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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Presession 37 - B601215 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Предсессия 37 - Б601215 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 601215 - HCO Bulletin - Presession 37 [B024-232]
- 601215 - HCO Bulletin - Presession 37 [B036-182]
- 601215 - HCO Bulletin - Presession 37 [B140-053]
- 601215 - HCO Bulletin - Presession 37 [B141-051]
CONTENTS Presession 37 FORMULA 16 FORMULA 17 Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Franchise Holders

Presession 37

A presession is run without a model session.

Presession 1 and 37 are the only presessions now in regular use.

Presession 37 is a method of getting off withholds. This problem is the primary case problem. Presession 37 resolves it. This presession is now the proper way to run “What question shouldn’t I ask you?”

The auditor runs “What question shouldn’t I ask you?” for a few times.

Then the auditor runs “Think of something you’ve done.” “Think of something you have withheld.” Alternated for a short time (maximum five minutes).

Then the auditor runs “What question…” a few more times.

If the pc develops an evasion system such as “You shouldn’t ask me if I have murdered anybody,” the auditor asks it. The pc says, “No, I never have,” etc. Then the auditor must reword “What question…” to “What question would embarrass you?” or “What would you hate to have the police or your husband or whatever find out about you?” Vary “What question” so that you get off the withholds.

Always run Presession 37 until you have a no-response to question needle with E-Meter sensitivity at 16.

The O/W on this is to keep up the havingness.


A formula is always run in model session early in the case or to get it moving again.

Formula 16 is as follows:

Failed help is run with:

“Whom have you intended not to help?”

“Whom have you helped?”

This is run for about 10 minutes, then the following is run for about twenty commands or so:

Assess PT terminals. Take first one that falls. Assess every time. Run:

“What unkind thought have you had about (terminal)?”

Then switch back to the above failed help version.

This is for cases that don’t respond well on ordinary O/W.


Help is run as two-way failed help on an assessed terminal which has to do with a healing profession or religious or mystic person.

Then “What unkind thought have you withheld from a person?” is run for havingness.

This is for the person who has been to healers, hypnotists, spiritualists, psychologists, ministers, religious family members, psychoanalysts, etc, etc. This also works on doctors, psychologists, etc.

One makes the assessment list from general terminals and specific persons connected with pc’s past. One assesses each time from the list and takes the first one that drops. The drop is barely run off before switching to the thought O/W on “a person”.

Two-way failed help is run as follows:

“How could you fail to help a…?”

“How could a… fail to help you?”

Positive failed help:

“How could you help a…?”

“How could a… help you?” should also be run if indicated. (If pc insists they helped.)