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SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 620301 - HCO Bulletin - Prepchecking [B002-013]
- 620301 - HCO Bulletin - Prepchecking [B029-007]
- 620301 - HCO Bulletin - Prepchecking [B038-010]
(A Class II Skill)
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Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex

(A Class II Skill)

A new way of cleaning up a case in order to run Routine 3D Criss Cross has suddenly emerged as more powerful in obtaining case gains than any previous process in Scientology.

I developed Prepchecking in order to get around an auditor’s difficulty in “varying the question” in pulling withholds. Auditors had a hard time doing this, hence Prepchecking.

But Prepchecking became quickly more important than a “rote procedure for Sec Checking”. The potentiality in really cleaning up a case’s withholds is Mest Clear! If, of course, done by Prepchecking.

Any goal Freud ever had is easily achieved by Prepchecking in a relatively few hours if done by a thoroughly trained Class IV auditor. Goals Freud never dreamed of rise beyond that point.

In Prepchecking one uses the Withhold System, HCO Bulletin of February 12, 1962. But Prepchecking has exact targets and exact procedure.

In Prepchecking one uses the rudiment questions one at a time as the body of Model Session. Havingness, however, is taken up last as a Prepcheck question.


The target of a Prepcheck question is a chain of withholds.

A withhold chain behaves exactly like any chain. The bottom of the chain is the basic. The withholds on the chain will stay partially alive, even when covered, until the basic (first) withhold on the chain is fully recovered. Then the entire chain goes nul.

The definition of a Chain is: A series of incidents of similar nature or similar subject matter. (See Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health.)

The first incident of any chain is fully or partially unknown to the person.



One uses the whole subject to be cleared as the zero question. Sub zero questions are marked 0A.

Each 0A has a Number One question which is taken from a withhold given on asking the 0A question.

The Number One question is worked with the When All Who of the Withhold question until it either disappears or obviously won’t clear easily. Many withholds may be given relating to Number One. If it doesn’t clear, one steers earlier by asking Number 1A, text taken from the withholds given in Number One. If 1A’s What question doesn’t clear on the meter after several withholds and When All Who is used liberally on each, one asks Question Number 1B.

Continuing What questions are asked and worked with the Withhold System, until the earliest incident of the chain is found and cleaned up. This should clear the whole chain.

One then reworks all the previous What questions on the Zero A Chain and leaves Zero A when all the previous Whats are clear.

One can clean some of the What questions, find a new branch and ask more What questions.



The auditor writes down only what the auditor says (the Zero and What questions) plus any cognitions of the pc he cares to write.

He doesn’t do a steno record of what the pc says, only the Zeros and Whats the auditor asks.



The magic question is “Is there any incident like that earlier?” Or any version of it. The pc’s attention tends to stick near present time.

The auditor must press the pc gradually back down the Chain to basic, cleaning up what he can as he goes, realizing, if the Chain is long and hot, that it won’t clean until basic is reached.

The pc, on a charged chain, cannot go earlier until charge is moved off it by using the withhold system on each withhold the pc gives, (When All Who, test What. If What still charged on meter, another When All Who).

Basic is sometimes wholly unknown to pc, sometimes known only as a picture. Unknown parts exist throughout the chain. Sample:


0. Are you willing to talk to me about your difficulties?

0A. Have you ever done anything to an organization? (Zero A found by Dynamic Assessment.)

1. What about being jealous of a leader?

(1. Question found from a withhold given by pc in response to the Zero A being asked, “I was jealous of my lodge president.” This is enlarged at once by auditor to be more general.)

Several withholds come off, all about leaders, each withhold well worked by the When All Who of the withhold system.

Then the 1 is still alive but pc gives a withhold about stealing money from an organization. This is a new type of withhold, but is similar on the chain as it’s still about organizations.

1A. What about stealing money from an organization? (Question 1A derived by pc’s given withhold.)

This 1A is worked by the Withhold System until pc gives a withhold still on organizations but having to do with wrecking a car belonging to a company.

1B. What about damaging organization property? Etc. Etc.

When the first overt is found and fully revealed by the When All Who of the Withhold System (maybe 1F) then 1F will clear fully as a What question. One then reworks the 1E, 1D, 1C, 1B, 1A and one. The auditor may clean 1E, 1D and find a newseries on the same chain, giving him a new 1E and 1D after which all Whats including the Number One will go clean if worked a bit more. This up and down may happen more than once. This ends the chain labelled in Zero A as Organizations, providing Zero A is now nul.



Work only one subject at a time. Keep pc on the subject of the chain. Try not to start new chains when old Zero A’s exist uncleared.

Start new Zero A’s only when an old Zero A is cleared fully.


The pc is doing well only when you have TA action. Complete chains started always but choose those that will give TA action during Prepchecking.



Use no version of withholds to clean up rudiments for a Prepcheck session. You’ll find yourself steered off yesterday’s Zero A. Use only old non O/W processes to clean rudiments in a Prepcheck session. For withhold rud, add “Since last session”.



The modern Model Session Rudiments are the Zeros in all cases.



Derive Zero A’s as follows:

For “Are you willing, etc” do a Dynamic Assessment on pc and use its results. When this is cleared, do another Dynamic Assessment. Etc.

Finally pc will talk to auditor about anything.


For Withhold rudiment, use the Joburg and (on a Scientologist) Form 6A as 0A questions.


For Present Time Problem use the whole of the Problems Intensive HCO Bulletin of November 9, 1961.


For Half Truth use “Have you ever told a half truth?” For Untruth, use “Have you ever told a lie?”

For Impress Anyone use “Have you ever tried to impress anyone?” For Damage use “Have you ever damaged anyone?”For Meter, use itself.


For Withholds, use “What withhold have you only partially revealed?”


For Goals use “Have you ever set impossible goals for anyone?”For Gains, use “Have you ever propitiated anyone?”

For Orders and Commands, use “Have you ever made anyone obey?”


The purpose of Prepchecking is to set up a pc’s rudiments so they will stay in during further clearing of the bank.


If a pc goes back track and out of this lifetime, let him or her go back track using the same system. Don’t persuade pc to go back track.


Asking the What question is the most skilled action of Prepcheck. The rule is as follows:

The What question must ask about the part of the withhold most dangerous to the pc’s survival, and must not be too broad to miss the chain or too narrow to get only that one withhold. The supposition is that the pc has done similar things; the What question must also be capable of getting these.

There is only one exception to converting the pc’s withhold to a What question directly.

If the pc does one of four things, the auditor asks a What question directly relating to the subject mentioned by the pc.

These four things are:

Pc gives Somebody else’s withhold, gives a MOTIVATOR, gives a CRITICISM of someone or an EXPLANATION, then Auditor gives a What question, in each case, as follows: “What have you done to (subject mentioned by pc)?”


Learning to Prepcheck is like learning to ride a bicycle. All of a sudden you can ride it. Prepchecking gives high pc gains when done well, higher than any previous process.


The auditor expects the pc to talk to him. The auditor does not prevent the pc from giving up withholds. Pcs, unlike in Sec Checking, talk glibly and easily while being Prepchecked.


The only middle ruds you use are (frequently) “Have I missed a withhold on you?” and the half truth, etc, end rud question.

Use “Have I missed a withhold on you?” in the end rudiments rather than “Are you withholding anything?” while Prepchecking.


There are some tapes extant on Prepcheck Sessions I have given. Good hunting.


[This HCO B is corrected by HCO B 24 June 1962, Prepchecking, page 88.]