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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Routine 3N, Directive Listing with New Routine 3 Model Session - B630513 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 630513 - HCO Bulletin - Routine 3 - Routine 3N Directive Listing with New Routine 3 Model Session [B063-024]
- 630513 - HCO Bulletin - Routine 3 - Routine 3N Directive Listing with New Routine 3 Model Session [B153-017]
CONTENTS Routine 3N Directive Listing With New Routine 3 Model Session ROUTINE 3 MODEL SESSION 8. BODY OF THE SESSION Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Central Orgs Missions ROUTINE 3

Routine 3N Directive Listing With New Routine 3 Model Session

As I gathered experience in auditing a pc through the implant GPMs and being audited through them, it became obvious that we had need of a special routine to handle implant GPMs and a new Routine 3 Model Session.

There are two technologies for auditing goals. You have in Routine 3M a completed technology, needed to audit the pc’s own goals. This need not be changed.

However, as we moved into implant GPMs a great deal of Routine 3M and 3M2 could be dropped while running the implant GPMs. Therefore here is a streamlined routine developed for implant GPMs only.

There are about 49 of these implant GPMs according to present data. Some pcs have more, some less. Unless one hits a speed of an RI every minute of auditing time, the task of clearing the pc of all these takes too long. There are 230 RIs in each one. So the speed necessity is self-evident.

Therefore, we drop several actions from 3M2. We do not check the goal between RIs. We do not test the RI being listed from or the question. We drop the requirement of tone arm blowdown for an RI and we leave only the necessity that the RI RR well when said by the pc and called. The extraneous actions can be dispensed with because we now have the first series exact line plot as per HCOB 12 May 63, Routine 3, RI Form, (GPM RI Form Corrected), and are doing only Directive Listing. By the numbered character of the line plot, one can keep the pc straight without telling the pc the RI.

The session is so arranged that the auditor has a line plot before him and the pc has a copy propped up so that the pc can see it easily without moving about or shifting hands on the cans.

The auditor uses his own line plot copy as the pc’s line plot. Spare paper is handy in case any fiddle-about with words is necessary. The auditor keeps all RIs on the form provided to save unnecessary writing. The only thing the auditor guards against is incorrect oppose in his question – Who or what would oppose _____? and Who or what would _____ oppose? must never be mixed up. The question correct for the column below it is on the form.

If any additional listing is necessary the auditor transfers the number of the RI being listed for to his spare paper and lists it there, if he lists in writing at all.

There are no pauses while the auditor writes during the finding of most of the RIs.

The auditor fills in the form as he asks. Form filling is also shorthanded by putting just a check mark on the terminal side to show it has been gotten.

RIs can thus be found and recorded almost as fast as auditor and pc can talk.

The auditor must be very sure of his rocket read. The correct RI will fire once when the pc says it, slightly less when called back, less when part of the next question and ticks when opposed by the next RI. It is thereafter wholly discharged. It has to be called back to the pc and the next question then asked, using the RI just found. And that’s all. The only judgment is on „Did the pc hear it?“ and „Is the pc distracted or suppressing?“ Experience will guide you on these. Don’t waste time with lots of ruds or TDing RIs. A „What’s happening?“ or „What happened?“ in a critical moment saves almost all mid ruds. And when it doesn’t a „Suppress,“ „Invalidate“ put in on the pc is usually adequate for an RI and a „Protest,“ „Assert“ and „Decide“ are enough when session ruds demand to be put in.

The auditor takes the pc’s data always. And can act on it. But the auditor never takes the pc’s orders. When the auditor fails to take data the pc soon after begins issuing orders, most of which will be wrong. There is no case data except the pc’s data via pc and meter.

The auditor handles the pc gently. Never continue a session beyond an ARC break until that ARC break is handled. Otherwise the pc thinks of the auditor as an enemy, which after all is characterized by forcing against will.

The principal thing to accomplish in Routine 3N is a discharge of charge. Charge is seen on the meter by rocket reads (or rock slams, which don’t apply in 3N). This charge is seen to do one of two things:

a. Discharge or

b. Suppress.

The auditor must be careful that the charge does not just suppress and that it actually discharges. All the charge present is represented by the rocket read. When the rocket read ceases to rocket read the charge is either discharged or suppressed. The auditor will quickly learn by experience which has happened. Suppressed charge is still on the case and retains command value on the pc. Sometimes an area (such as a whole GPM or engram) is so charged that the rocket reads continue to fire as the tone arm moves down.

