons Overt- Withhold Straight Wire is the tested allowed process.)

(This, of course, does not supplant Selected Person Overt-Withhold Straight Wire as fundamental and is not for use in HAS Co-auditing, where Selected Persons Overt- Withhold Straight Wire is the tested allowed process.)

This new process may open a faster route to theta clear, even though that route is already very fast.

This new process may open a faster route to theta clear, even though that route is already very fast.

Note: Apparently this process, LOCATIONAL COMMUNICATION, relieves the face pressures and terror stomachs (after turning them on) which have proved reluctant. Terror stomachs we have a specific for. Face pressures, we do not have totally taped.

Note: Apparently this process, LOCATIONAL COMMUNICATION, relieves the face pressures and terror stomachs (after turning them on) which have proved reluctant. Terror stomachs we have a specific for. Face pressures, we do not have totally taped.

LRH:m .rdLRH:m .rd