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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Overts, What Lies Behind Them - B640908 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Оверты, Что Лежит за Ними (ПСЛ-11, У2-4) - Б640908 | Сравнить
- Оверты, Что Стоит за Ними (ПСЛ-11, У2-4) - Б640908 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 640908 - HCO Bulletin - Overts, What Lies Behind Them [B004-031]
- 640908 - HCO Bulletin - Overts, What Lies Behind Them [B030-019]
- 640908 - HCO Bulletin - Overts, What Lies Behind Them [B040-030]
- 640908 - HCO Bulletin - Overts, What Lies Behind Them [B088-006]
- 640908 - HCO Bulletin - Overts, What Lies Behind Them [B147-013]
CONTENTS OVERTS, WHAT LIES BEHIND THEM? Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Sthil StudentsSthil Students



I recently made a very basic discovery on the subject of overts and would like to rapidly make a note of it for the record.

I recently made a very basic discovery on the subject of overts and would like to rapidly make a note of it for the record.

You can call this the “Cycle of an Overt”.

You can call this the “Cycle of an Overt”.

4. A being appears to have a motivator.

4. A being appears to have a motivator.

3. This is because of an overt the being has done.

3. This is because of an overt the being has done.

2. The being committed an overt because he didn’t understand something.

2. The being committed an overt because he didn’t understand something.

1. The being didn’t understand something because a word or symbol was not understood.

1. The being didn’t understand something because a word or symbol was not understood.

Thus all caved-in conditions, illness, etc, can be traced back to a misunderstood symbol, strange as that may seem.

Thus all caved-in conditions, illness, etc, can be traced back to a misunderstood symbol, strange as that may seem.

It goes like this:

It goes like this:

1. A being doesn’t get the meaning of a word or symbol.

1. A being doesn’t get the meaning of a word or symbol.

2. This causes the being to misunderstand the area of the symbol or word (who used it whatever it applied to);

2. This causes the being to misunderstand the area of the symbol or word (who used it whatever it applied to);

3. This causes the being to feel different from or antagonize toward the user or whatever of the symbol and so makes it all right to commit an overt;

3. This causes the being to feel different from or antagonize toward the user or whatever of the symbol and so makes it all right to commit an overt;

4. Having committed the overt, the being now feels he has to have a motivator and so feels caved in.

4. Having committed the overt, the being now feels he has to have a motivator and so feels caved in.

This is the stuff of which Hades is made. This is the trap. This is why people get sick. This is stupidity and lack of ability.

This is the stuff of which Hades is made. This is the trap. This is why people get sick. This is stupidity and lack of ability.

This is why Clay Table Auditing works.

This is why Clay Table Auditing works.

Clearing a pc then consists only of locating the area of the motivator, finding what was misunderstood and getting the word made into clay and explained. The overts blow. Pure magic.

Clearing a pc then consists only of locating the area of the motivator, finding what was misunderstood and getting the word made into clay and explained. The overts blow. Pure magic.

The trick is locating the area where the pc has one of these.

The trick is locating the area where the pc has one of these.

This is discussed further in Saint Hill lecture of 3 Sept 1964, but is too important a discovery to leave only in tape form.

This is discussed further in Saint Hill lecture of 3 Sept 1964, but is too important a discovery to leave only in tape form.

The cycle is Misunderstood word or symbol – separation from ARC with the things associated with the word or symbol – overt committed – motivator felt necessary to justify the overt – decline of freedom, activeness, intelligence, well being and health.

The cycle is Misunderstood word or symbol – separation from ARC with the things associated with the word or symbol – overt committed – motivator felt necessary to justify the overt – decline of freedom, activeness, intelligence, well being and health.

Knowing this and the technology of auditing one can then handle and clear these symbols and words and produce the gains we have described as being clear, for the things causing the decline are cleared out of the being.

Knowing this and the technology of auditing one can then handle and clear these symbols and words and produce the gains we have described as being clear, for the things causing the decline are cleared out of the being.