Sometimes (most of the time) the charge is so shallow that it contains only (a) one long rocket read, (b) one medium rocket read, (c) one short rocket read and (d) a tick, accompanied by about .2 divisions of TA fall over the lot.

In 3N one gets (a) the long RR when the pc first says the RI from his copy of the line plot form, (b) the medium RR when the auditor calls it back, (c) the short RR when the next oppose question is asked and (d) the tick when it is answered.

One may not see (c) and (d). Often the whole charge goes on (a) and (b). Continuing to call a right RI does not produce an RR beyond the above. Only a wrong one continues to fire.

What the auditor must be careful of is failing to get (a) and (b) (when the pc first says it and when the auditor calls it back). If no RR occurs, but only a fall, or if a short RR occurs at (a) or (b) the auditor must expect the pc has a suppress or was suppressing by being distracted. The thing to do is ask „What happened?“ and get the pc’s answer and do the whole operation again. Don’t keep putting in big mid ruds or random listing when the above simple query will handle.

Sometimes the speed of run causes the pc to suppress cognitions. This will prevent rocket reads. It is quite enough to ask „What happened?“ as above and the pc will tell you.

Although 3N is fast, one must compensate for that speed by good sense. The more you harass a pc the less charge is gotten off and the fewer the RIs found per session. You don’t therefore use lots of session big mid ruds and RI big mid ruds.

However, putting in the BMRs on Nix once or twice on various words in argument will pay off with a smoother run. Nix can always be made to fire as part of terminals. Pcs often hate it. Why? It’s part of the implant, that’s why. It’s the most used word in the implants.

The pc does not have to understand the words to recover. However, getting the pc to study before a session the parts of speech involved will help. The things weren’t understood or were sneered at by the pc at the time they were implanted.

Getting the pc to pick up any overt thoughts he had while going through will also help. But this is done only very occasionally in the session, not every RI.

Routine 3N is a speed process which balances between too much and too little auditor doingness. Do enough to get the charge off. Don’t do too much and inhibit charge.

Don’t do too little and leave charge on the case.

The pc’s visio of the surroundings in the implant area as the pc goes through is not vital on the first run through the implants. But it shouldn’t be prevented either. Whether the pc looks or not is unimportant. The auditor can say „What does it look like?“ once or twice in a session.

Speed can come up to 1 RI every 30 seconds but should not fall lower than l RI every minute and a half of session time. An average of 1 RI per minute is good. This includes breaks, beginning and end of session. The first session or two may go much slower. Speed should be reached by the third to fifth session and maintained thereafter.

Routine 3N cannot be used on those cases (five percent?) who are not native to this galaxy and do not have therefore the Helatrobus Implants, or who for some reason escaped them. On these the top oppterm and terminal of To Forget cannot be made to fire even when To Forget does. Such cases may have a goal „To persist“ or „To exist for self alone“ but these do not run by our line plots.

A pc who received only the second series of implants and not the first is run on 3N but by the second series line plot form.

Pcs who do not have the Helatrobus Implants covered in R3N are best run by blocking out their time track and mild engram running. These are nonpattern pcs and their auditor has to develop the materials needed to handle their implants. Much data exists on this.

Be awfully sure your pc does not have the goal To Forget and its top RIs, however, before deciding he or she is off pattern. Pcs like to be different. It’s dangerous to be predictable. And they often sell difference to an auditor. It is fortunate if the pc can be run on the Helatrobus Implants as it makes fast gains for little work.

Run R3N as fast as you and the pc can talk. Do the RIs on the HCO Bulletin form.

Save every corner of time you can. There are more than 10,000 RIs on most cases, some far more, on a very few there are less. That’s about 170 hours of auditing time at one RI per minute. So you see why you’ve got to go-thetan-go. At two RIs per session it’s 5,000 hours or more!

The reason we run the Helatrobus Implants is obvious, but you may have missed that they reduce the power of decision more than any other implants ever found – and the power of decision is the very core of self-determinism.


1. Adjust the pc’s chair.

2. Make sure room is all right.

3. Test pc’s havingness.

4. Put in R-factor.

5. Start session.

6. Get session goals.

7. Use General O/W if pc very agitated, or put in BMRs since last session, or pull missed W/Hs as indicated to get pc into session, but if pc cheerful and needle smooth, just get down to work.

8. Accomplish body of session. In Directive Listing from forms this is 3N.

9. End body of session.

10. Smooth out any roughness in the session if there has been any, favoring Suppress, Failed to Reveal, Protest, Decide, Overts, Assert.

