It is true that an R/S indicates an underlying evil intention. And if one occurs it is vital that it be noted clearly. But an R/S is only an indicator.
R/Ses found in folders sometimes can’t be made to repeat due to additional overburden or new withholds or something of the sort. A rock slam is a definite indicator but it is not the indicator. There are various reasons for this – the auditor might be looking somewhere else, the meter may be discharged and the R/Ses missed or, on the other hand, a bad connection in the line or the pc wearing rings can also turn on a false R/S.
The point is that in detecting an evil purpose one would not rely totally on whether or not an R/S did or did not turn on. It is just an indicator. It’s not proof. A person‘s conduct and his actions are a proof. Thus, behavior and production records are a more reliable indicator.