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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- R2-R3 - ARC Breaks, Handling of (GPM) - B630314 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 630314 - HCO Bulletin - Routine 2-Routine 3 - ARC Breaks, Handling Of [B003-012]
- 630314 - HCO Bulletin - Routine 2-Routine 3 - ARC Breaks, Handling Of [B039-009]
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Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Central Orgs Franchise Urgent


(HCO Secs: Check this out thoroughly on all students and staff.
DofT: Use this drill early in Practical, add to all Check Sheets.)

Some day you will be awfully glad you read and learned this HCO Bulletin.

The only things that can ruin the future of R2 and R3 are:

1. ARC Breaks because of bad R2 and R3; and

2. The Sad Effect.


There is nothing more nerve-racking to an auditor than an R2 or R3 ARC Break. They are not like other ARC Breaks from a common missed withhold. They are nerve-shattering and far reaching in consequence.

If you can't handle an R2 or R3 ARC Break you have no business using the techniques as you'll wrap more than one pc around a telephone pole. The only real damage R2 and R3 can do to a case is when one fails to handle an R2 or R3 ARC Break. Good R2 or R3 repairs bad R2 or R3, but one sometimes has to be awfully clever to repair a case once the auditor has let an ARC Break go by.

Indeed, so important is the ARC Break in R2 and R3 that it is actually used as one means of testing the correctness of the R2 or R3.


The untried auditor is always sure the R2 or R3 ARC Break happens because of auditing blunders (Mid Ruds, etc), failure to pull ordinary missed withholds or auditor auditing goofs. This is not true.

The truth is that R2 and R3 ARC Breaks are caused by a mistake in Goals, Items or GPMs, and that's the whole cause.

The pc, however, unable to grasp this, turns his reasoning upon the auditor and blames the auditing. Therefore, this rule must be thoroughly learned and experienced by the auditor before he or she is "safe" in auditing R2 and R3.


In R2 and R3 when the pc criticizes or attacks the auditor or goes into grief or apathy, an R2 or R3 error has just occurred. The auditor must ignore the pc's statements as to the cause of the ARC Break and quickly remedy the R2 or R3 and do nothing else.

There are no exceptions to this rule in R2 and R3. The auditor, having goofed in some other way, is liable to see reason in what the pc is saying, do something like missed withholds or Mid Ruds and drive the ARC Break into heights that can make the pc much more upset.


In an R2 or R3 ARC Break, Missed Withholds and Mid Ruds are used, if at all, only after the ARC Break has been healed by correcting the R2 and R3.

If an auditor tries to get in his Mid Ruds or pull missed withholds in the face of an ARC Break in an R2 or R3 session the pc is likely to be driven down to the Sad Effect which is harder to salvage.


We could call this Tearaculi Apathia Magnus and everyone would be in great awe of it. But I see no reason to follow the Latinated nonsense of yesterday's failured sciences. Call it something simple and the auditor will feel he can do something about it and even the pc will cheer up a bit. So it's "the Sad Effect".

This is a state of great sadness, apathy, misery and desire for suicide and death.

I have been on the trail of the causes of this condition for about 20 years. Like nearly everything else in Scientology this is a new high point in achievement. We have the highest state, OT, and we have the lowest states of being recognized and know the roads to them.


Neglect or overwhelm an R2 or R3 ARC Break (pc anger or antagonism) and you will cause the pc to drop into the sad effect.

The Sad Effect is caused by neglecting or overwhelming an R2 or R3 ARC Break and the state will continue until remedied by correcting the R2 or R3.

All pcs who are sad, hopeless, etc. have had their R2 or R3 mishandled by life or auditing.


All R2 or R3 ARC Breaks stem from wrong items or goals, incomplete lists, wrong way to oppose or no auditing.

All these are in essence missed withholds of the greatest possible magnitude and therefore cause ARC Breaks of the greatest possible magnitude.

Bad auditing only serves to key in an existing R2 or R3 Error.

In actual fact, a missed withhold can amount to a whole section of the GPM (goal error or leaving the GPM section before it is clean), a wrong goal, a wrong Item, a wrong way to Item or, of lesser degree, not finding an Item.

The common denominator of all R2 R3 ARC Breaks consists of a missed or wrongly designated GPM, Goal or Reliable Item. There are no other sources of R2 or R3 ARC Break.

Bad sessioning, poor auditing, ordinary life missed withholds are only contributive to R2 and R3 ARC Breaks and are incapable of doing more than keying in and intensifying the magnitude of the ARC Break which has already been caused by errors in R2 and R3.


The fifteen principal causes of ARC Break in R2 and R3 are:

1. Failure to complete a list;

2. By-passing an Item;

3. Giving the pc a wrong Item;

3a. Opposing an Item wrong way to;

4. Giving the pc an Item with altered wording;

5. Giving the pc no Item;

6. Failure to complete a goals list;

7. By-passing the pc's goal;

8. Giving the pc a wrong goal;

9. Giving the pc a goal with altered wording;

10. Giving the pc no goal;

11. Failure to complete a GPM before going to the next;

12. By-passing a GPM;

13. Getting the pc into the wrong GPM;

14. Going too far into a GPM without finding a goal;

15. No auditing.

The fifteen apply to both R2 and R3, all of them.

