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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Routine 3, RI Form (GPM RI Form Corrected) - B630512 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 630512 - HCO Bulletin - Routine 3 - RI Form (GPM RI Form Corrected) [B063-023]
- 630512 - HCO Bulletin - Routine 3 - RI Form (GPM RI Form Corrected) [B153-016]
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Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Central Orgs Missions


The first series (43 trillion) of GPM implants follow this exact word form.

In the following form there may be an RI in juxtaposition or a missing pair (on test now I have found it all correct so far as I can tell) but except as indicated this is the exact pattern, in that your pc has all of these. If your pc’s goal does not follow this form you are running the second series at 41 trillion.

An approximation of the word is not acceptable. With a little random listing the right one will RR. Example: “Enjoying Catfish” is not good enough. It would have to be “Enjoyably Catfish” as given. Only a variation in the middle of the word sometimes occurs, i.e., Enjoyably fires as Enjoyfulably. Enjoy and -ably are always there. Only No may fire in the terminals, not NIX but if so mass will eventually stack up, GPM to GPM on the terminal side.

Early on a case a bank is so charged up that almost anything will RR. So work for the right one as given, or in later GPMs that level will leave mass because basic on it (1st GPM) is wrong.

This is not the pattern of the second series (41 or 42 trillion). The first series is probably available on your pc. Find it. If you can’t and pc got only the second series of GPMs (although I’m still prepared to find it all one consecutive implant) blunder about and get charge off by finding RIs. I haven’t run much of the second series. Without the first series run completely the accumulated charge on the second is too brutal. However I will have the full pattern of it in a very few weeks. I am auditing a fresh pc and am being audited at the rate of one RI per minute of auditing time. Blowdown is ignored. Only RIs are used now we have this pattern.

This pattern should fit all the first series of implanted GPMs, 28 or 29 in number.

The only trouble you’ll have is finding the correct top oppterm on some.

Each goal consists of certain blocks of RIs. For instance, Block One (as noted on plot) is “Forgotten.” Therefore one has Forgotten as the Top Oppterm, NIX Forgotten as the top terminal. Then one has “Absoluteably Forgotten,” then “NIX Absoluteably Forgotten” as its terminal. And so on.

The blocks are numbered. The appropriate ending or form goes in each block.

( See next page )

For To Forget, the blocks are:

Block One - Top Oppterm:Forgotten
Block Two - Goal:To Forget
Block Three - GoalMinus “To”: Forget
Block Four - Goal Minus “To” + able:Not present in first series of implants.
Block Five - ing form:Forgetting
Block Six - er form:Forgetter

For the goal To Remember:

Block One:Remembered
Block Two:To Remember
Block Three:Remember
Block Four:Not Present in first series
Block Five:Remembering
Block Six:Rememberer

The goal To Go Away:

Block One:Gone
Block Two:To Go Away
Block Three:Go Away
Block Four:Not present in first series
Block Five:Going Away
Block Six:Go Awayer

Last goal of first series:

Block One:Heaven
Block Two:To Be in Heaven
Block Three:Be in Heaven
Block Four:Not present
Block Five:Being in Heaven
Block Six:Be in Heavener

The next goal is always found by doing the goal oppose indicated. The bottom oppterm cannot be put in until you know the next goal. Put in any old oppterm that fires. Then when you have the next goal put in the bottom oppterm by asking “Who or what would the goal To oppose.” Get the right bottom oppterm of the upper GPM. (Consists of the two goals joined together to make sense.) Then list “Who or what would oppose (bottom oppterm just found)” and put To on the list. Then relist “Who or what would To (last RI of bank) oppose?” and put in Top Oppterm of next goal and you’re away into the next GPM.