11. Get goals and gains.

12. Test havingness, run pc’s Havingness Process if necessary.

13. Ask for anything pc wishes to say.

14. Ask if all right to end session.

15. End session including asking pc to say, „You are not auditing me. “

Wording for the above follows the tradition of earlier Model Sessions.

Adhere severely to this session form. It is nearly an irreducible minimum and is very fast, but it is all necessary.

The random rudiment here is „What happened?“.

Session mid ruds are simply „Protest, Assert and Decide. “

RI rudiments are „Suppress and Invalidate. “

ARC break handling is in accordance with HCO Bulletin of 14 March 63,ROUTINE 2-ROUTINE 3, ARC BREAKS, HANDLING OF.

Don’t continue a session until you find out why the ARC break.


As per the above step 8, this is the body of a 3N session.

The same session form as above is used for track scouting or engram running so that if these are done also no change of Model Session occurs.

However what makes 3N 3N is the following:

After having established that pc has the goal To Forget and the Helatrobus Implants (also done in the above session form) one proceeds as follows:

a. Give the pc a copy of the required line plot to fit his goal or pre-RIs, making sure you have the latest and most accurate version. Prop it up so pc can read it or let pc have it on his lap, guarding against too much can juggling to get it read. The auditor takes a second copy of the same form for his line plot.

Auditor: Give me number (____ next RI). Who or what would oppose ____ Last RI)? or Who or what would (____ last RI) oppose? (as required).

Pc: (Calling only the exact form RI) Avoidable Catfish.

Auditor: (Has carefully observed E-Meter to make sure it RRed well.) (Marks, but need not write in full, „Avoidable Catfish“ place on his line plot form, verifies it is the right one to come up.) Thank you. I will read the item. Reads: „Avoidable Catfish.“ (Sees that it RRs – will do so about half the width of the pc’s first RR just a moment before.) That rocket reads. (Notes next number or not and may or may not give it to pc according to how lost pc is liable to get.) (Uses last RI found in question:) Who or what would oppose Avoidable Catfish?

Pc: Nix Avoidable Catfish.

Auditor: (Sees that it RRed when pc said it. Marks his list.) I will read the item: (reads and as always notes meter reaction carefully) „Nix Avoidable Catfish“ That rocket reads. Who or what would Nix Avoidable Catfish oppose?

And so forth.

The auditor’s remedy against something not rocket reading is usually „What happened?“ Gets the pc’s answer and repeats the operation that didn’t produce an RR.

This usually gets the RR and the auditor just goes on. The pc had a heavy somatic or a cognition or looked at the next RI or just didn’t pay attention.

The next remedy, if the above didn’t work, is to put in „Suppress and Invalidate“ on the RI. Then one repeats the operation and goes on.

If, however, no RR results yet, look over the line plot thoroughly to make sure you haven’t skipped or gotten mixed up or gotten a non-line plot RR. If all is well here, then do next paragraph:

If no RR yet, use Random Listing, letting the pc vary the wording as he or she wishes. Don’t write any of this down. You will see the meter RR on these odd variations given. When no more RRs are seen except on any repeat of the right RI, once more repeat the operation and you’ll get your RR.

If none of these work then assume:

a. You already got the charge off and missed it or

b. You are doing something not procedure and have been gradually stacking up charge.

To remedy either of the above try to get the next RI. If it fires well, just go on, as if the charge went off, the next one will fire, and if it didn’t the next one won’t.

Your responsibility is to:

1. Get the charge off each RI and

2. Keep the pc calm and unharassed and speeding forward.

You will quickly learn the particular tricks of your pc such as „press on,“ „puzzling it out,“ „getting tired,“ and will get the hang of this pc’s meter so you can tell a suppress or whatever from a real RR very easily and adjust accordingly.

It is obvious that such trouble has to be rare to get your quota of RIs in a session.

Going from one goal to the next varies the above pattern. Here one lists a goal oppose list for the next goal to 50 beyond the last RR or R/S, nulls the list and gets the next goal.

This is a longish process.

If there is no doubt what the next goal is just direct it on the list at once, making a one RI list, adjust the bottom oppterm of the goal just left, carry the charge through and get the next top oppterm at once.

If you have the wrong next goal your pc will ARC break or the RR will fail to fire and the pc will develop much mass.

Wrong next goal is probably the only liability that can give the auditor trouble now.


This is Routine 3N. On the basis of its Model Session, all Routine 3 can be done as well as engram running. The essence of it is auditor direction. Direct the pc toward Clear, not toward ARC breaks, and you’ll soon have marvelous rewards from the processing.
