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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Peculiarities - B690513 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Странности - Б690513 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 690513 - HCO Bulletin - Peculiarities [B009-074]
- 690513 - HCO Bulletin - Peculiarities [B042-061]
- 690513 - HCO Bulletin - Peculiarities [B075-039]
CONTENTS PECULIARITIES Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Dn ChecksheetDn Checksheet



When you run into pc peculiarities or odd pc phenomena in Dianetic auditing that get in the road of R-3-R, DO NOT try to solve it by going non-standard or getting inventive. It will be fatal.

When you run into pc peculiarities or odd pc phenomena in Dianetic auditing that get in the road of R-3-R, DO NOT try to solve it by going non-standard or getting inventive. It will be fatal.

The operating rule is end off the session and SEND THE PC TO A SCIENTOLOGY REVIEW.

The operating rule is end off the session and SEND THE PC TO A SCIENTOLOGY REVIEW.

If you are a Scientology as well as a Dianetic auditor, you may be tempted to at once shift into Scientology. That can also be fatal.

If you are a Scientology as well as a Dianetic auditor, you may be tempted to at once shift into Scientology. That can also be fatal.

If no Qual Div is nearby and you are a Scientology auditor also and if no other Scientology auditor is around to give the review only then could you attempt a „Green Form“ which is used in Qual Divisions in orgs. The way to do that is end the Dianetic session, take a break and begin the Scientology Review Session. But this is not good. It is best to send the pc to Qual and insist Qual actually handles.

If no Qual Div is nearby and you are a Scientology auditor also and if no other Scientology auditor is around to give the review only then could you attempt a „Green Form“ which is used in Qual Divisions in orgs. The way to do that is end the Dianetic session, take a break and begin the Scientology Review Session. But this is not good. It is best to send the pc to Qual and insist Qual actually handles.

Some odd phenomena that come under this rule follow:

Some odd phenomena that come under this rule follow:

  • Pc gets a stuck picture and can’t audit the chain he should be on because picture keeps coming in.
  • Pc gets a stuck picture and can’t audit the chain he should be on because picture keeps coming in.
  • Pc’s pictures are constantly changing, sometimes too fast to grab onto.
  • Pc’s pictures are constantly changing, sometimes too fast to grab onto.
  • Pc gets a dozen pictures at once and can’t run them or decide what to run.
  • Pc gets a dozen pictures at once and can’t run them or decide what to run.
  • Field goes black and won’t clear up.
  • Field goes black and won’t clear up.
  • Pc gets angry at auditor.
  • Pc gets angry at auditor.
  • Pc very nattery about Dianetics or orgs.
  • Pc very nattery about Dianetics or orgs.
  • On these or many more the Dianetic auditor should NEVER try to force pc to go on or do something odd or brilliant. He should simply say, „I am sorry. I will end this session.“ And does so. And sends the pc to the nearest Qual Division.

    On these or many more the Dianetic auditor should NEVER try to force pc to go on or do something odd or brilliant. He should simply say, „I am sorry. I will end this session.“ And does so. And sends the pc to the nearest Qual Division.
