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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Model Session - B780811-2 | Сравнить
- Rudiments, Definition and Pattern - B780811-1 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Модельная Сессия - Б780811-2 | Сравнить
- Рудименты - Определения и команды (2) - Б780811-1 | Сравнить
- Рудименты - Определения и команды - Б780811-1 | Сравнить

Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue I
Усадьба Сент-Хилл, Ист-Гринстед, Сассекс
Выпуск II
(отменяет ТБП от 18 ноября 68П, "МОДЕЛЬНАЯ СЕССИЯ")
All AuditorsВсем одиторам



(Ref: HCOB 15 Aug 69, FLYING RUDS)
(NOTE: This Bulletin in no way summarizes all the data there is to be known about ARC breaks, PTPs and missed withholds, or handling rudiments.
There is a wealth of technology and data on these subjects contained throughout the Technical Volumes and in Scientology books which the student auditor will need as he progresses up the levels.)

(Примечание: если дианетический одитор или одитор Уровней 0, I, II не обучен процедуре запуска рудиментов, ему нужно стать одитором Уровня III (или более высокого), чтобы запускать рудименты преклира перед началом работы по главным действиям сессии.)

A rudiment is that which is used to get the pc in shape to be audited in that session.

1. Подготовка к сессии

For auditing to take place at all the pc must be in session which means:

Перед сессией одитор должен убедиться в том, что комната и сама сессия подготовлены, чтобы сама сессия прошла без отвлечений и прерываний.

1. Willing to talk to the auditor

Обратитесь к БОХС 4 декабря 1977, "Контрольный список для подготовки сессий и Э-метра" и обеспечьте выполнение каждого пункта контрольного списка.

2. Interested in own case.

Преклира усаживают на дальний от двери стул. Начиная с момента, когда его просят взять банки, и до самого конца сессии он "сидит" на Э-метре.

That is all you want to accomplish with rudiments. You want to set up the case to run by getting the rudiments in, not use the rudiments to run the case.

Когда одитор убеждается в том, что никаких оснований откладывать сессию нет, он начинает сессию.

ARC breaks, present time problems and withholds all keep a session from occurring. It is elementary auditing knowledge that auditing over the top of an ARC break can reduce a graph, hang the pc up in sessions or worsen his case, and that in the presence of PTPs, overts and missed withholds (a restimulated undisclosed overt) no gains can occur. Thus these are the rudiments we are most concerned with getting in at the beginning of a session so that auditing with gains can occur.

2. Начало сессии


Одитор говорит: "Это сессия". (Тон 40.)

If you know bank structure you know it is necessary to find an earlier item if something does not release.

Если стрелка плавает, и у преклира наблюдаются ОХП, то одитор сразу же переходит к главному действию сессии. Если нет, то одитор должен запустить рудименты.

If a rud doesn’t F/N then there is an earlier (or an earlier or an earlier) lock which is preventing it from F/Ning.

3. Рудименты

Thus we have the procedure and the rule:

Рудименты улаживают в соответствии с БОХС 11 августа 1978, Выпуск I, "Рудименты: определения и команды".


(Если в начале сессии РТ слишком высокая или слишком низкая или если одитор не может запустить рудимент, то он заканчивает сессию и посылает папку преклира К/Су. Одитор Класса IV или более высокого класса может провести преклира по Зеленой Форме или иному коррекционному списку.)

The question used is:

Если у преклира П/С и ОХП, то одитор переходит к главному действию сессии.

“Is there an earlier similar (ARC break) or (problem) or (missed withhold)?”

4. Главное Действие сессии

If at the beginning of a session the rudiments are in (the needle is floating and the pc is VGIs), the auditor goes directly into the major actions of the session. If not, the auditor must fly a rud or ruds, as ordered by the C/S.

а) Р-фактор для преклира. Одитор уведомляет преклира о том, что он собирается делать в сессии:


"Сейчас мы будем работать с ...".

ARC: A word from the initial letters of Affinity, Reality and Communication which together equate to Understanding.

б) Прояснение команд. Команды процесса проясняются в соответствии с БОХС от 9 августа 1978, Выпуск II, "Прояснение команд".

ARC BREAK: A sudden drop or cutting of one’s affinity, reality or communication with someone or something. Upsets with people or things come about because of a lessening or sundering of affinity, reality, communication or understanding.

в) Сам процесс. Одитор проводит процесс или выполняет указания К/С для данной сессии, доводя их до конечных явлений.

While the earlier similar rule fully applies to ARC breaks, there is an additional action taken in handling ARC breaks that enables the pc to spot precisely what happened that resulted in the upset.

