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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Routine 3, R3 Stable Data (GPM) - B630505 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 630505 - HCO Bulletin - Routine 3 - R3 Stable Data [B177-007]
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Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex



On the first GPM run on a pc you get a further departure from the pattern than in subsequent GPMs. The pc’s confront is barred off by charge. The thing to do is run the first GPM as you can, then get the “closer to PT” GPMs by listing “What goal would oppose (GPM’s goal just run)?” Don’t go “backtrack,” come “closer to PT” for the next GPM.

On the first GPM run on a pc you get a further departure from the pattern than in subsequent GPMs. The pc’s confront is barred off by charge. The thing to do is run the first GPM as you can, then get the “closer to PT” GPMs by listing “What goal would oppose (GPM’s goal just run)?” Don’t go “backtrack,” come “closer to PT” for the next GPM.

You almost never get the “PT GPM” the first time as the pc’s first goal.

You almost never get the “PT GPM” the first time as the pc’s first goal.

The upper dwindling oppterms (top oppterm down) are all adverbial. Apparently All words are ABLY or INGABLY. The lower dwindling oppterms (goal down) are all adjectivial. Apparently all words are ABLE or INGABLE.

The upper dwindling oppterms (top oppterm down) are all adverbial. Apparently All words are ABLY or INGABLY. The lower dwindling oppterms (goal down) are all adjectivial. Apparently all words are ABLE or INGABLE.

The correct forms of the words apparently do not vary for any goal’s RIs.

The correct forms of the words apparently do not vary for any goal’s RIs.

There is no difference of pattern goal to goal or pc to pc. Only significance of goals change pc to pc.

There is no difference of pattern goal to goal or pc to pc. Only significance of goals change pc to pc.

The terminals are all NIX where they have negative starts, not NO . More cultured tongues have degrees of negative and NIX is closer than NO . If NO is used some mass will pile up on the terminal side. NIX used instead of NO dispels this mass.

The terminals are all NIX where they have negative starts, not NO . More cultured tongues have degrees of negative and NIX is closer than NO . If NO is used some mass will pile up on the terminal side. NIX used instead of NO dispels this mass.

Never rerun a partially run GPM. Always complete a GPM to the bottom including the goal oppose list at the end before rerunning or correcting a GPM. Go back two RIs if you must. But never more. Correct a GPM’s RIs only after the GPM has been gone through once. If a partially run GPM is rerun or corrected before completion, it will stiffen up.

Never rerun a partially run GPM. Always complete a GPM to the bottom including the goal oppose list at the end before rerunning or correcting a GPM. Go back two RIs if you must. But never more. Correct a GPM’s RIs only after the GPM has been gone through once. If a partially run GPM is rerun or corrected before completion, it will stiffen up.

Always run a GPM top to bottom, never bottom to top.

Always run a GPM top to bottom, never bottom to top.

Always get the pc to the “topmost” GPM as soon as possible before going for “early track” GPMs.

Always get the pc to the “topmost” GPM as soon as possible before going for “early track” GPMs.

Run RIs off the case as fast as possible. Don’t linger around fooling with a top oppterm combination more than a few hours. If you can’t get it go into the bank at the goal as an oppterm. It shatters a pc to fool about hunting the top oppterm for 20 or 30 hours. Get RIs run and charge off the case.

Run RIs off the case as fast as possible. Don’t linger around fooling with a top oppterm combination more than a few hours. If you can’t get it go into the bank at the goal as an oppterm. It shatters a pc to fool about hunting the top oppterm for 20 or 30 hours. Get RIs run and charge off the case.



The bottom (lowest) oppterm is always a trick combination of the next goal below and the goal being run. Sometimes a NOT or NIX is added between them.

The bottom (lowest) oppterm is always a trick combination of the next goal below and the goal being run. Sometimes a NOT or NIX is added between them.

It’s an idiotic simplicity. The two goals are just joined to make sense.

It’s an idiotic simplicity. The two goals are just joined to make sense.

Example: Goal being run: To never fish. Next lower goal: to catch catfish. The bottom oppterm of the GPM “to never fish” is therefore “to never fish to catch catfish.”

Example: Goal being run: To never fish. Next lower goal: to catch catfish. The bottom oppterm of the GPM “to never fish” is therefore “to never fish to catch catfish.”

I almost sprained the brain trying to find this one. It connects each GPM one to the next. It’s a keystone.

I almost sprained the brain trying to find this one. It connects each GPM one to the next. It’s a keystone.

If the pc is a few RIs down from the top, or in the body of a GPM, or a few RIs from the bottom, you can’t get another goal to fire. To get another goal to fire, you have to complete all the way to the bottom, the one you are running.

If the pc is a few RIs down from the top, or in the body of a GPM, or a few RIs from the bottom, you can’t get another goal to fire. To get another goal to fire, you have to complete all the way to the bottom, the one you are running.

Two goals or more can be firing at one time.

Two goals or more can be firing at one time.
