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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Step 3 Auditing Commands - 531028 | Сравнить

CONTENTS STEP III AUDITING COMMANDS Cохранить документ себе Скачать
726 Cooper Street
Camden 2, New Jersey
726 Cooper Street
Camden 2, New Jersey
October 28, 1953October 28, 1953



The preclear is not supposed to think of anything while he is doing this process. If he thinks of something do not stop him from thinking of it in such a way as to cut communications with him as a preclear, but let him know that this is part of the process.

The preclear is not supposed to think of anything while he is doing this process. If he thinks of something do not stop him from thinking of it in such a way as to cut communications with him as a preclear, but let him know that this is part of the process.

  1. Put eight anchor points around yourself, for yourself (if case is occluded have him put eight black anchor points around himself).
  1. Put eight anchor points around yourself, for yourself (if case is occluded have him put eight black anchor points around himself).
  • Have somebody else put eight anchor points around himself.
  • Have somebody else put eight anchor points around himself.
  • Have other people put up eight anchor points for other people, with you in the space.
  • Have other people put up eight anchor points for other people, with you in the space.
  • Have other people put up eight anchor points for other people, with somebody else in the space.
  • Have other people put up eight anchor points for other people, with somebody else in the space.
  • Have somebody else put up eight anchor points for you.
  • Have somebody else put up eight anchor points for you.
  • You put up eight anchor points for somebody else.
  • You put up eight anchor points for somebody else.
  • From where you are hold on to the eight comers of the room.
  • From where you are hold on to the eight comers of the room.
  • Have somebody else hold on to the eight comers of the room.
  • Have somebody else hold on to the eight comers of the room.
  • Have other people hold on to the eight comers of the room for other people.
  • Have other people hold on to the eight comers of the room for other people.
  • Have somebody hold on to the eight corners of the room for you.
  • Have somebody hold on to the eight corners of the room for you.
  • You hold on to the eight comers of the room for somebody else.
  • You hold on to the eight comers of the room for somebody else.