В Дианетике конечные явления таковы: П/С, стирание цепи, озарение, постулат (если он не был высказан во время озарения) и ОХП.

An ARC break is called that – an “A-R-C break” – instead of an upset because, if one discovers which of the three points of understanding have been cut, one can bring about a rapid recovery in the person’s state of mind.

В саентологических процессах конечные явления таковы: П/С, озарение, ОХП.

You never audit over the top of an ARC break, and you never audit an ARC break itself; they cannot be audited. But they can be assessed to locate which of the basic elements of ARC the charge is on.

Процессы Силы имеют свои собственные КЯ.

Thus to handle an ARC break you assess affinity, reality, communication and understanding to find which of these points the break occurred on.

5. Обладательность

Having determined that, you assess the item found (A or R or C or U) against the Expanded CDEI Scale (curious, desired, enforced, inhibited, no and refused). Ref: HCOB 13 Oct 59, DEI Expanded Scale, Scientology 0-8. The Book of Basics, and HCOB 18 Sep 67, corrected 4.4.74, Scales.

Если процесс Обладательности предписан или включен в инструкции К/С, то одитор дает примерно 10-12 команд из Процесса Обладательности этого преклира - добиваясь момента, когда к преклиру возвращается бодрость, он находится в настоящем времени, а стрелка плавает. (Примечание: Процесс Обладательности никогда не проводится для того, чтобы затемнить или скрыть то, что основной процесс, вопрос исповеди или одитинга не доведен до П/С). (Ссылка: БОХС от 7 августа 1978 года, "Обладательность: как находить и проводить Процесс Обладательности Преклира".)

With this assessment the actual bypassed charge can be located and indicated even more accurately, thus enabling the pc to blow it.

6. Окончание сессии

The assessment is done on every ARC break as you go earlier similar until the rudiment is in with F/N and VGIs.

а) Когда одитор готов закончить сессию, он дает Р-фактор о том, что он намерен закончить сессию.

The first rudiment question is:

б) Затем он спрашивает: "Есть ли что-нибудь, что вам хотелось бы сказать или спросить, прежде чем я закончу эту сессию?". Преклир отвечает. Одитор дает подтверждение и фиксирует ответ.

1. “Do you have an ARC break?”

в) Если преклир задает вопрос, ответьте на него, если можете, или подтвердите и скажите: "Я запишу это для К/С".

2. If there is an ARC break, get the data on it briefly.

г) Одитор заканчивает сессию, объявляя: "Конец сессии". (Тон 40.)

3. Find out by assessment which point the ARC break occurred on: “Was that a break in Affinity? Reality? Communication? Understanding?”

(Примечание: фраза "Это все" для окончания сессии некорректна и не используется. Правильная фраза - "Конец сессии".)

You assess it once and get the read (or the largest read) on, say, communication.


4. Check it with the pc: “Was that a break in (communication)? If he says no, rehandle. If yes, let him tell you about it if he wishes. Then give it to him by indicating it, i.e. “I’d like to indicate that was a break in communication.”

Немедленно по окончании сессии одитор или ассистент отводит преклира к Экзаменатору преклиров.

PROVIDED THE RIGHT ITEM HAS BEEN GOTTEN, the pc will brighten up, even if ever so slightly, on the very first assessment.


NOTE: On Step 4 the pc may originate: “Yes, I guess it was communication but to me it’s really more like a break in reality,” for example. The wise auditor then acknowledges and indicates it was a break in “reality.”

5. Taking the item found in Step 4 above, assess it against the CDEI Scale: “Was it:

  • Curious about (communication)?
  • Desired (communication)?
  • Enforced (communication)?
  • Inhibited (communication)?
  • No (communication)?
  • Refused (communication)?”
  • 6. As in Steps 3 and 4 above, assess it once, get the item and check it with the pc: “Was it (desired) communication?”

    If no, rehandle. If yes, indicate it.

    7. If no F/N at this point you follow it earlier with the question:

    “Is there an earlier similar ARC break?”

    8. Get the earlier similar ARC break, get in ARCU, CDEINR, indicate. If no F/N, repeat Step 7, continuing to go earlier, always using ARCU, CDEINR until you get an F/N.

    When you get the F/N and VGIs you have it.


    PROBLEM: A conflict arising from two opposing intentions. It’s one thing versus another thing; an intention-counter-intention that worries the preclear.

    PRESENT TIME PROBLEM: ... A special problem that exists in the physical universe now, on which the pc has his attention fixed.

    ... Any set of circumstances that so engages the attention of the preclear that he feels he should be doing something about it instead of being audited.

