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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- CCH 88 - Enforced Nothingness - B580411 | Сравнить
- Staff Members Outside Auditing Regulation - B580411 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 580411 - HCO Bulletin - CCH 88 - Enforced Nothingness [B022-037]
- 580411 - HCO Bulletin - CCH 88 - Enforced Nothingness [B034-032]
- 580411 - HCO Bulletin - The regulation applying to staff auditors... [B022-038]
- 580411 - HCO Bulletin - The regulation applying to staff auditors... [B034-031]
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When the following command is relatively flat on an auditor or instructor he may run it on HGC pcs and teach it as part of curriculum to students. But it must be somewhat flat on auditors and instructors before use or taught publicly.

The command is a repetitive command. It is used with some 2-way comm to punch cognitions.

The name of the process is Enforced Nothingness. Number CCH 88.

The command is: “Mock up some people who made you want to make nothing of things.”

This increases havingness all the way.

The person the auditor wants mocked up will be invisible to the pc and pc should keep on trying to mock the person up, eyes open, until he can do so.

I developed this process to vanquish fields and thus speed clearing. It belongs anywhere prior to Step 6 of Clear Procedure.

In Creative Processing we knew good results were achieved when we used a gradient scale to get the pc to improve an ability to mock up someone. The above command gives the reason this was necessary.

Considerable relief and calmness follows a run on this process. High critical is cured by this process.

Failure to help is the basis of the collapse of a desire to make nothing of things and the process therefore ranks in importance near to help.

A subjective reality on the process is necessary for skilled use.

The process can in a pinch be self-audited by reading the command off sheet. The process is unlimited.

I think I have discovered in Enforced Nothingness a direct route to bringing any pc who is under some control up to the ability to conceive a static. And therefore the key to all exteriorization, havingness and perception.

The process cures colds, tiredness and psychosomatics.
