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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Folder Summaries - B710913-2 | Сравнить
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SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 710913 - HCO Bulletin - Trouble Shooting [B011-158]
- 710913 - HCO Bulletin - Trouble Shooting [B045-044]
- 710913 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Folder Summaries [B011-159]
- 710913 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Folder Summaries [B045-045]
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Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue II
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
All TechRemimeo
QualWord Clearing Series 23
Adv Courses



In Word Clearing the troubles are actually very few.

(Ref HCOB 16 March 1971 Issue II Folder Admin)

However there are a few.

To facilitate correlation of HGC and Advance Courses pc folders and to give an adequate summary of a pc’s progress, the Folder Summary stapled to the inside front cover of the pc’s HGC folder requires the following data:

It is possible for an auditor or student doing word clearing on another to get misunderstood words himself unless he also looks at the definitions and understands them at the same time he is clearing them on the other person. This requires no extra step. In fact it would be rather hard not to also see the definition of the word.

l. Session date, what run (with an EP beside each action taken to EP in session,) length of time of session, admin time, and either indicating F/N at examiners or BER if Bad Exam Report. If TA was HIGH or LOW at exam, it can also be noted.

A person trying to “blow” (leave) and refusing further Word Clearing almost always has a HUGE misunderstood on some word not yet located. The correct action is to get him back and find and clear the word.

2. ATTESTS – Date and what attested. If pc sent to attest but did NOT this is noted.

Not getting a good result using Methods 1, 2 or 3 is cured by using the Word Clearing Correction List, HCO B 21 July 71, Revised 9 August 71.

3. ADVANCE COURSE DATA – Date started Advance Course, Level, Date attested to Completion (The individual solo sessions are NOT noted but should be entered on a separate Folder Summary in the Advance Course Folder.)

This Correction List applies to all methods of word clearing.

4. MEDICAL DATA – When pc reports sick. Date and brief statement of illness. Then a further entry when pc OFF M. O. Lines.

For instance, if Method 2 goes sour and the student “knew all the words anyway” or “doesn’t understand it any better” or is critical or demonstrates any other unfavorable reactions which do not win through, there is always Word Clearing Correction List.

A BLUE or BLACK pen is used for normal entries. A RED pen is used to mark any BER, flubbed attest, or Medical Action.

This list is done by a Class III or above auditor. It is quite miraculous.

In the HGC the Auditor is responsible for keeping up this summary after each session and Immediately on receipt of a Medical Report or pc volunteered BER. It is a standard part of the Auditor’s Session admin.

Example: Student badly bogged after Method 2 by his twin. Handling: A Class III auditor does the Word Clearing Correction List on him.

When the pc goes into Advance Courses, all folders (HGC and any Advance Course folders) go to the Advance Course C/S who keeps the Case Progress Sheet and Folder Summary in the HGC folder updated as outlined above.

The Correction List is handled as per HCO B 14 Mar 71, “F/N Everything”. In other words, one takes all reads on it to Floating Needle. Any other list called for by reads on the Correction List is taken to F/N and when that called-for list F/Ns then one considers that the Word Clearing Correction List line has F/Ned. (Correction List reads on 4. List Error. The auditor takes a list called L4B which corrects lists and makes every read on “L4B” F/N. Then “4. List Error” is marked “F/N”.)

The solo auditor keeps updated the separate solo Folder Summary on the inside front cover of his current solo folder.

The technology of handling a Word Clearing Correction List is all covered in the general materials of auditing.

Folder Summary Sheets are stapled to the inside front cover, earliest at the bottom to most recent on the top. When a new pc folder is made ALL Summary sheets are removed from the old folder and advanced to the inside cover of the new folder so that the complete Folder Summary of the case is always in the current HGC folder.

Not knowing how to use a Meter can cause trouble.

The folder summary sheets are foolscap, divided into two columns. Below is an example of how the folder summary is kept:

A special Course in using an E-Meter is available. The E-Meter Drill Book gives all the drills. It does not take long to learn. Also E-Meters are abundantly available today.

Learning to be a Class III or preferably a Class IV Academy Auditor is not difficult IF one uses word clearing!

1 Jan 71 M/O
PC hurt elbow (red)

All word clearing is done under the discipline of The Auditor’s Code.

One’s “TRs” (TR = Training drills for auditing) can be straightened out on a TR Course on which one learns to confront, to speak so one can be heard, to acknowledge, to be able to repeat commands and to handle originations by the student.

F 1, 2, 3 to EP
Sess 3 hrs 20 min/admin 20 min F/N

Troubles in word clearing, then can be listed as coming from lack of training. So anyone doing word clearing should organize himself to (1) Do a TR Course, (2) Learn to use and acquire an E-Meter, (3) Learn the Auditor’s Code and, (4) If not one already, learn to be an Academy Class III Auditor.

Knowing how to do 1 to 3 above is essential to do Method 2 Word Clearing. And the skills under (1) to (3) are very easy to acquire. Further, it is not all that difficult to become a Class III Auditor.

2 Jan 71 pc off M/O lines (red)

People sometimes think only someone who wants to be a professional auditor studies in the Academy, a false impression. One can’t imagine how a father or businessman or mother or clerk or official could succeed without knowing the basics of human reaction and how to handle them. Someone who is a Class III or Class IV knows how. The real professional usually becomes a Class VI and the real experts are the VIIIs, IXs and Xs. It’s a matter of how expert you want to be. A Flag Ship Class XII could turn a severe mental case from raving lunacy to not only sane but bright and normal in about 8 or 9 hours and a normal person to a genius in 15 to 20 hours.

But here we are dealing with the whole range of the human mind.

3 Jan 71 HF cont.
F-l to EP F-2 Bogged BER (red)
Sess 2 hrs 40 min/admin 15 min

In word clearing Method 2 one certainly should know his “TRs”, his Auditor’s Code and his Meter. And for Method 1 it takes a Class III Academy Auditor.

Almost all troubles will be found to stem from an omission of these requirements and not using Word Clearing on the materials one is studying to achieve these skills.

3 Jan 71
L-3B on F2 FEAR
F2 to EP, FEAR
sess 1 hr 50 min/admin 15 min F/N

Very few troubles actually will be encountered if this HCO B is followed.

Word Clearing is a precision technology and there IS something to know about it as it has never before been known.

4 Jan 71
Reassessed R3-R lists. All F/Ned
sess 10 min/admin 10 min F/N
4 Jan 71
(When pc is later on Advance courses the F/S would look like this):
10 Nov 71
OT I started
14 Nov completed, declared
17 Nov 71
OT II started
28 Nov 71 pc bogged on OT II BER (red)
29 Nov 71
L-7 Assessed and handled F/N
Sess 1 hr 5 min/admin 10
Flag Board of Investigation
(FCO 1429)