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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Security Checking - Twenty-Ten Theory - B620111 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Секчек, Теория Двадцать-Десять - Б620111 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 620111 - HCO Bulletin - Security Checking, Twenty-Ten - Theory [B002-003]
- 620111 - HCO Bulletin - Security Checking, Twenty-Ten - Theory [B002-004]
- 620111 - HCO Bulletin - Security Checking, Twenty-Ten - Theory [B002-005]
- 620111 - HCO Bulletin - Security Checking, Twenty-Ten - Theory [B038-002]
CONTENTS SECURITY CHECKINGTWENTY-TENTHEORY REQUISITES TWENTY-TEN Application to Goals Problem Mass Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
CenOCon Franchise


All valences are circuits are valences.

Circuits key out with knowingness.

This is the final definition of havingness.

Havingness is the concept of being able to reach. No-havingness is the concept of not being able to reach.

A withhold makes one feel he or she cannot reach. Therefore withholds are what cut havingness down and made runs on havingness attain unstable gains. In the presence of withholds havingness sags.

As soon as a withhold is pulled, ability to reach is potentially restored but the pc often does not discover this. It requires that havingness be run to get the benefit of having pulled most withholds.

Therefore on these principles, I have developed Twenty-Ten. Providing the following items are observed and the procedure followed exactly, Twenty-Ten will appear to work miracles rapidly.


1. That the auditor is Class II (or Class IIb at Saint Hill).

2. That a British HCO WW Tech Sec approved meter is employed and no other.

3. That the auditor knows how to find the pc’s havingness process (36 Havingness processes).

4. That the havingness process is tested for loosening the needle at the beginning of each time used.

5. That standard HCO Policy Letter Form Sec Checks are used. The last two pages of the Joburg and Form 6 for Scientologists, the childhood check and Form 19 for newcomers, the remainder of the Joburg and other checks for all

6. That the procedure of Twenty-Ten is exactly followed.


A Class II Auditor’s Skill

1. Use Model Session HCO B of 21 December 1961 or as amended.

2. For every Twenty Minutes of Security Checking run Ten Minutes of Havingness.

3. If the Security question is not nul when the Twenty Minutes period is ended, say to the pc, “Although there may be withholds remaining on this question, we will now run Havingness.”

4. If an unflat question is left to run havingness, return to it after Ten Minutes of havingness and complete it.

5. Run by the clock, not by the state of the question or meter on both security questions and havingness.

6. Be prepared to have to find a new havingness process any time the one being used fails to loosen needle after 8 to 10 commands. Do can squeeze test before first havingness command and after 8 to 10 questions every time havingness process is used.

7. Do not count time employed in finding a havingness process as part of time havingness is to be run.

8. Use “Has a withhold been missed on you?” liberally throughout session. Use it heavily in end rudiments.


Application to Goals Problem Mass

The GPM is often curved out of shape by present life enturbulence to such an extent that only lock valences are available for assessing. This gives “scratchy needle” and also can lead to finding only lock valences.

Lock valences are appended to a real GPM 3-D item. They register and even seem to stay in but are actually impossible to run as 3-D items. An item found by an auditor and then proven incorrect by a checker was usually a lock item. If this happens, even the new item found by the checker may also be a lock item.

To uncover correct 3-D items it is better to run Twenty-Ten and other preparatory processes for 75 to 200 hours before attempting to get a 3-D package.

If the whole GPM keys out, one need only find a goal and Modifier to key it in again.

Preparatory time is not wasted as the same or greater amount of time is all used up anyway, at a loss to the pc, if a pc has a twisted GPM with earlier lock circuits abundantly keyed in in present time. In such cases (the majority) the preparatory time would be eaten up in keeping the pc in session, let alone improper items.


Twenty-Ten is urgently recommended for immediate use in all HGCs.