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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Preparing an Objectives Table - B800516 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- ПИН Типа А (ЭТИКА) - Б800516-1 | Сравнить

Saint Hill Manor) East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo Survival RD Tech Qual


Objectives: Objective processes deal with the real and observable. They are processes which call for the preclear to spot or find something exterior to himself in order to carry out the auditing command.

Table: An arrangement of data in a definite and compact form for convenient reference.

If your preclear or co-audit twin has previously received any Objective Processing, you may need to prepare an Objectives Table to aid the case supervisor. This table will provide an easy-to-refer-to list of the Objective processes that have been run5 when they were run, how long they were run each session and what occurred while they were run.

This is the format that is followed when writing up an Objectives Table:

(When it was run)
(How long it was run)
(name of process) 17 Apr 76 30 minutes PC brightened up and originated “I just came totally into Present Time. This is incredible!” VGIs

Under the process section, you write down the exact Objectives that have been run starting with the first Objective run and you fill in the table (in date order) for all that have been run (or verified as having been done). It is possible that a pc has had some Objectives run more than once, so make sure that you note each time the process was run. You can look in the Folder Summary to find out when any Objective was run and which of his pc folders the session will be in. (Your supervisor can help you on this.)

For each Objective Process session given, note the process run stating its exact name, the date, the time (excluding session time spent on other actions) and a summary of what occurred. The summary of what occurred must include any cognitions the pc had, any changes in the pc that were noted and especially any data concerning the end result of the process. Don’t attempt to rewrite the entire worksheet when filling in an Objectives Table, but do include brief statements of any cognitions, pc indicators and any other relevant data. Include any evident auditor errors.

The attached Objectives Table sample will give you an idea of what the Objectives Table should include.

The case supervisor will then use the Objectives Table in conjunction with proper folder study, as an aid in case supervising and programming. This table can save the C/S valuable hours and has the additional benefit of familiarizing the co-auditor or auditor with his pc’s previously run Objective Processing.

Once the Objectives Table is fully filled in and the case supervisor has studied it, it is placed in the back of the pc’s current folder. It can then be referred to at any time during a pc’s Objective Processing or for the programming of the case.

as assisted by TECH PROJECT I/C LRH:MM:mz


(Objective process run) 9 Sept 68 2:35
(2 hours
35 minutes)
Pc experienced changes in emotion. At end of process pc said “I feel 3 feet behind my head.” It’s great to be able to control your body from an exterior viewpoint” Exam: F/N, VGIs
(Objective process run) 11 Sept 68 1:30
(1 hour 30 min)
Pc was bored for first half hour, said he must be flat on the process. Then he realized he had been out of present time and somewhat stuck in the past. Auditor continued and PC brightened up even more, gave cognition that he saw the difference between the MEST universe in present time and his mental image pictures from the past. Pc was very bright. Exam: F/N, VGIs
(Objective process run) 18 Sept 68 0:45
(45 min)
Pc had lots of comm lags for the first 20 minutes. Comm lag reduced after this. Got to a flat point and auditor ended off. No cognitions. Exam: F/N, GIs
(Objective process run) 19 Sept 68 1:30
(1 hour 30 min)
Process from last session was continued. Pc went through several periods of dopiness, then alertness and then came out of it. Pc cognited he’d been in a fog from his days of taking drugs. Felt at end of process that he really was more here and could confront life better. Very, very good indicators. Exam: F/N, VVGIs
(Objective process run) 12 June 75 :05
(5 min)
Process command was only given a few times, then the pc said “I feel good.” Auditor ended off. Exam: no F/N. Co-Audit Supervisor checks to see if the process is unflat and finds it is.
(Objective process run) 12 June 75 2:45 Same process continued. Pc’s leg which had always hurt him got better – he volunteers an excellent success story after session and states he feels he has regained the ability to be at cause over his body. Exam: F/N, VGIs
(Objective process run) 13 June 75 1:15 Pc has a nice win of feeling more in communication and cause over his environment. The session is continued. Then auditor ended for supervisor assistance, as the session wasn’t going as well. Co-Audit Supervisor checked if the process had been overrun, finds that it had, and rehabilitates the win the pc had. Exam: F/N, VGIs