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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Admin in Auditing - B680910 | Сравнить
- Flunks - B680910 | Сравнить
- Green Form, S and D (Addition of 1975) - B680910 | Сравнить
- Standard Tech Data - B680910 | Сравнить
- Valence Shifter - B680910 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Админ в Одитинге - Б680910 | Сравнить
- Незачеты - Б680910 | Сравнить
- Сведения о Стандартной Тех - Б680910 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 680910-1 - HCO Bulletin - Green Form, S & D [B053-020]
- 680910-1 - HCO Bulletin - Green Form, S & D [B092-006]
CONTENTS "STANDARD" TECH DATA Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manors East Grinstead. Sussex
Усадьба Сент-Хилл, Ист Гринстед, Суссекс
Class VIIIКласс VIII



"Standard" in standard tech auditing is a precise activity, done with good TRs, exact grade processes and exact actions.

Это ошибки, которые наиболее часто совершались одиторами, обнаруженные во время кейс-супервизирования более сотни папок.

A Green Form is done by handling every read, not by "uhuh" or nulling it, or doing it after the GF is all done.

(1) Пк одитировался без инструкция от К/С.

Observe the Auditor's Code in every line and do the usual and solve the case.

(2) Получал одитинг по сквиррельскому процессу.

Standard action in handling Green Form ARC Brks PTP and M/W/H (a) Itsa (b) If not cleared on Itsa get the basic on the chain. All GF and L and ruds follow this rule. A process is not used except ARC break ARCU CDEI.

(3) Ложный Отчет Одитора — НЕЗАЧЕТ НЕЗАЧЕТ.

Always do a list like L1, L4 or GF, etc., by handling each read as it's found.

(4) Одитинг после П/С.

Random auditing on pcs and pre-OTs should not be done.

(5) Одитинг пк, принимающего лекарства.

Knock off these arbitrary "Somebody else thinks he needs a_____. " This is evaluative and a break of the Auditor's Code. Pcs can be stopped by over-repairs they just need to get on with it.

(6) Одитинг больного пк.

Do standard GF and remedy actions and let pc or pre-OT get on with the next cycle of section or grade.

(7) Бросание пк с проблемой.

It's the grade processes and OT levels that improve cases. The process the pc should be on is always the next grade.

(8) Одитинг не выспавшегося пк.

If TA rises between sessions, get it down with ruds and if that doesn't get it down, a Green Form. This is a standing order. TAs that won't come down with routine rudiments come down with GF.

(9) Обнуление С1 до наибольшего показания.

True of all rehabbing actions is you don't rehab on a high TA at session start. Only when it is just then overrun. Then you rehab it back to F/N.

(10) Не указание пк его пункта.

In ruds, all you know when you see a read is that the meter read and the question you asked. The meter read is not uniformly what you asked and can be a protest or a repeating false read. Usually one goes right along auditing but when pc shows any sign of protest or bafflement on a rud read, you routinely trace it for an earlier false read, find and clean it.

(11) Не проработка разрыва АРО, У В/Х или ПНВ до основного, когда он не срывается.

If an R/S won't clean up on a pc, clean up "Have you ever been accused of things you haven't done" as a process as the R/S may be from invalidation. Can also clean up protest.

(12) Не урегулирование давших показаний пунктов ЗФ при появлении.

R/S on a child may be:

(13) Не использование рудов или даже ЗФ, когда РТ повышается между сессиями, перед тем как начинать главное действие или сессию.

(A) Don't tell. Somebody told him not to.

(14) Не следование инструкциям К/С.

(B) Crime.

(15) Слишком частые перерывы.

(C) Accusation – said you did something you didn't do.


You set up a case with F/N before you undertake major new actions. Always set up a case to be run. End off an action at F/N.

It's not safe to begin a session without an ARC Br check when there's been a time between sessions.

With pcs in sad effect, you should always check ARC break of long duration.

You treble time in session every time you take any breaks. To economize in auditing time (session time) you should cut out breaks as they get the pc in trouble when he's out of the room, then you have to clean it up and so time is lost.

No TA on a Sec Check means pc tends to be out of valence. Anybody has a few.

TA goes high and low when a pc is going into and to PT from a heavy past life.

Never tell a pc he will have another session in session as it continues the session and doesn't end it. An old old old rule.

You never let pc off cans in standard tech.

A persistent item that doesn't blow is usually a wrong item. Other symptoms could proceed from a wrong item.

A Prepcheck in nearly every case turns on and uncovers old ARC breaks. In doing a Prepcheck be alert for BIs, and ask ARC Br question.
