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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Scientology 8-8008 Unlimited Techniques - 530500 | Сравнить

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As of May 1, 1953, we have several techniques which are susceptible of being audited without time limit. These we call Unlimited Techniques. They are Positive Gain Processes. Engram running, Expanded Gita and all negative gain processes can be audited with benefit only a short time. Double Terminal is an excellent assist — it cannot be audited more than a few hours before the case must be patched up with an unlimited.

As of May 1, 1953, we have several techniques which are susceptible of being audited without time limit. These we call Unlimited Techniques. They are Positive Gain Processes. Engram running, Expanded Gita and all negative gain processes can be audited with benefit only a short time. Double Terminal is an excellent assist — it cannot be audited more than a few hours before the case must be patched up with an unlimited.

HOLDING MEST POINTS: The pc is requested to shut his eyes and to locate and then “feel” the upper two corners of the room and sit there without thinking, just keeping contact, being interested in the two upper corners of the room. Circuits clamor and other interesting things happen. He must not cease from his interest in the two corners. Can be done for thousands of hours, evidently, always with benefit. Gets pc to PT.

HOLDING MEST POINTS: The pc is requested to shut his eyes and to locate and then “feel” the upper two corners of the room and sit there without thinking, just keeping contact, being interested in the two upper corners of the room. Circuits clamor and other interesting things happen. He must not cease from his interest in the two corners. Can be done for thousands of hours, evidently, always with benefit. Gets pc to PT.

COMPARISON: Two similar MEST objects are observed in fact (not in memory) by the pc and compared one to the other. Then two new objects or spaces are observed, their difference noted. This is done outside and inside with cars, people, trees, grass blades, anything. Spaces, of course, are different because they have different boundaries. You see what happens: He is matching terminals and then stopping the discharge by seeing differences. This is one of the most valuable techniques we have, simple as it is. Can be done for thousands of hours. Pc uses MEST (body’s) eyes.

COMPARISON: Two similar MEST objects are observed in fact (not in memory) by the pc and compared one to the other. Then two new objects or spaces are observed, their difference noted. This is done outside and inside with cars, people, trees, grass blades, anything. Spaces, of course, are different because they have different boundaries. You see what happens: He is matching terminals and then stopping the discharge by seeing differences. This is one of the most valuable techniques we have, simple as it is. Can be done for thousands of hours. Pc uses MEST (body’s) eyes.

DUPLICATION: The pc is shown a MEST object, person or space. Then beside it he mocks up a mock-up like it. Then he finds the difference between them. Of course he cannot get mock-ups of any duration or value at first. He simply keeps it up, each time taking a new object, person or space, each time noting the difference. This triggers out the automaticity of making facsimiles. It cuts down the competitive feeling about his own and the MEST universe. Can be audited endlessly, always with benefit.

DUPLICATION: The pc is shown a MEST object, person or space. Then beside it he mocks up a mock-up like it. Then he finds the difference between them. Of course he cannot get mock-ups of any duration or value at first. He simply keeps it up, each time taking a new object, person or space, each time noting the difference. This triggers out the automaticity of making facsimiles. It cuts down the competitive feeling about his own and the MEST universe. Can be audited endlessly, always with benefit.

LIST MOCK-UPS: Self Analysis and similar lists.

LIST MOCK-UPS: Self Analysis and similar lists.

SPACATION: Putting out one, then eight anchor points to make a box in space either in general or around mock-ups or objects. This is the creation of space.

SPACATION: Putting out one, then eight anchor points to make a box in space either in general or around mock-ups or objects. This is the creation of space.

UNMOCKING: Practicing seeing through MEST objects or spaces, done by creating new space where they are and in which they do not exist.

UNMOCKING: Practicing seeing through MEST objects or spaces, done by creating new space where they are and in which they do not exist.

You see what makes a technique unlimited: It builds up confidence in pc’s own universe as in straight LIST MOCK-UPS; or it causes pc to confront the existing state of present time and discover that the MEST universe seldom bites; or it gives the difference between one’s own universe and the MEST universe and raises ability to differentiate between them. Unlimited techniques are all differentiative, all deal with present time.

You see what makes a technique unlimited: It builds up confidence in pc’s own universe as in straight LIST MOCK-UPS; or it causes pc to confront the existing state of present time and discover that the MEST universe seldom bites; or it gives the difference between one’s own universe and the MEST universe and raises ability to differentiate between them. Unlimited techniques are all differentiative, all deal with present time.