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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Routine 2H, ARC Breaks by Assessment - B630625 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Шаблон R2H, РАРО Оцениванием - Б630625 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 630625 - HCO Bulletin - Routine 2H - ARC Breaks by Assessment [B003-028]
- 630625 - HCO Bulletin - Routine 2H - ARC Breaks by Assessment [B003-029]
- 630625 - HCO Bulletin - Routine 2H - ARC Breaks by Assessment [B039-022]
R2H BY STEPS Step One: Step Two: Step Three: Step Four: THE ASSESSMENT FORM
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Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Central Orgs Franchise


This is not just a training process. It is a very valuable unlimited process that undercuts Repetitive Processes and produces tone arm action on cases that have none on repetitive processes.

R2H, however, is a training must before an auditor is permitted to run engrams. It does not have to be run on a pc before engrams are run. Only when an auditor can produce results with R2H should he or she run engrams on any pc. For R2H combines the most difficult steps of engram running, dating, assessing, locating and indicating by-passed charge. If an auditor can date skillfully and quickly handle ARC Breaks (and handle the Time Track) he or she is a safe auditor on R3R. If not, that auditor will not produce results with R3R or make any OTs.

In Academies and the SHSBC, R2H is placed after skill is attained in Model Session and repetitive processes. In auditing programming R2H comes immediately after Reach and Withdraw and the CCHs.

For sweetening a pc’s temper and life, R2H has had no equal for cases above but not including level 8.

ARC stands for the Affinity–Reality–Communication triangle from which comes the Tone Scale and is best covered by the booklet “Notes on Lectures”.

By-passed charge is covered very fully in recent HCOBs on ARC Breaks.


The auditing actions of Routine 2H are complex and must be done with great precision.

The actions are done in Routine 3 Model Session. Mid Ruds and Missed Withholds may be used.

Step One:

Tell the pc, “Recall an ARC Break.”

When pc has done so acknowledge that the pc has done so. Do not ask the pc what it is. If pc says what it is, simply acknowledge. It is no business of R2H to know what the ARC Break consists of!

Step Two:

Date the ARC Break on the meter. If the pc volunteers the date do not verify it on the meter further. Accept it at once and write it down. The date is more important than the content of the ARC Break.

Step Three:

Assess the ARC Break for by-passed charge, using the attached list.

Find the greatest read.

The assessment is seldom gone over more than once as a whole and those that read are then read again until one remains.

This is a rapid action on the meter. Look only for tiny ticks or falls or a small left to right slash of the needle. Do not expect large reactions. The Mark V meter is indispensable.

Step Four:

Indicate to the pc what charge was missed in that ARC Break he or she has recalled.

The pc must be satisfied that that was the charge missed.

The pc may try to recall what it was that was indicated. This is not a vital part of the drill but the pc must be satisfied that the located by-passed charge was the source of the ARC break.

There is a danger here of a great deal of auditor ad-libbing and tanglefoot. If the pc is not satisfied and happier about it, the wrong by-passed charge has been found and Step Three must be re-done.

It is no part of this process to run an engram or secondary thus located.


This is a sample form. It may be necessary to add to it. Some lines of it may eventually be omitted. However, this form does work. The auditor may add a few lines to it.

In asking the questions preface the whole assessment with, “In the ARC Break you recalled _____.” Do not preface each question so unless pc goes adrift.

A dirty needle means pc has started to speculate. Ask, “Have you thought of anything?” and clean needle.

Had an engram been missed?

Had a withhold been missed?

Had some emotion been rejected?

Had some affection been rejected?

Had a reality been rejected?

Had a communication been ignored?

Had a similar incident occurred before?

Had a goal been disappointed?

Had some help been rejected?

Was an engram restimulated?

Had an overt been committed?

Had an overt been contemplated?

Had an overt been prevented?

Was there a secret?

Routine 2H is a skilled operation. Practice gives the auditor a knack of doing it rapidly.

An ARC Break should be disposed of about every fifteen minutes of auditing time. Longer shows ineptitude.