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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Superfical Actions (CSS-9) - B700621 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Неполноценные Действия (КС-9, СДС-10) - Б700621 | Сравнить
- Поверхностные Действия (КС-9, СДС-10) - Б700621 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 700621 - HCO Bulletin - Superficial Actions [B010-064]
- 700621 - HCO Bulletin - Superficial Actions [B043-059]
- 700621 - HCO Bulletin - Superficial Actions [B055-012]
- 700621 - HCO Bulletin - Superficial Actions [B058-005]
- 700621 - HCO Bulletin - Superficial Actions [B078-009]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo CS Series 9


One of the reasons Scientology tended toward disuse in the late 1960’s was not its workability. It was a growing cultural disinclination to do things thoroughly.

“Fast, quick results” was interpreted as seconds or minutes. In old psychotherapy as practiced in the 19th Century it required One Year of weekly consultation to see if anything could be done about a case and Four More Years to produce a meager superficial result. Compared to that two or three hundred hours of processing was nothing.

As we began to dominate this field in terms of persons handled and results obtained, psychiatry invented”instant psychiatry” by which no result was gotten in no time.

Speed became the primary consideration of the culture. Jet planes, fast cars “saved time”. But an old Chinese, when told by a driver that he had saved 4 minutes in speeding back from town asked, “What are you going to do with the 4 minutes?”

Time itself is a basis of aberration. Dropping time out is the consideration of factory managers of production lines as “the faster something can be made the more you have of it”. But look at this again. Something can be done so fast it isn’t done at all! The difference between a very fine camera and a cheap one is speed of manufacture. Cheap cameras don’t get their parts carefully machined or matched – they don’t fit together – they break, cease to work. A fine gun can be told by the lack of tool marks on the hidden places. A cheap gun’s inner bolt is a mess of scars. It isn’t smooth in operation. It didn’t take much time to make but it also jams and freezes up when you try to use it. Maybe you’ve heard of “hotter than a 2 dollar pistol”. A 2 dollar pistol is “hot” because it’s so quickie made it usually blows up and blows off a hand.

There is a point where Speed is simply a cover for a cheap worthless product.

Let us take a filthy room. A lazy housekeeper comes in and sweeps a few bits of dust under the carpet, leaves soot all over the windows and garbage on the mantle and says it’s clean. Somebody else not afraid of work spends an hour at it and leaves a really clean room.


A short pc program is economically and efficiently for the birds.

In the first place a C/S has to know the extent of his tech well to be able to think up light processes in quantity.

If one heard a C/S say, “But I don’t have time to spend an hour doing a long program for the pc,” one is listening to something peculiar. If one spent an hour or two doing up a real long 20 action program to repair the pc, then for the next 20 C/Ses it takes only a few minutes to look over the session and order the next action on the list. If one had no program one would have to study the folder each time. One actually saves C/S time by doing long programs both to repair and to get the pc back on the Class Chart where he’d gotten to.

Further, auditing is sold by the hour and it wastes money and income and pcs to short program them.

“Yes but we sell result! If we can get 200 pcs done in 100 auditing minutes we would make £18,233 clear profit…”

Well the cruel answer to that was when orgs began to do that on lower grades they didn’t attain the result on the pc and stats went down!

Power was once priced against the fact of 50 to 100 hours of auditing. It retained the price and by cutting out all End Phenomena or real gain it was at last being given in 20 minutes. And after just so many years of this economic dishonesty, SHs crashed! They had sold out the real value of the product for a quick buck. The “field” became “ARC Broken” and few takers came to an SH. It is a very long hard road back. And it is a very costly one.

“Quickie Grades”, instead of making fortunes for one and all, crashed the whole Scientology network.

Because quickie results are lazy and dishonest.

Let’s just face up to the facts of life!

Selling out the integrity of the subject for a buck wrecks the subject.


The real stat of an org is Success Stories.

Honest grades and time spent in C/Sing and in auditing to obtain them add up to success for the individual, the org, its field, the country and the planet.

The time it takes to process somebody is how long it takes to get each single result available. It is not how slowly or quickly it is done. A book is not a good book if it takes 7 years to write. And a bad book isn’t always written in 2 weeks. It takes as long to write a good book as you get a good book. The result is the result and time is just an entered arbitrary.

A person who overwhelms at Grade IV is an easily overwhelmed person. It might take 50 hours just to repair the case and the person’s life. That might be 20 or 30 steps on the program.

If the C/S can’t dream up 8 or 9 ways to repair past auditing and 15 or 20 ways to repair a life, then it’s time to go back and read The Original Thesis, Evolution of a Science, DMSMH, 8-80, 8-8008 and listen to a hundred or so SHSBC tapes.

“Yes, but I have no time to.” Well, that’s also saying “It can’t be done well.”

But there is time. If anyone looked over his area he would be able to throw out the time-wasting actions if it comes to that.

“Look. I’m the C/S, the D of P and have to audit 3 …”

That’s a statement that the job has already been done so badly that no persons show up to take over the extra hats! And the no-result programs cripple the economics and that becomes no help.

I have seen Mary Sue take over an HGC that had tons of unsolved cases and too few auditors and have watched her solve one case at a time and within 2 weeks have 35 auditors and no backlogs and in six weeks no unsolved cases! She was using the “old”, “historical”, “background”, “we don’t use them anymore” processes!

So it not only can be done, it is the thing to do.

That org’s stats soared. It became solvent. It ran at a high run and was a happy org.


When there are sick people on a list one doesn’t just “give a Dianetic Assist” and send to a doctor and write them off.

If one knows his tech, there was a reason the person got sick. One also knows a sick person goes into overwhelm easily.