They can be made up into an assessment list (shortly to be issued), which list, assessed by elimination, will give you the exact cause of the ARC Break (which I think is pretty clever of me) and permit you to heal it rapidly. While you will feel on occasion that the assessment result is no more easily interpreted then fortune telling, you will find that it is always right. It spots the missed R2-R3 missed withhold. If it comes up "By-Passed Item" you'll have a scramble trying to find it, but you at least know why the pc ARC Broke and the pc will permit you to look (even while screaming at you).


Stage One:

The ARC Break starts always in the same way. The pc finds something wrong with the auditor, the subject, or tools of auditing or the auditing room. He does this in varying intensity, ARC Break to ARC Break.

Stage Two:

This is followed by misemotion, also directed at the auditor, subject, tools or room.

Stage Three:

If the auditor continues on with auditing the pc will drop into grief, sadness or apathy.

This is an inevitable cycle and may be followed by the pc with greater or lesser intensity of emotion, or loudness or lack of response.

A skilled auditor will recognize and stop it at Stage One above. It is sometimes not possible to stop the cycle because it enters the stages and completes them too swiftly, but it must be cared for, and no further R2 or R3 may be done until the R2 or R3 is corrected.


The auditor must realize that the ARC Break is caused by an error which has just occurred – within seconds or minutes, and must not go back a half a dozen sessions unless the pc has been pretty upset all along. Something has just happened, usually, that is wrong R2 or R3.

The auditor must stop all forward action and must not do anything except correct what has already happened. Do not continue on, do not get in Mid Ruds, do not pull missed withholds or do anything else but correct the R2 and R3. Do not do new lists or new approaches or new actions until the old action is straightened up.

To continue is to produce the Sad Effect. If the pc is already in the Sad Effect at session start, treat it as an ARC Break with the Drill given.

The pc does not realize that anything has been missed. He or she thinks it's the auditor, the subject or the tools and will target only these. The fact of the ARC Break must be noted and the substance of the criticism must be ignored by the auditor.

If the pc knew what had been missed there would be no ARC Break. The missed withhold of the Item or whatever is not only missed by the auditor but by the pc. The pc won't ever spot it, left on his own. It's up to the auditor.

The auditor only must make up his or her mind as to what's wrong. The directions of the pc (even a skilled Scientologist as a pc) are nearly always wrong. The auditor is there to listen and compute. As it's the pc's bank, the pc can't compute on his or her own case. Taking the pc's directions will always involve and prolong the ARC Break. What really caused it will be occluded to the pc. Don't always do something different than what the pc says. By averages the pc might have accidentally hit on it. Just do what is necessary to straighten out the R2 and R3. Just don't depend on the pc to tell you. Know your R2 and R3. You, the auditor, are the only one present who can think clearly. That's what you're for.


The DofP has a different view of an ARC Break. It is by sessions according to auditors' reports.

To get a case going again that has gone into Stage Three, examine yesterday's reports. Look for a change in pc's goals and gains and correct the session before the one in which they changed.

When an auditing supervisor becomes an auditor he or she carries this habit forward into auditing and presented with an ARC Breaking pc in session, tends to look to yesterday. But in a session, the ARC Breaking action usually occurs only seconds or minutes before the ARC Break. Look there when auditing.


This drill is to be used in all Practical Sections before the student is turned loose on R2 or R3.

Designation: R2 and R3 Drill One.

Purpose: To prevent errors in R2 and R3 and to prevent upsets in the pc's case.

Theory: The effort of a pc at the start of an ARC Break is to stop the auditor. The pc's effort is aimed at the auditor's skill, person, the subject, auditing tools or the room. The comments are critical, whether jocular or misemotional. When this effort fails to stop the auditor, and the auditor presses on with auditing, the pc is overwhelmed and goes rapidly down tone scale. In a severe R2 or R3 ARC Break the pc will stay down scale for minutes, hours, days, weeks or months until the ARC Break is repaired by correcting the R2 or R3 error made immediately before the ARC Break. The correct action is to prevent all possibility of the auditor becoming too enturbulated to think, prevent all engagement in refutation of the pc's accusations, give the auditor time and calm to correct the R2 or R3, test the correction by seeing if it stops the ARC Break, and only then re-commence the session. The key is that even the most startled auditor, seeing an ARC Break begin, can associate it with the word "Break".

The drill is always used in actual sessions even when the auditor thinks he knows the reason for it.


Auditor: "List the Items in this room. "

Coach: Privately makes up his mind which of the ARC Break points is wrong. Does auditing command briefly and then unexpectedly criticizes (with greater or lesser violence) auditor, room, tools, subject or self or drops into simulated tears or apathy.

Auditor: Thank you. We will now take a short break. (Gathers papers and leaves room. Shuffles papers and returns into room.)

Auditor: I would like to do a short assessment on you.

(Auditor does actual E-Meter assessment from a standard HCO Bulletin question list which will be provided from time to time, based on the Principal Causes of R2-R3 ARC Breaks. Finds the one the coach was hiding by actual meter reaction.)

Auditor: I find we have (gives cause found) and we will now locate it. Is that all right with you?

Coach: Okay.

Auditor: The session is resumed.

Coach: That's it.

In actual practice the auditor would have examined the papers of the pc to come to some conclusion about the case in private and seen what was wrong or seen the DofP or somebody else for help. And then would have confirmed it by assessment.

History: Developed at Saint Hill by L. Ron Hubbard in March AD 13, to prevent severe upsets in R2 and R3.