    A violation of “in session-ness” occurs when the pc’s attention is fixed on some concern that is “right now” in the physical universe. The pc’s attention is “over there” not on his case. If the auditor overlooks and doesn’t handle the PTP then the pc is never in session, grows agitated, ARC breaks. And no gains are made because he is not in session.

    The second rudiment question is:

    1. “Do you have a present time problem?”

    2. If there is a PTP, have the pc tell you about it.

    3. If no F/N take it earlier with the question:

    “Is there an earlier similar problem?”

    4. Get the earlier problem and if no F/N, follow it earlier similar, earlier similar, earlier similar to F/N.


    OVERT ACT: An intentionally committed harmful act committed in an effort to solve a problem.

    ... an act of omission or commission which does the least good for the least number of dynamics or the most harm to the greatest number of dynamics.

    That thing which you do which you aren’t willing to have happen to you.

    WITHHOLD: An undisclosed harmful (contra-survival) act. Something the pc did that he isn’t talking about.

    MISSED WITHHOLD: An undisclosed contra-survival act which has been restimulated by another but not disclosed. This is a withhold which another person nearly found out about, leaving the person with the withhold in a state of wondering whether his hidden deed is known or not.

    The pc with a missed withhold will not be honestly “willing to talk to the auditor” and, therefore, not in session until the missed withhold is pulled.

    Missing a withhold or not getting all of it is the sole source of an ARC break. A missed withhold is observable by any of the following: pc not making progress, pc critical of, nattery or angry at the auditor, refusing to talk to the auditor, not desirous of being audited, boiling off, exhausted, foggy at session end, dropped havingness, telling others the auditor is no good, demanding redress of wrongs, critical of Scientology or organizations or people of Scientology, lack of auditing results, dissemination failures. (Ref: HCOB 3 May 62, ARC Breaks, Missed Withholds.) The auditor must not overlook any manifestations of a missed withhold.

    Thus, if the pc has a missed withhold you get it, get all of it using the system described below, and use the same system on each earlier similar missed withhold until you get the F/N.

    The third rudiment question is:

    1. “Has a withhold been missed?”

    2. If you get a missed withhold, find out:

    (a) What was it?

    (b) When was it?

    (c) Is that all of the withhold?

    (d) WHO missed it?

    (e) What did (he/she) do to make you wonder whether or not (he/she) knew?

    (f) Who else missed it? (Repeat (e) above).

    Get another and another who missed it, using the Suppress button as necessary, and repeating (e) above.

    3. Clean it to F/N, or if no F/N take it earlier similar with the question:

    “Is there an earlier similar missed withhold?”

    4. Handle each earlier similar missed withhold you get per Step 2 above, until you get an F/N.


    If a rudiment doesn’t read and is not F/Ning, put in the Suppress button, using: “On the question ‘Do you have an ARC break?’ has anything been suppressed?”

    If it reads, take it and ask ARCU, CDEINR, earlier similar, etc.

    Use Suppress in the same way for non-reading PTP and missed withhold rudiments.


    If the pc protests, comments, or seems bewildered put in the False button. The question used is:

    “Has anyone said you had a … when you didn’t have one?” Get who, what, when and take it earlier, if necessary, to F/N.


    In ruds when you’ve got your F/N and that charge has moved off, indicate it. Don’t push the pc on for some other “EP.”

    When the pc F/Ns with VGIs, you’ve got it.


    Never try to fly ruds on a high or low TA.

    Seeing a high or low TA at session start, the Dianetic or Scientology auditor up to Class II does not start the session but sends the folder back to the C/S for a higher classed auditor to handle. The C/S will order the required correction list to be done by an auditor Class III or above.



    • HCOB 15 Aug 69 Flying Ruds
  • HCOB 13 Oct 59 DEI Expanded Scale
  • HCOB 18 Sep 67 Scales
  • HCOB 7 Sep 64 II All Levels, PTPs, Overts And ARC Breaks
  • HCOB 12 Feb 62 How To Clear Withholds & Missed Withholds
  • HCOB 31 Mar 60 The Present Time Problem
  • HCOB 14 Mar 71R F/N Everything
  • HCOB 23 Aug 71 C/S Series 1 Auditor’s Rights
  • HCOB 21 Mar 74 End Phenomena
  • HCOB 22 Feb 62 Withholds, Missed & Partial
  • HCOB 3 May 62 ARC Breaks, Missed Withholds
  • The above issues give further data on rudiments, ARC breaks, PTPs and missed withholds. Note, however, that this is not a complete list of references on the subject. There is much additional data to be found in the Technical Volumes.
