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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Problems Intensive Use - B620927 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Использование Интенсива Проблем - Б620927 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 620927 - HCO Bulletin - Dream Come True [B002-069]
- 620927 - HCO Bulletin - Dream Come True [B029-042]
- 620927 - HCO Bulletin - Dream Come True [B038-062]
- 620927 - HCO Bulletin - Dream Come True [B160-028]
- 620927 - HCO Bulletin - Problems Intensive Use [B002-068]
- 620927 - HCO Bulletin - Problems Intensive Use [B029-041]
- 620927 - HCO Bulletin - Problems Intensive Use [B038-063]
- 620927 - HCO Bulletin - Problems Intensive Use [B160-029]
CONTENTS Problems Intensive Use Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex

Problems Intensive Use

Problems Intensive Use

The only fully valid lower level process today that achieves enormously effective results, is the Modern Problems Intensive.

The only fully valid lower level process today that achieves enormously effective results, is the Modern Problems Intensive.

It does the following:

It does the following:

  • Eradicates feelings of illness
  • Eradicates feelings of illness
  • Adds years to life
  • Adds years to life
  • Subtracts years from appearance
  • Subtracts years from appearance
  • Increases IQ.
  • Increases IQ.
  • It is very easy to run as it can be done with errors and, so long as the Tone Arm moves, will achieve marvellous results.

    It is very easy to run as it can be done with errors and, so long as the Tone Arm moves, will achieve marvellous results.

    It is the ideal HGC process for HCA/HPA staff auditors as it gives them countless wins.

    It is the ideal HGC process for HCA/HPA staff auditors as it gives them countless wins.

    It is a natural for the field auditor who knows his Model Session and the rundown.

    It is a natural for the field auditor who knows his Model Session and the rundown.

    It can be combined with the CCHs or used without.

    It can be combined with the CCHs or used without.

    Its rundown is simple.

    Its rundown is simple.

    One does a Case Assessment. Assesses for the Change, predates it by a month and runs the Prepcheck Buttons on it over and over, flattening each one so far as possible.

    One does a Case Assessment. Assesses for the Change, predates it by a month and runs the Prepcheck Buttons on it over and over, flattening each one so far as possible.

    When one assessed change is run, another list of changes is made and assessed and it is all done again.

    When one assessed change is run, another list of changes is made and assessed and it is all done again.

    It can be interrupted by an end of intensive without consequences to the pc if something was left unflat.

    It can be interrupted by an end of intensive without consequences to the pc if something was left unflat.

    The public may scream to get clear, but most of it could only be audited on a Problems Intensive anyway.

    The public may scream to get clear, but most of it could only be audited on a Problems Intensive anyway.

    Unlike partially completed or badly done goals assessments, there is no liability to a Problems Intensive.

    Unlike partially completed or badly done goals assessments, there is no liability to a Problems Intensive.

    All the gains envisioned in Book I can be achieved with enough Problems Intensives, even a 1st Dynamic clear in many cases.

    All the gains envisioned in Book I can be achieved with enough Problems Intensives, even a 1st Dynamic clear in many cases.

    So don’t risk your pc’s health and good will if you’re not a Saint Hill graduate. Get good, solid gains with the Modern Problems Intensive. Only if you fail to find and pull his or her Missed Withholds in the course of sessions could you estrange a pc.

    So don’t risk your pc’s health and good will if you’re not a Saint Hill graduate. Get good, solid gains with the Modern Problems Intensive. Only if you fail to find and pull his or her Missed Withholds in the course of sessions could you estrange a pc.

    You may have to clear the buttons for the pc who doesn’t understand the words, but other than that it’s all plain sailing.

    You may have to clear the buttons for the pc who doesn’t understand the words, but other than that it’s all plain sailing.

    People are suddenly losing all manner of things they thought were illnesses and were calling arthritis and ulcers and what not. They weren’t sick. They were just suppressed.

    People are suddenly losing all manner of things they thought were illnesses and were calling arthritis and ulcers and what not. They weren’t sick. They were just suppressed.

    Please realize what you’ve got here in a Modern Problems Intensive. I’ll be giving you lots of data on how it’s done.

    Please realize what you’ve got here in a Modern Problems Intensive. I’ll be giving you lots of data on how it’s done.
