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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Running 3D Levels - B611203 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 611203 - HCO Bulletin - Running 3D Levels [B001-102]
CONTENTS RUNNING 3D LEVELS RERUNS Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex


To run a terminal found by 3D, you use ONLY the commands of 30 November 1961. Use NO OTHER Commands. The old 5-way bracket, any other bracket system, a two-way bracket WILL ONLY GET YOUR PC IN TROUBLE. You are sending the pc up against the core of the reactive bank, the Goals Problem Mass, and so far as auditing commands are concerned, only the commands of 27, 28 and 30 Nov are able to get him through. The 30 Nov commands are best.

The Goals Problem Mass is a problem in structure. It is so tough you have to run the top off of it. This is done by 3D level runs. Dating bits of it might work. Prior confusion will not work early in it. All other known command routine combinations in Scientology do not phase it at all. Clears went unclear because the Goals Problem Mass could come back in. So we can only run it. And so far only 30 Nov commands run it out. To use other previous command combinations, as used in Routine 3, can get your pc in trouble because you must use the opposition terminal and keep the mass in to be run.


To run levels on 3D terminal and “oppterm” (opposition terminal) do this:

  1. Be sure the 3D items you are running are right by careful cross-checking and various two-way comm and height of PH level tests.
  2. Be sure the “story” is right and that you really have the pc running his own terminal, not the oppterm. The story is logical. The oppterm can be run but it subjects the pc to more duress than needed and turns on the “winds of space”.
  3. Use the Auxiliary Pre-Have Scale for 3D only, or as supplemented. Use for test the first 65 levels for “height of terminal”. Use the whole Auxiliary Scale for assessment of level to be run.
  4. Check out 30 Nov commands for “problem” “situation” etc as will be released (the exact original version will work anyway).
  5. Check out the found item for intensity and wording. Make sure the command will be answerable by the pc.
  6. Run the level to a stuck needle, stuck TA and test for 10 or 20 minutes. (TA shifts because of body motion don’t count.)
  7. Regardless of any needle action the level already run still gets, assess again on Aux PH and run the next level.
  8. Run 6, 8 or 12 levels in this fashion, disregarding the fact that the needle may still twitch when a past level is mentioned. The rule here could be to run to “difficult Aux PH assessment”. I don’t know this yet; I do know you need lots of levels run to stuck TA, stuck needle. This early first run can stick fast (sometimes in 2 commands, but you always complete a bracket. It does no harm to do 2 or 3 more brackets, though the pc will get uncomfortable). (It sometimes takes a session or two to get the pc to approach the Goals Problem Mass. You always run it muzzled. The pc will get there.) (If nothing sticks, on this first run of levels in a series, your 3D assessment is for the loons and cormorants. You should know this when the first level won’t stick.)


  1. Now having run a series of levels, you stick the final one and then go back and test the first level you found and ran. You see if it twitches on the needle. If it does, you run it again to a stuck TA, stuck needle, you leave it and check the next level. You take, in sequence, each level you can get to react by observing the needle as you say it and rerun it. You complete all levels this way.
  1. You now go back and repeat 9 as a Third run of levels.
  2. You now assess for more Aux PH levels. Each time, however, before you run a new level, you recheck all former levels for an already run level still kicking.

This is a sort of wash out by levels in sequence. You must always run levels in sequence. On the second and third run you can skip nul levels, but always test and run in sequence. It doesn’t matter how many times a level gets run. It does matter if you leave it before the needle and TA stick on the first and second and third run. You leave a level too live and it upsets the pc. You kill it too dead (by running a stuck TA and needle for a session or more after it sticks) and either way you get trouble.

Eventually all levels assessed will have to be flat, nul and went.


Stable data on 3D level runs:

Accurate assessment of items and levels makes Clears. Inaccurate assessment gives you a bad reputation and will sow all the trouble germs you’d ever want.

Always complete whatever you start. If an R3 was started, complete it by 3D using all existing parts that check out (use as much of an R3 as you can) (this contradicts the 1st B. on 3D but is right, I find). If a person was cleared on R3, use all R3 items used or run to assemble a 3D and run it according to book.

Only the assembly of the “story” is subject to judgment on 3D. A11 other 3D actions are by the book.

Me, you and the Mark IV Meter got it licked.

__________ L. RON HUBBARD LRH:esc.rd