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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- OT Procedure - B600124 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 600124 - HCO Bulletin - OT Procedure [B024-020]
- 600124 - HCO Bulletin - OT Procedure [B036-017]
- 600124 - HCO Bulletin - OT Procedure [B141-006]
CONTENTS OT PROCEDURE Cохранить документ себе Скачать
37 Fitzroy Street, London W. 1
All Staff Members


I have tested and released a new OT procedure for your use on Staff Clearing Course, in the HGC and in your own co-auditing which I know will give you theta clears in a relatively short time.

I am well embarked on a program now for the UK to release this new material. We can get one theta clear a month off the HGC.

We can work successfully toward the goal of having nothing but theta clears on staff.

The Washington Congress blew the lid off in the US. People finishing the HCS

Course there are fanning out all over the country giving non-certificate courses to old auditors by sweeping demands from the field.

The new PE program is also working wonders. It omits the Comm Course and puts people straight from the PE into the Co-audit, and there runs — ”What could you admit causing a person?” “What could you withhold from a person?” This is advocated now for HASI London.

We are getting together a UK Congress that gives the Washington Congress over again and which is rigged to succeed as a Tape Congress.

To begin this decade of 1960’s we are well away from the mark and have the majority of the countries with us. We now have to make a hard push on the UK to get things wheeling like we mean it.

I thank you for your forbearance and hard work, and can assure you that it is all in the direction of the biggest win man has ever had.

This one we are going to make.