One can do a touch assist, a contact assist, two-way comm, ruds on the accident, ruds before the accident, Dianetic Assist, medical treatment, life ruds, HCO B 24 July ‘69, two-way comm on suppression, 3 S & Ds, assessment for area of illness, prepcheck on area, ruds on area, hello and okay with the affected area, reach and withdraw from area, two-way comm, recall on persons similarly ill, location of the postulate that caused it with itsa earlier itsa, prepcheck on the body or its part, more HCO B 24 July ‘69, more ruds, assessment of failed purposes, two-way comm on the sickness.

That’s not a program. It’s just a helter-skelter list of a lot of things to do. It would not greatly matter what order they were done in but lighter actions should be the earlier. And in a program auditing repair comes before life repair.


Now if a C/S or an auditor has a magical complex, he expects one process to run a person from wog to OT VI and in one minute.

The missing knowledge is “gradient scales”. Stairs and ladders have steps and rungs. It takes Time to climb a tower.

The magical complex thinks of processes as incantations or charms. A person C/Sing would always be trying to find the process the pc should be run on. The think is that the process, once discovered, would take no time at all and the pc would magically become well!

Pardon me, but that’s pure goofiness.

And it would set the C/S up for constant failure.

One sees such a person scrambling through processes, trying to guess “which one which one which one. Oh there’s one! Now we run it for 3 minutes on the pc. Oh dear. It didn’t work. He isn’t well. Let’s see what’s here still. Scramble scramble. Oh, here’s one. This green paper is probably the right color. Auditor! Run this on the pc. Oh dear, it didn’t work. He isn’t well yet. So! We will take these 5 major processes and run them all in one session and add six grades. Do that! Do it! It’s a desperate situation. Oh dear, the pc blew. Well I guess the subject doesn’t work or I’m a failure…”

That is not how one should C/S.

If a workman was supposed to cure an ox hide and was told salt would do it and he had a magical complex, what would he do. Well, he might take a small salt shaker and sprinkle the corner of the hide (thinking the right thought) and find that the hide rotted in a few days. He could then conclude salt didn’t cure ox hides. If someone kept hammering at him to cure ox hides with salt and he kept sprinkling the corner (knowing it wouldn’t work) he’d get a very odd idea about his orders! But who would suspect that this workman thought it was magic! An honest rubbing of salt all over and into the ox hide is the meaning of “salt will cure ox hides”!

But that would take work. It would take Time! It would have to be honestly and thoroughly done. But one would have cured ox hides and gotten shoes and a profit and pay and everything for one had a product.

Magical thought in auditing isn’t likely to give anyone a product of really able people!


Processes can be short-cut as well as programs.

Take an early (means basic, useful, useable) version of Rising Scale. There are 18 pairs. Each pair should be run to F/N, Cog, VGIs.

An auditor told to run Rising Scale can run along the 18 pairs until one F/Ns. And leave it.

The process has been short-cut. And with that shortcut went its ability to restore fertility!

So one hears Rising Scale will sometimes restore fertility or change eyesight. Orders it done. It is done to 1 F/N. No real result occurs.

Or take Dianetics. Dianetics can be chopped”to save Time”. First feeble flutter of an F/N, no Cog, no VGIs, auditor barking”Did it erase? Did it erase?” Final result, no real gain. There goes the subject. Half an hour to run the chain, no extra 30 seconds for the real F/N, the Cog, the VGIs.

So one wastes a result for the sake of saved time.


It is a symptom of the age that there is no time. But in the Data Series PLs one finds that”omitted time” is a basic insanity.

That a body lives only about 70 years puts an awful limit on Man.

Man’s Empires endure at most only about 300 years if that.

70 years is not enough time to make a real career and 300 years is not enough time to even groove in a civil service.

Man pays for it with poor lives and rotten governments.

But it doesn’t take 70 years or 300 years to process a pc. A year maybe up to homo novis. A few years to OT. Even traveling it casually slow.

25 hours to repair someone’s life and 50 to 100 hours to get him up to no somatics with Dianetics is pretty satisfactorily fast.

What’s this take? A week to repair. 2 to 4 weeks for full Dianetics. At 25 hours a week. That’s very little.

And it’s enough to tell him to get trained so he can have all he wants.


When speed is the consideration, not results, you get a very cheap camera or car. And you can expect it to fall apart very soon. You also get a cheap reputation.

We are in the Leica and Cadillac and Rolls Royce product class without trying.

Why settle for “Quickie Grades”?

You get no students that way and that’s the heavy org income. You get no expanding field. And you won’t ever get a cleared planet.

We’ve learned all this the hard way. So let’s not let it go unheeded.

The place to handle the situation is with C/Sing.

And to gain the co-operation of C/Ses to make results real results by insisting that speed is the fast road to poverty in the long run.

If the C/S burden is too heavy, start pushing training. Then you’ll get help.

Honest C/Sing gives an honest result.

It takes as long to correct a case as it takes. It takes as long to make a person well as it takes. It takes as long to get a real lasting grade result as it takes.

And that’s a lot longer than the time spent on it in the late 60’s.

All pcs”have to be OT tomorrow”. Why let them C/S their case by demanding it only take 2 minutes?

Self C/Sing is no more effective than self auditing.

Registrars as well as pcs try to grab the C/S hat. “I will sell you a marital intensive because you have such a bad cold.” And Execs, “Run this staff member on money…”

Well, a C/S’s hat is the C/S’s. And he should wear it for honest results. And damn others trying to C/S and wreck his job.

There are no considerations which forgive any result that is not thorough and honest for every program or grade.
