In working with a student, a Supervisor found that engrams and secondaries gather around the subject of study and developed some material on it which I tested and redeveloped.
He said:
“The subject of study has been abound with ‘authorities’ and boobytraps forever and a day, but until Ron researched this field of human endeavour and published his findings on tapes, HCOBs and Policy Letters, nobody has EVER made any progress toward the resolution of study itself as a problem.
“In this very day and age we find physical punishments of students the rule rather than the exception, and even the use of instruments like canes, sticks, shoes and such like articles in order to ‘teach’ a student (create ‘ARC’) is accepted as normal practice.
“The phenomena of secondaries and engrams resulting thereof, which inhibit study are not known about or completely ignored, and often handled by a further duress.
“And many a once bright keen young student throws in his study in despair and goes to the nearest oculist for even stronger lenses in his glasses to help his ruined eyesight.
The Class VIII C/S can be audited by a Class III.
1. Fly a rud to F/N.
2. Do a Remedy A on Dianetics or Scientology. (Omit if student had one.)
3. Do a Remedy B. (Omit if student had one.)
4. Assess: Be Trained, Be Educated, Study, Learn.
5. Prepcheck.
6. Take the item found in 4 and fit into:
7. 3 Way Recall
8. 3 Way Secondaries
3 Way Engram
9. If the student still has trouble or feels it isn’t complete, list for the somatic, misemotion or attitude connected with becoming informed or being taught and run R-3-R.
This Dianetic Study Intensive is done simply by doing steps 7 and 8 of the Scn C/S by a Standard Dianetic Auditor.
In this case 9 is almost certainly done.
This completes the Dn Study Intensive.
Any org or course has on it some slow students or students who easily dope off while attempting to study, or students who become upset by study or try to blow.
A Registrar should periodically obtain a list of these and see that they are sold a Study Intensive.
[The section above titled “Dianetic Study Intensive” is modified by BTB 9 August 1970R, Revised 10 June 1974, Dianetic Student Rescue Intensive.]